If people have seen the Zhuxian sword formation set up by the leader of Tongtian now, it is iPhone14.

The first time Na Hongjun set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation was not iPhone4.

Instead, it's iphone14pro!

It turns out that it has been passed down and improved for so many years.

Not only did the power of Zhuxian Sword Formation not increase, but it became weaker and weaker!

"The Immortal Execution Sword Formation, successful!"

Hongjun raised his head suddenly, and a scarlet murderous look was released from his eyes.

And in the space around him surrounded by the four swords of Zhu Xian, the dark wind suddenly blew up, and ghosts cried and wolves howled.

God's rebellion was wrapped in this area!

In just a moment, the mountains and rivers have been shattered, and the sky has exploded, as if the entire Great Desolate Continent will be cut into endless pieces by this sword.

"Don't you admire chaos?"

"But I set up this sword array with the corpses of the ferocious beasts according to certain rules."

"Can you break it!?"

"Roar~!!!" Shen Ni roared in despair.

He didn't know whether the evaluation of the Zhuxian Sword Formation by later generations was that the Four Saints were unbreakable.

But he could clearly feel that he himself was unable to parry the sword formation set up by Hongjun.

The only hope is to kill Hongjun before he is strangled by this sword array!

This is also the only weakness of Jade Immortal Sword Formation 1.0.

Hongjun only cared about wrapping Shenni into the sword formation, but did not form the formation in advance to put himself in a safe position.

Now both of them are in the eye of the formation, and the sword energy here is also the fiercest.

Here, everything will be annihilated.

Because, Hongjun really invented this formation on the spur of the moment.

If it hadn't been for Shenni's comment that his Taiji Zhuxian formation didn't match, he wouldn't have thought of using the corpse of a ferocious beast to draw the formation!

Finally, Hongjun and Shenni started the final decisive battle.

Shen Ni's figure directly merged into the black vortex. At this moment, the vortex turned into countless chaotic forces, attacking Hongjun from all directions.

Shenni was worried that he would not be able to defeat Hongjun head-on, so he broke it into pieces!
Hongjun's eyes trembled.

The power of chaos coming from all directions will most likely attack the way of heaven!

The current state of Tiandao simply cannot withstand such chaotic forces.

Hongjun Ruo concentrated on attacking with all his strength, under the blessing of Zhuxian Sword Formation.Rebellion may simply be irresistible.

But Hongjun gave up on launching an attack by himself and used his whole body to protect the way of heaven.

It's just using thoughts to drive the sword energy of the Zhuxian Sword Formation!
"The power of chaos?"

"My sword can cut through chaos!!"

almost simultaneously.

The power of endless chaos hit Hongjun firmly.

The sea of ​​stars exploded completely, and the chaotic air surged billions of feet.

And the sword energy that swept over everything also devoured everything at this moment.

Even the image projected by the chaotic green lotus turned into darkness at this instant!

Tiandao before Chaos Qinglian cried out excitedly again.

The all-swallowing sword energy also swallowed up Tiandao's last bit of hatred for Hongjun.

Even at the final moment of life and death, Hongjun still would rather sacrifice himself to protect the way of heaven.

Tian Dao's heart, which was already riddled with holes, was once again smashed to pieces.

Everyone's hearts also rose to their throats at this moment.

Although they already knew the result.

If Hongjun hadn't won, they might not even have a chance to make a move.

It can be seen that Hongjun won this battle.

But they still couldn't restrain themselves, worrying about Hongjun and shouting for Hongjun.

"No one is always right."

"No one is always wrong."

"Whether it is a hero or a villain, we must look at it with a critical eye."

Zhou Qing forcefully said two seemingly neutral words.

In fact, I want to remind people not to make mistakes after Hongjun.

Because he knows it too.

If you still directly speak ill of Hongjun at this time, it will only cause dissatisfaction from everyone.

"It's okay, Zhou Qing. '

'Hold on a little longer. '

'The evil beast calamity is over, and the dragon and Han catastrophe is coming. '

At this time, a blurred picture and sound appeared in Tiandao's mind again.

Let the originally sad Heavenly Dao become chaotic again:

"A great way to hide."

Tiandao thought painfully about the memory he had forgotten:

"What the hell is this voice!?"

In the picture, light and shadow change.

The darkness seemed to be receding gradually.

Light and shadow seemed to start flowing.

Wait until the fierce sword energy filling the entire space dissipates from the condensed state.

But because the evil spirit was too huge, it didn't disappear after it dispersed, but directly flooded and infected the entire prehistoric region.

All of a sudden, there was no spiritual power left in the entire prehistoric world, and evil spirits overflowed.

Because of this battle, the entire Great Desolation fell into a semi-paralyzed state!
And the one that remained in the center of people's field of vision was half kneeling on the ground like a stone statue, using his body to protect Hongjun in his arms!

He is like a sword with half of his body pierced into the ground.

At this moment, his body was already devastated.

Belonging to his origin, it is rare to start to overflow and fall into a state of chaos.

At the same time, endless evil spirit poured into his body from the corpse of the beast.

And the figure of God's Rebellion has been wiped out, and there is no trace to be found.


Hongjun defeated Tiandao.

"Friend Hongjun!"

"Friend Hongjun!"

Qinglong brought the four holy beasts to Hongjun's side excitedly.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, you have won!"

"You saved the entire prehistoric life!"

It was not until he heard Qinglong's voice that Hongjun, who was clinging to Tiandao tightly, finally relaxed slowly.

The scarlet eyes gradually regained some brilliance.

Although he won the battle just now.

But in order to protect Tiandao from the power of chaos, he is now seriously injured.

Hongjun took a gentle look at Tiandao in his arms, and a sad smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:
"That's fine."

Hongjun finally recovered from the fighting state, and turned his attention from protecting Tiandao to the surrounding environment.

But when he looked at the surrounding scene, doubts and surprises flashed in his eyes one after another.

The Mount Sumeru that caught Hongjun's eyes was a more tragic scene than before he came here!

Before, it was just scarlet, covered with corpses of spirit beasts.

But now, even the corpses of spirit beasts and fierce beasts have been reduced to dust!

In the entire Mount Sumeru, not a single blade of grass grows, and the aura is gone, leaving only endless evil spirits eroding the entire prehistoric world!

The sky is covered with dark clouds.

But in fact, that is not a dark cloud.

It's a fierce cloud formed by the gathering of evil spirits!
Even the power of chaos that remained before was eroded by these evil spirits.

The Great Desolation seemed no longer suitable for any creature to live here.

"Is this the case?" Hongjun asked puzzled.

And Qinglong's expression seemed suspicious, as if he was worried about something.

Hongjun was keenly aware that Qinglong might know the reason for the scene of Honghuang, but the other party didn't say anything, as if he was afraid of himself.

Hongjun said in a deep voice:
"Friend Qinglong, but it's okay to say."

Qinglong looked at the other three holy beasts who were already awake, as if asking for advice.

Finally, Qinglong seemed to have made a huge determination, and heaved a long sigh:

"Friend Hongjun."

"The reason why Honghuang became like this is because the evil spirit of fellow Taoist's Zhuxian sword formation is too strong, and the killing karma committed just now is too much."

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