Honghuang: This Hongjun can deal with it, if he has the blame, he will really bear it

Chapter 71 The Qiankun Cauldron Is Used For Bathing?Top Versailles

I saw that filled the entire prehistoric sky.

It is a pair of round and strong buttocks.

With the shaking of the pair of buttocks, the angle of view opened up, and Hongjun's entire back gradually came into view.

Those were a pair of slender and strong legs, and the back muscles were obvious but not knotted, making people look very comfortable and clean.

The muscle line in the middle of the back is slightly thicker, forming a faint "Tao" character.

His entire back presents an inverted triangle, and the mermaid line can even be seen from behind. His waist is very obvious, without any fat.

The skin is as shiny and elastic as glass.

Everyone in Zixiao Palace held their breaths and concentrated, and even some female cultivators couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and their nosebleeds were about to flow out.

And the next scene made all the female cultivators squirt blood from their noses, and they were sent flying backwards by the force of the blood spurting.

Because Hongjun turned around! ! !
Hongjun showed his self-disciplined, terrifying chest muscles and washboard-like abdominal muscles!

Fortunately, the key parts were hidden in the white mist and did not disappear.



A few female cultivators actually blow air on the projection from afar in the allied army, trying to blow away the white air blocking the key parts of the projection! !

But in the face of the gloomy eyes cast by others, especially the saints in front, the female cultivators could only silently retract their protruding beak-like mouths.

The white mist is the evaporated water vapor.

Hongjun lifted his feet, sat in a bucket, and began to take a bath.

He quietly closed his eyes, and his face, which had been washed by the water mist, was wet, making it even more clean and handsome.

All the great powers were dumbfounded.

You must know that Hong Huang's cultivation of immortality is about cultivating the mind, the Tao, and the realm.

Except for the Wu clan, and some war gods.

Most of the other monks don't pay much attention to the tempering of the body.

Even if there are many great immortals with profound and unpredictable cultivation bases.

They are all either fat with big ears, big arms and round waist (especially Buddhists), or thin and dry (some Taoists).

Confucian disciples advocate learning even more, and they seem to be weak in writing.

There is really no one with Hongjun's physique!
At this time, a group of female cultivators who had been in the fan circle gave Hongjun a new nickname in their hearts:
Hong Huang Peng Yuyan!
But everyone is still a practitioner after all, and the worship of appearance is not crazy.

But the next looming thing in the white mist shocked several saints.

Everyone originally thought that what Hongjun used to take a bath was a wooden barrel.

But when the white mist faded, people found
It was an object with eight equal planes on the outside, covered with gossip symbols and words.

Zhou Qing rolled his throat:
"This is."

"The Universe Cauldron!!!"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Nuwa.

After all, Nu Wa is the most familiar with this thing.

Nu Wa showed embarrassment:

"That's right, that's the Qiankun Cauldron."

The Qiankun Ding is transformed from the lotus pod of the chaotic green lotus.

In this battle against Hongjun, Nuwa also sacrificed the Qiankun Ding as part of reshaping the chaotic Qinglian.

When Buzhou Mountain collapsed, she used the Qiankun Cauldron to refine the Sky-Mending Stone.

After getting Nuwa's confirmation, people were stunned, completely stunned.

Shocked but embarrassing emotions hit their hearts again and again.

They feel that the memory this time is simply Hongjun's large-scale Versailles scene!
Qiankun Ding, the best of the best innate spiritual treasures that can turn acquired into innate, was actually used by Hongjun to take a bath! ! ? ?

Is this Daozu?

This is too extravagant!
It's really like iron tripod refining yourself! ! !

All of a sudden, people suddenly thought of a somewhat private issue,

No one dared to ask, but everyone squinted at Nuwa and tortured Nuwa with their eyes.

Facing the anxious gazes, Nuwa was so ashamed that she was sweating profusely, and the temperature on her face kept rising.

She twitched:

"I, I have never used the Qiankun cauldron to take a bath."

"Huh~!" All the monks who had a crush on Nuwa, including Zhou Qing, breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

If Nuwa also used the Qiankun tripod to take a bath in private.

Wouldn't that be equivalent.
approximately equal to.
Nuwa and Hongjun took a bath together indirectly! ?

No, no, no! ! !

Compared with the cold and sacred way of heaven, the brutal and domineering Houtu.

Nu Wa has her own maternal aura and has the appearance of all living beings.

Different people can see different looks on her.

For example, the intellectuality of the kind-hearted aunt, the charm of her mother's friend, and the prettyness of the girl next door.

Therefore, the popularity in Nuwa's hearts is the highest! !

Even if you take a bath indirectly, it won't work! !

Among all the anti-Hongjun coalition forces in Zixiao Palace, Fu Xi's face is the most ugly now.

His eyes were almost bursting with fire!
In the depths of the chaotic green lotus, Hongjun smiled when he saw the expressions of everyone who were sometimes intoxicated and sometimes jealous.


"What did I say."

"Little Huangwen is the eternal god!"

"Thanks to the fact that I have read so many books before, the writing is so smooth!"

Hongjun shook his head suddenly:

"No, no, no, no skin."

"I have to impress them quickly and let me out."

At this time, there were bursts of painful hissing sounds from the projected screen.

Everyone looked suspiciously.

Not long after Hongjun entered the Qiankun Cauldron, a purple-black evil spirit suddenly appeared on his handsome white face.

The water in the entire Qiankun cauldron also began to turn black and boiled.

Hongjun's face was alternately bright and dark, his teeth were clenched, and sweat was pouring down his face.

Everyone in front of Chaos Qinglian was stunned.

Apparently, such battles have never been seen.

Zhou Qingren was dumbfounded:

"Is this Hongjun really so cruel?"

"Do you really use the Qiankun cauldron to refine yourself?"

"Why is this!?"

"He is so cruel to himself, no wonder he killed all living beings in the past!!"

A ferocious voice interrupted Zhou Qing:
"No, he's not refining himself."

"He's just refining the evil spirit in his body."

When everyone looked around, they could only see Houtu staring at Hongjun in the picture.


"He just doesn't want the evil spirit to erode his sanity."

Everyone was startled suddenly, with deep surprise in their eyes, obviously they didn't quite understand what Houtu meant.

Houtu seemed to be recalling an experience that he didn't want to look back, and said slowly:

"The most difficult thing in practicing the tunnel sequence including the path of crossing evil is not the improvement of the realm."

"It's about controlling your own mind."

"Because of the tunnel, it needs to absorb a lot of ghost energy and evil spirit."

"These evil spirits will cause people to be irritable, even lose themselves, forget everything about the past, and eventually become puppets of evil spirits."

"Therefore, how to eliminate evil spirits and persist in oneself while improving one's cultivation is the biggest difficulty."

"Hongjun can think of using the Qiankun cauldron to refine these evil spirits to reduce the damage to himself, which is very thoughtful."


Houtu rolled his eyes, as if hesitating whether to say the following words that were somewhat biased towards Hongjun.

"It's just that Hongjun is not a saint at this time."

"Can he really withstand the refining of the Qiankun Ding?"

"The invasion of evil spirits will not immediately cause loss of self, but a long-term process that will be subtle. In the early stage, it will only be grumpy, or a little memory fuzzy."

"He would rather bear the pain of being refined by the Qiankun cauldron at such an early age than let his temper be blurred."

"Why exactly?"

PS: The first update.

After thinking about it for a while, I feel that I still have to write the reactions of the prehistoric characters, but I can consider promoting the plot through the reactions of these people, which should not be considered water.

After all, in many novels, the main character is often not seen in dozens of chapters. The frequency of my main character's appearance is already very high.

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