A series of vague and distant memories began to emerge in Monkey King's mind.

This made him suffer like a curse.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Monkey King covered his head and started rolling on the ground.

"Great Saint!"


Seeing this, all the immortals and Buddhas became worried.

Tang Seng, who was very familiar with this situation, felt a twinge of pain in his heart. He quickly squatted down, hugged Wukong who kept rolling, and tried to calm him down with his Buddhist voice.

"Wukong, calm down!"

But when the group favorite Wukong was cared about by almost the entire prehistoric people, several people's faces were shocked, their faces were covered with fine sweat, and they looked extremely flustered.

"If Sun Wukong is the six-eared macaque, then our plan has always been the same"

There are many calamities in Journey to the West, but there are many forces playing games in it.

As for the difficulty of the true and false Monkey King, these people put a lot of effort into it.

In their understanding, Monkey King at this time should not be Monkey King anymore.
Just when the prehistoric beings in this world have different moods, the six-eared macaque in the chaotic green lotus has accepted Hongjun's proposal.

"Teacher, I would like to reshape my origin." The six-eared macaque pleaded.

He knew that his body was not complete.

His upper limit can be higher.

"In this way, you can absorb the aura of heaven and earth together with this stone, and practice together."

Hongjun explained some things about the six-eared macaque and left.

Judging from what Hongjun explained, it wasn't the six-eared macaque refining the sky-replenishing stone.

Nor is it the origin of the six-eared macaque stone after washing.

Instead, he practiced together with the Butian Stone, and after the Butian Stone grew, they merged into one.

Therefore, if it really proceeds according to what Hongjun said.

Sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque are one! !

Soon, the immortals and Buddhas in the wilderness thought of another thing.

The legendary Sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque are both the innate gods and demons who were killed by the demon ape Pangu.

But the ape-like monkey has four limbs, also known as the Four Monkeys of the Hunshi.

In addition to the Lingming stone monkey Sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque, there are also Chijiri horse monkeys and Tongbei apes.

The story of Monkey King and the six-eared macaque is mainly in the period of Journey to the West.

And Chijiri Mahou is the famous water monster Wuzhiqi.

And Tongbei Ape is Yuan Hong who shines in the Conferred Gods.

Since Hongjun already had the idea of ​​combining Sun Wukong and Liuer into one.

Could it be that Wuzhiqi and Yuan Hong are also in Hongjun's scheme?

Only when the four monkeys of the chaotic world reunite will they have the opportunity to reshape the chaotic demon ape!

Yet people haven't had time to think about it.

When the screen in Chaos Qinglian switched, the location appeared in the Pangu Temple.

The twelve ancestor witches lost one.

Moreover, Gonggong also suffered huge karma due to the crash of Buzhou Mountain, and his cultivation base plummeted.

As a result, the combat effectiveness of the Wu clan was greatly damaged.

And although Nuwa mended the sky, even though Tongtian propped up the sky with the limbs of the Beiming Xuangui.

But it is definitely not as high as the original Buzhou Mountain supported.

Therefore, the demon who controls the sky and the witch who controls the earth are now even closer.

The conflict between the two groups has also become more intense.

Everyone in the Wu clan is in danger.

The remaining ten ancestral witches gathered here because they needed God Pangu's blessing.

But this time, no matter how the ancestral witches sacrificed, Pangu did not appear.

"Oh, let's go."

"It seems that Gonggong smashed Buzhou Mountain, and even the Father God is angry with us and won't help us."

Zhu Jiuyin said with a gloomy expression, disappointed.

It is well known that Mount Buzhou was transformed by Pangu's spine. You unworthy descendants broke Dad's spine, and still want Dad to bless you?

"Alright, let's go back first."

"My witch clan should be self-improving. Even without the blessing of the Father God, we can rely on ourselves to tide over the difficulties."

"Next, the demon clan will invade us, everyone should go back to their own tribe and have a good rest."

Di Jiang tried to appease the brothers and sisters.

"What elder brother said is, let's go, let's go back."

The ancestral witches were preparing to leave.

However, Houtu seemed a little hesitant.

"Little sister, why, don't you leave yet?"

Di Jiang asked.

Hou Tuxiu frowned:
"Brother, please leave first, I want to pray to Father God for a while."

"Forget it, but don't stay too long."

"Your tribe is the main force for us to fight against the Yaozu, and we still have to rely on you."

"Good brother."

In the end, only Houtu remained in the Pangu Temple.

"Father God."

"My twelve ancestors are all your children."

"If you can really hear my voice, please teach me how to revive my fifth brother Zhu Rong!"

Houtu sacrificed for hundreds of years, but there was no response in the Pangu Temple.

Even Houtu was ready to leave.

But at this moment, the pool of blood in the Pangu Temple began to boil.

A majestic and old voice sounded:

"Houtu, do you want to revive Zhu Rong?"

A gleam flashed in the eyes of the already desperate Houtu, and his whole expression immediately filled with joy:


"Is it really Father God!"

"Can you really revive Fifth Brother?"

The anti-Hongjun coalition forces before Chaos Qinglian were all shocked.

Because they know.

This is not Pangu.

This is Hongjun! !
Houtu's eyes widened even more at this moment, and those eyes were full of anger.

In fact, after so much time, she already knew that it was Hongjun who appeared that day! !
And it was at that time that Hongjun lured her into the six realms of reincarnation, and let her be trapped in the six realms of reincarnation. In the future lich war, she could only watch her brothers and sisters die tragically!

All the resentment and obsession of Houtu began at that time! !


Seeing this scene again, Houtu couldn't help being furious, and let out a loud shout.

"I do have a way." In the chaotic green lotus, Hongjun pretending to be Pangu said.

Houtu was overjoyed, with tears in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were raised:


However, what "Pangu" said next made Hou Tu stunned:
"This method is not up to me, but to you~"

"Me!?" Houtu was startled, with strong shock and doubt in his voice.

"How could I possibly have a way to revive Fifth Brother!?"

"Pangu" said again:
"You have discovered the difference between you and other ancestral witches."

"Different.?" Houtu's uninspired brain tried to spin.

"Father God is talking about the roulette behind me?"

"Exactly." "Pangu" said.

"I thought it was my natural law, the same as that of other brothers and sisters."

"Pangu" paused:
"It's not wrong to understand that."

"The twelve ancestral witches have each mastered a law of innate talent."

"But between different laws, there are also high and low levels, and there are differences."

"Your law is an authentic law, which coincides with one of the three great laws of the prehistoric, and can control the life and death cycle of the prehistoric creatures."

"The roulette behind you is the six realms of reincarnation! It can reverse life and death"

"It's just that your current realm and the power of the law you have mastered are not enough."

"Therefore, only if you become a reincarnation of the six realms, will you have the opportunity to be promoted to the realm of a saint in the reincarnation, and have the opportunity to exercise the authority of the reincarnation of life and death!"

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