Ji Chen on the screen obviously recovered all his previous memories. After waking up, he rushed directly to Leng Aoming's room without any hesitation.

He doesn't like Leng Aoming, but he has to admit that Leng Aoming is probably the only one who can answer the question he wants to ask in the entire Shenji Pavilion.

For his sudden visit, Leng Aoming was not surprised at all.It's just that his calmness was in the wrong direction. He raised his eyes and glanced at Ji Chen, and said with a smile: "You came here to find me, do you want to tell me about my daughter? I told you before Now, if you want, I don't mind marrying my daughter to you at all. But you are the one who gave up this opportunity, so it is my freedom to marry her to anyone. Even if that person and she never have We have met, as long as it can bring benefits to our Shenji Pavilion, as the daughter of the Pavilion Master, Leng Muqing has to agree."

Leng Aoming thought that what he said would definitely make Ji Chen feel painful.But he didn't expect that the other party's thoughts were not here at all.In other words, at this moment, although Ji Chen also cared about Leng Muqing, he obviously cared more about other things.

Pressing his hands on the table in front of Leng Aoming, Ji Chen trembled uncontrollably when he spoke.He himself didn't know whether the source of this trembling was the air filter or nervousness. He wanted to hear the answer, but he didn't dare to hear it.He could only grit his teeth hard, pretending to be calm, and said, "Leng Aoming, you are the only one who knows the affairs outside the Shenji Pavilion best. At the beginning, Ji's family was wiped out, but the remaining A living person came down. How is the child now, is there any news about her outside?"

Leng Aoming was stunned.

It never occurred to him that Ji Chen came to him at this juncture and asked about other people's affairs.While feeling puzzled in my heart, I also found it a little interesting.Leng Aoming rarely hesitated, just raised his eyebrows, and said honestly: "If you are talking about their young lady who is born with spiritual blood, she is in Ji's house. The person who went to kill her whole family back then What they want is not money. Even if Ji’s family is dead, the money and treasures are still there. In addition, the girl’s self-cultivation is good, and it didn’t take long for the Ji’s family to be rebuilt. It’s just that the family is related to her It sounds ironic that all the related people are gone, and they are still called Ji's family."

Ji Chen frowned, he didn't know what expression to show anymore.He tried his best to rescue Ji Xing'er from that devil's lair, but the other party didn't give him a chance to recover his memory at all.Stabbed him, pushed him off the cliff, and then voluntarily went back there.So the person who did something wrong turned into him...

As Ji Chen thought about it, he felt a burst of unconcealable bitterness.

Perhaps this time it was indeed his mistake. What he did was a little too horrible, scaring his timid sister.

Ji Chen stared blankly there.

After a while, he didn't know where he heard the voice. He suddenly laughed again, shook his head, and said, "My purpose from the beginning was just to make her live happily. Since she thinks, Her happiness exists in Ji's family and should not be by my side, so I don't need to bother her anymore. It is the memory, not the heart that is dusty. If she really wants to understand, she can come to me to help her It doesn't matter if you lift the seal. But she has already chosen to live without me, and if she regrets it in the future, I won't take her in again."

Having said that, Ji Chen subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched the position of his heart.

He still can't forget the feeling of the long sword piercing his chest that night.In fact, as far as the body is concerned, there is no pain as imagined.But the pain in my heart cannot be reflected on the wound.

If it was simply to give him a sword, if Ji Xing'er directly struck when they reunited in Ji's family, Ji Chen could be sure that even if his ending was worse than now, he would never blame Ji Xing'er.

But it's different now.

He hated the sword for taking advantage of his trust.

Obviously it was she who said that she wanted to lift the seal on her memory.Ji Chen asked himself that he had done all the gentle and considerate things along the way.After hearing Ji Xinger's words, he exposed his back to Ji Xinger without any precaution.

It was Ji Xing'er who cut off his trust with a sword.

Before this strike, Ji Xing'er was the most important sister in his eyes.He needs to protect the other party well, and he has been praying for the other party's happiness and happiness.

He didn't need to pursue this sword, but after this sword, he and Ji Xing'er were strangers.She continued to be her Miss Ji's family, and what he did to Ji Chen had nothing to do with Ji Xing'er.

He bowed his head in silence for a moment, and the smile on Ji Chen's face became gentler.Shaking his head, he murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Don't worry, I will ignore any news about her from now on. Even if she dies in front of me, I will just treat her as a It was a stranger who died. I'm not going to give her another chance to hurt me, ever."


Outside the screen, everyone who saw this scene was full of surprise: "Every time Ji Chen talks to himself, who is he talking to? Why do I always feel that there is someone standing beside him that we can't see?" ?”

"Could it be the girl in the enchantment? Has she been with Ji Chen since so long ago? Then I'm a little curious, what is she? Why can she stay in other people's consciousness for so long? "

"And it can also help Ji Chen heal his injuries and restore his heart. Can Ji Chen see her all the time? If he can see her, I can understand why Ji Chen has no feelings for Leng Muqing After all, I also prefer that transparent girl..."

The noisy discussions became louder and louder, Leng Muqing blushed and was powerless.

She knew that since she appeared here and stood on the same side as Lu Tian, ​​her position in Ji Chen's heart would never be comparable to that girl.

They are absolute trust, and they are eternal companions.Even in the final analysis, it should be that girl who saved Ji Chen's life in Shenji Pavilion. Instead, she regarded herself as Ji Chen's savior and held this position for so many years.She was not the one who gave Ji Chen the medicine, nor was she the one who mended Ji Chen's wounds.The fatal injuries were all recovered by the girl, and Ji Chen owed her nothing, why would she ask Ji Chen to do anything for her?

Leng Muqing sat there slumped, with a dull and dazed expression.

Like her, there is also Ji Xing'er kneeling in front of Ji Chen.

She watched Ji Chen talking to himself on the screen, and said with a pale face, "So... my brother won't forgive me anymore, will I..."

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