The empress was taken aback by her.

She found that this woman seemed to be targeting her deliberately. Every time she spoke, the other party would be able to insult her immediately.

She was clearly right!
Clenching her fists tightly, the Empress roared at the system.She said: "Did I say something wrong!? Even though I was not young at that time, I still had just acquired hearing and voice! That was when I needed someone to take care of me the most. He actually left me alone, and instead I went to find someone else, doesn't this prove that in his heart, my position is actually not as high as Ji Xing'er!?"

After saying the words, the Empress suddenly froze for a moment.

Quickly covering her mouth, she realized she had said the wrong thing.

And it wasn't just the system who heard this sentence, Su Mei, who hated the Empress to the extreme, immediately sneered.Prolonged her voice "Oh", she said: "I just said why you are so angry, co-authoring is because I gave too much affection, and felt that I didn't get the same return, so I couldn't bear it? Jealousy Is it Ji Xing’er? Then just say it out? Actually, you like Ji Chen very much, right? You dare to say it just by looking at me. At least I won’t regret it, because I’ve always conveyed my heart to him. How about you? Up to now, you have to look like this. Then you continue to hold it, it’s good, and never let him know that you like him, it will make him feel disgusted instead!”

At the end of Su Mei's speech, a burst of laughter erupted from the surrounding crowd.Everyone originally thought that the empress was some kind of flower of the high mountains, sitting alone on a high platform, overlooking the world.

So she is just a girl who has a crush on others and is full of jealousy?It's too stupid to even have the guts to say that you like it!

The originally hidden thoughts were spoken out bluntly, and the empress couldn't bear it any longer, forcing the spiritual power in her body, trying to continue to attack Su Mei in vain.

But she overestimated her level, and underestimated the damage that Su Mei's all-out blow had brought her.Before the aura could be successfully mobilized, she felt a sweetness in her throat, and a mouthful of blood spewed out directly. The aura in her body also went crazy in an instant, and began to flow continuously.

The Empress' eyes were red, she gritted her teeth, and let the blood drip continuously.Her voice was a bit hoarse, but even so, she was still trying to stick to her statement.She said: "I don't like him, even if I do, it's because he likes me, I just gave him a chance... But he doesn't deserve it at all! He doesn't know how to praise! He put me there alone, I waited He hasn't come back for such a long time! In the end, I was taken back to the imperial city by my family, but he never came to pick me up. I suffered so much at home, why didn't he come quickly and take me away!?"

When the empress said this, she remembered the painful experiences in the past.Anger and grievances welled up in her heart, and blood and tears fell from her eyes. She paused word by word: "My father has always liked my sister, and he has always thought that my sister is the closest existence to the heir..."

"So even if my sister was killed, he didn't think it was my sister's problem at all. Instead, he thought it was because that person was jealous that he had such a good heir, so he killed my sister..."

While crying, the Empress intermittently recounted the past that Ji Chen hadn't seen.

While saying this, she looked extremely embarrassed.It seemed that the proud empress stepped down from the altar, took off the fine clothes that proved her identity, and returned to that timid and cowardly child who didn't even deserve to have a voice and hearing.

However, listening to her story, the people around couldn't feel much sympathy for her.Everyone thought of a sentence in unison, but only Su Mei didn't care, and said it directly——

"It turns out that you have such a big flaw in your character. It's from your family? It's not just your sister, your father also has problems. But then again, if it wasn't for your father's problems, I wouldn't be able to teach you two girls who have problems. gone."

As Su Mei spoke, she seemed to feel that her conclusion was particularly correct, so she nodded her head subconsciously.

Seeing her like this, Lu Tian almost had a headache.

Originally, his helper had almost betrayed him. Even if Leng Muqing didn't watch the most important picture, he didn't seem to want to continue to fight against Ji Chen at all.If Su Mei said a few more words, and pissed off the only empress who was determined to fight the demon with him, wouldn't his demon-killing be reduced to a complete joke?
Lu Tiantian was trembling all over, but he was still thinking hard, and he wanted to say something to save the current situation.

Fortunately, this time the Empress didn't know whether she was bored or what, but she turned a deaf ear to Su Mei's ridicule.She just bit her lips hard again, and she continued: "It's also for this reason, after I was taken home, my father asked me to do everything as my sister did before. The way of dealing with people and things, everything must be exactly the same as my sister, if there is something different, he will let someone beat me, and I will not satisfy him until I completely imprint my sister's appearance on myself."

As the empress spoke, her body was also slowly shaking.The trembling in her voice became heavier and heavier, and she said: "I was not even allowed to call my own name anymore. My father changed my name and asked me to call my sister's name. Maybe from the beginning, he didn't think about it. Let me become the heir, all he wants is my sister, so my role is to copy my sister..."

She was stripped of her name, stripped of her character.

Why didn't Ji Chen appear in front of her when she was going through this?
Or don't save her from the start.

Obviously saved once, why not save to the end?
She has always wanted to be Gu Nianqing, but why didn't Ji Chen come when Gu Nianqing in her heart died completely...

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