Ji Chen never thought that when he came back full of joy, what awaited him was such a result.

What Su Mei said, he could actually understand in his heart.

The things the old lord entrusted to him were even unbelievable to him.It's just that he is the person involved, so no matter how unbelievable it is, he knows it is the truth.

But others are different.

He had no way to extravagantly ask Su Mei to believe his words, or even if Su Mei believed, the result would be that Su Mei wandered the world with him and was hunted down by the monster clan.

Because he was very sure that other members of Yaozu didn't have as strong feelings for him as Su Mei.

So they won't believe it.

Absolutely not.

Standing there blankly, Ji Chen just looked at Su Mei who was crying to despair not far away.

He was actually thinking about Su Mei's proposal seriously.

The position of the heart seemed to have been gouged out with a huge blood hole, the pain was extreme, and there was no way to deal with it.He knew he had lost his family again, and he knew he had lost his home again.

At this moment, the meaning of life and death seems not to be so important.

So he was thinking, should he listen to her and die like this?

Even if he wants to die, he can die alone.

But he knew that Su Mei would definitely go with him.

Not only that, he had promised the old lord that he would bring dragon scales and keels, and let them watch the prosperity of the world instead of grandpa.Su Mei also promised her grandpa that when grandpa is gone, she will take on the responsibility of the leader of the Yaozu, protect the Yaozu, and lead the Yaozu back to the top.

So none of them can die.

Su Mei absolutely cannot leave with him.

So it's better to let her misunderstand him too, and let her also think that she is a beast and should be killed.In this way, those of the Yaozu will accept her as the patriarch more and will not reject her.She doesn't feel any guilt herself, maybe she can live a happier life...

Thinking of this, Ji Chen clenched his fingers by his side.After taking two deep breaths, he felt that his heart and lungs were hurting, and it was so painful that it became extremely difficult for him to breathe.

Trying to make the emotion on his face indifferent, Ji Chen said: "Su Mei, I'm sorry, I can't die, and neither can you."

Hearing this sentence, Su Mei suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

Tears were still hanging on her face, she opened her mouth, and finally managed to squeeze out two words: "Then you..."

"I will leave here and go to a place far away from the monster clan. You are the lord of the monster clan, they need you, you must not die." Ji Chen smiled, turned around and planned to leave.

He went very resolutely.

He was afraid that if he was one step too late and looked at Su Mei one more time, he would not be able to continue to be cruel, so he wanted to explain to the other party more, make Su Mei believe his innocence, and then leave with her.

But he can't do this.

Gritting his teeth and walking a dozen steps away, he heard Su Mei's voice behind him again.

She said: "Ji Chen! If you leave here today! The next time we meet, we will be enemies! I will not accompany you to die, nor will I explain to grandpa for you! So...so..."

"So don't leave..."

Ji Chen's footsteps paused for a moment, and then continued to move forward.

He didn't even look back.

Su Mei's cry spread far away, and Ji Chen kept walking like this.It wasn't until he couldn't hear the crying at all that his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

The sadness that had been hidden in Ji Chen's eyes finally burst out completely, he was crying heart-rendingly.

Su Mei's expression full of despair lingered in his mind all the time.

Ji Chen didn't know whether his choice was right or wrong, he only knew that from now on, he would be alone again...

I didn't know how long I sat there like this, and the day and night kept changing.At the dawn of the fifth day, Ji Chen finally stood up, stretched his stiff legs, and slowly walked down the mountain.

He thought of the agreement that he and Su Mei had made as a joke back then.

She said let her go to that country called Jiangzhi Country and become a general, and then she will be her counselor, they will always be together and will not be separated.

Now the latter half of the sentence is obviously impossible to realize, but the first half of the sentence, he can try to see if he can realize it alone.

"If you become a general, you should be able to see thousands of mountains and rivers..."

Ji Chen touched the dragon-scale vestment on his body, and then tried to squeeze out an ugly smile. He whispered to himself, "Grandpa, what I promised you, Ji Chen will also do... "

Leaving the Yaozu's territory, Ji Chen has been heading towards the Jiangzhi country.It was more than a dozen days and nights after the sun rose and the moon set, and he finally arrived near the imperial capital of the Jiangzhi Kingdom.

He didn't know what he needed to do to be a general.

He just saw a conscription notice posted in the city, so he followed the guidance on the map and arrived outside the barracks.

After all, it is the strongest kingdom in the entire continent, and the army of Jiangzhi Kingdom also has very high requirements for cultivation.

Fortunately, this place is very inclusive as Su Mei said, even if it is a magic cultivator who wants to be a soldier, as long as he passes the test, he will not be rejected.

Ji Chen stood in the line, secretly watching the people in front of him conduct the so-called test.

The test method is very simple, just a platform, people stand on it, and the level of cultivation will be directly revealed.

Ji Chen was a little nervous.

He should be able to pass, right?
Ji Chen was a little worried.

Just like that, he walked up to the stage anxiously. Just as Ji Chen was about to go up, the supervisor at the side suddenly stopped him.He said: "You can test it later, the clothes you are wearing look good, show me here?"

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