Ji Chen's consciousness was completely fuzzy, he vaguely felt that someone was pulling him, pulling him into a warm and soft embrace.But his mind is still not clear, he can only feel that there seems to be a human being approaching him now.

He can drink blood now...

He opened his mouth, revealing the fangs in his mouth.Ji Chen wanted to bite down on the chest in front of him, but when he tried to move in vain, his last bit of rationality persuaded himself, made him close his mouth again, and bit his lips hard.

What happened, Ji Chen was completely unaware.

But the expressions of the people outside the screen are not so exciting at this time.

Leng Muqing sneered, and turned to look at Wen Lingyu, whose face was flushed with embarrassment.She said: "You Spirit Race are really open enough? A dignified saint, just hug the man into your arms like this? He didn't bite down on that bite just now, if he bites down..."

"Shut up!" Wen Lingyu became angry from embarrassment, and directly stretched out her long sword, aiming at Leng Muqing's neck.Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment for a long time because of the picture on the light screen, even if she refuted now, she was somewhat lacking in confidence when she spoke.She said, "I, I didn't think so much at that time! When I first met Ji Chen, he was just a child! If you have so many thoughts about a child, wouldn't it be too much?" Is it dirty!?"

After saying this, she felt that she was quite right again, and her voice became a little firmer than before.

But Su Mei sneered, and then said: "Even if you are a child, you are still a man. Who doesn't know that there are few men in your spirit race, and you have to intermarry with foreign races to ensure the continuation of the race. It is hard to see a man, Aren't you just eagerly trying to get it together? What if you get too slow and get robbed by someone else?"

This is extremely ugly.

Wen Lingyu was also completely blown away, and threw a wave of spiritual power at Su Mei with her backhand. She glared at Su Mei, gritted her teeth and said, "Su Mei! Don't be shameless! Who doesn't know that you haven't caught up with Ji Chen for so many years! ? No one wants to post upside down, and even killed the demon king! You..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Mei also attacked her angrily.

Seeing that the two women were about to fight to the death, Lu Tian hurriedly stood up to stop them, he said: "Don't make trouble, you two, if you hurt the friendship between your sisters because of such a bastard, it is really a shame." It's not worth it! Now that Ji Xing'er has turned his back on the water, if you leave the team again, it's really uncertain whether we can control Ji Chen!"

Everything he said made sense.

Wen Lingyu and Su Mei looked at each other, suppressing the anger in their hearts, turning their heads and not looking at each other anymore.

Lu Tian looked around, finally laughed, and smoothed things over, he said: "Besides, there are no men and no one wants? I, Lu Tian, ​​can assure you that it doesn't matter if the two younger sisters are with me." , I, Lu Tian, ​​have a big heart! I can hold all of you!"

He spoke very happily, and opened his arms towards the two of them.

However, both Wen Lingyu and Su Mei glanced at him coldly, and said in unison: "God Lu Tian has this time, why not strengthen the barrier well. Refining Ji Chen earlier is good for everyone."

Lu Tian was embarrassed, curled his lips, and didn't say any more.

Turning his head back, he continued to increase his power output towards the magic circle that trapped Ji Chen, and then he saw the screen above Ji Chen's head turn around, and a picture appeared again.


When he opened his eyes again, Ji Chen found himself lying on a bed made of stone.There was nothing on the bed, just lying on it like this, it was really uncomfortable for the person who was lying on it.

He froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered the girl he saw yesterday before his consciousness disappeared.

Where has she gone?
Could it be that he was eaten?
The moment this question appeared in his mind, Ji Chen immediately panicked.Turning over from the bed as quickly as possible, he looked around and saw that it was an ordinary room that couldn't be more ordinary.

But as far as the layout is concerned, it is different from the wooden houses he lived in before.It is said to be a house, but it is more like a tent with a large area?

Before the doubt in my heart subsided, the curtain of the tent was rolled up.A very beautiful girl walked in from the outside carrying a tray.

The girl looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, her face was like a peach blossom, and her smile was like a summer breeze, or a ball of fireworks in the deep winter, Ji Chen couldn't help but blush after seeing it.

He could tell that this was the girl he vaguely saw yesterday.It seemed that he didn't hurt the other party, which made Ji Chen heave a sigh of relief.

"You're awake, it's time for lunch." The girl said, placing the tray in front of Ji Chen.

Looking down, there was a steamed bun and a side dish inside.

It doesn't look very delicious, but for Ji Chen who has been walking alone in the deep mountains and old forests for so many days, the taste of the food alone is enough to make his mouth water.

Swallowing, Ji Chen looked at the girl warily.

The other party received his gaze, but gave a cold snort with some displeasure.There was some unpleasant emotion in her eyes, she said: "I am your savior, what is your expression? The meal is prepared for you, you can eat if you want, and I will not stop you?"

Ji Chen looked into the girl's eyes again.

Those eyes were beautiful amber, translucent and innocent.

Ji Chen could see clearly that there was no malice in it, so he didn't hesitate any more, grabbed the steamed bun in front of him, and quickly ate it with the vegetables.

After wolfing down the food in front of him, Ji Chen didn't even taste what it was like.

After eating and drinking enough, he went to look at the girl again. Ji Chen finally realized how rude his actions were just now.His cheeks turned red in an instant, and he stammered a little: "Thank you, thank you girl, I... Ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, the girl knocked on the head.

Ji Chen looked up at the other party puzzled.

The girl puffed up her cheeks, and said with some displeasure: "What's your name? How old are you, and you're already talking like adults? Call me sister, did you hear me?"

It was the first time for Ji Chen to get along with someone her age, and he was a little at a loss for a while.After honestly calling out "Sister", the girl patted his head in satisfaction and laughed again.

She looked Ji Chen up and down again, and then said, "My name is Wen Lingyu, what's your name?"

"My name is..." Ji Chen just wanted to say his name, but suddenly thought of his own situation, his voice paused, and when he spoke again, he had already changed his sentence: "Thank you sister, you saved me Give me something to eat, I appreciate it. But I have to go, and I don't think we'll see each other again. So my name...is unnecessary."

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