Fantasy: My Disciple of the Empress Wants to Be Blackened

Chapter 134: Master, what's wrong with Wanqing?

Wait until the spiritual power in your body recedes like a tide.

Su Changge's face turned pale.

He didn't expect that the loss of soul would be so serious. Although his cultivation base had skyrocketed, he now felt a little vain.

within a short period of time.

It is estimated that it is impossible to forcibly improve its strength like today.

But I feel good in my heart.

After all, it can only be exchanged for something that can only be exchanged for a hundred thousand luck points in the dog system, and his cultivation base has been greatly improved, not only did he not lose money, but he also made a loss.


"System Task Reminder"

"The automatic default time for the task of abandoning Xueliuli is 24 hours. It is almost the default time limit. If the host does not complete the task, the system will deduct the host's scum points. Please choose carefully."

Su Changge's face turned dark.

Dog system!
Can you stop being so disgusting.

Including the 2000 scum points earned from Ling Yuexi, he only has about [-] points in total now. If [-] points were deducted all at once, it would be a blood loss.

"System, this task of yours is very emotional, do you know that?"

System: "The host can choose to give up, this system will not interfere with the host's choice"

Give up your grandma's legs!
That's five thousand points, not five points!
"Dog system, you made it clear that you want me to be a scumbag, right? If you don't want to be a scumbag, you don't feel uncomfortable when you don't see other girls sad, right? Damn, from ancient times to the present, which scumbag would Have a good end!"

System: "Yes, this system can..."

"Shut up Laozi!"


"Anyway, if you don't want to be a scumbag, you can decide for yourself. If you deduct points, I won't do any future tasks. We will just fend for ourselves in this world."

in mind.

The system was silent for a while.


"In view of the fact that the super scum task is too difficult, and considering the ability of the host to complete the task, this system enables the downgrading authority of this task"

"The host can spend 1000 scum points to downgrade the super scum task of abandoning Xue Liuli to alienating Xue Liuli, so that he can feel the host's neglect from the bottom of his heart, and complete the task."

Isn't this just cold violence!

It is also a cheating task!

"I just want to know how long this alienation and neglect will last, and is there any limit to how sad Xue Liuli can be?"

System: "There is no time limit, as long as Xue Liuli feels the host's estrangement from the bottom of her heart, and feels sad (even if it's lost), the task is considered complete"

Su Changge thought about it.

If it says so according to the system.

Then he can get stuck with bugs!
You only need to make Xue Liuli sad for a moment, and then immediately coax her back, isn't that considered as completing the task?

The dog system is a real dog!
Xue Liuli was equally infatuated with him, even for a moment, he was a little bit reluctant.

"Dog system, can you lower the task again?"

System: "It is already the lowest difficulty task"

"If there are any scum tasks in the future, please issue them to me according to the lowest difficulty. The difficulty is too high, and I can't do it. Thank you."


Su Changge returned to the clan quietly.

If his current cultivation was not deliberately exposed, no one here would be able to discover him.

Go back to Qingyun Pavilion.

Feeling Xue Liuli's breath, he smiled bitterly in his heart.


Still don't go to her.

Su Changge chose to go back to his room first.


Haven't entered the house yet.

He felt the petite and familiar figure inside.

Su Changge smiled lightly.

Push the door in.


The door slammed open.

In the room.

The light red sandalwood fragrance filled the air. Feng Wanqing lit a piece of red sandalwood on Su Changge's table, and she was lying on the side of the table in a daze. Wipe it clean.

It seemed a little boring.

Su Changge put his hands behind his back, his face was slightly cold.

This little apprentice didn't practice hard, but he learned to be lazy here?

Suddenly heard the door open.

Feng Wanqing was startled, and hurriedly got up from the table. When she saw the figure she had been thinking about in front of the door, she was stunned for a moment, and then her heart suddenly became pleasantly surprised.


She spoke, her voice sweet and soft.

The sweet smile from the heart on the bright little face has never been shown in front of other people.

Su Changge looked at her.

The little apprentice's smile was sweet and beautiful. It was really hard for him to connect the cute and obedient little apprentice in front of him with the brutal and ruthless Feng Wanqing in his memory. When he thought about what Feng Wanqing would look like in the future, he didn't know. Why, his chest suddenly felt a little stuffy.

"What are you doing here with me? Why don't you practice?"

Fearing that the dog system would suddenly release some task to punish Feng Wanqing, Su Changge pretended to be cold-faced and scolded her softly.

This sentence.

Quenching all the happiness and enthusiasm in Feng Wanqing's heart, her eyes darkened slightly, she hurriedly got up and explained:
"Master, this disciple has been practicing all night. I just want to help Master clean the room. I was a little sleepy just now, so..."

Su Changge nodded.

He interrupted her with a wave.

Then he walked to the table and sat down, and said lightly: "From now on, I don't need you to clean my room, you just need to practice hard, and the master will not punish you again, you go out first."

Hear this.

Feng Wanqing panicked even more.

I don't know why, but at this moment, she would rather be punished by Master than to treat her so coldly...

She doesn't like such a cold master.

She likes the appearance of Master personally teaching her to practice, and even more like Master touching her head and smiling warmly at her...

"Master, what did Wanqing do wrong, please punish me, Master."

Feng Wanqing gritted her silver teeth, but refused to go out.

Su Changge was taken aback.

I can't laugh or cry in my heart.

My little aunt, you have done nothing wrong. I dare not provoke you. After all, it will become so scary in the future. Just thinking about that memory makes him feel a little dark.

"You are not wrong..." Su Changge waved his hand.

Feng Wanqing had a stubborn face.

Su Changge was helpless.

Why didn't I find out that the little apprentice still has this personality before? Could it be that he has a tendency to be abused?


"If the host needs it, this system can issue a task to punish Feng Wanqing, help her to blacken better, and get a lot of scum points and luck points."

The voice of the system was caught off guard in my mind.

Su Changge knew that the dog system was going to be a demon.

Fortunately, it's not a shitty task to issue directly.

"No need, shut your dog's mouth."


Reader dads, it’s understandable not to like my article, after all, it’s hard to say, but can you stop personal attacks in the comment area, you can spray my article, please don’t bring the author’s family, thank you.

Maybe I will write more about my daily life with my little apprentice later, let me say something quietly, my little apprentice is very possessive...

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