
Sanqing was completely dumbfounded.

They never imagined that Hongjun didn't want to prevent Master Tongtian from holding the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Moreover, Hongjun even thought that as long as one of the three brothers got the magic weapon to suppress luck and have merit, he would lend it to Tongtian to help him survive the corresponding disaster in the future.

Hongjun believes that the three of them are one!
Their brotherhood can help Tongtian control the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

Now it was Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi's turn to be embarrassed.

They do have corresponding magic weapons in their hands.

For example, Lao Tzu's Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

However, after seeing the growing influence of the Jiejiao and the fact that the Jade Sword Formation was eroding the luck of the Jiejiao, I did not think about lending the pagoda to the Master Tongtian.

Instead, let the Judgment perish! !
The same is true of Yuanshi Tianzun. Apart from Pangu Banner, he actually has other magic weapons that can suppress luck.

But at that time, not only did he not think about helping Tongtian, but he was all about bringing down Jiejiao!

Think about it now.

In addition to having prejudices against the Jujiao group of people in coats and horns from the very beginning, Tongtian's Jujiao luck surpassed his Chanjiao's, and he was jealous, which was also an important reason.

Therefore, at this time, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi were all blushing, and their eyes were full of guilt and grievance.

"Third brother! We"

"Brother, I'm sorry for you at that time!!!"

"As elder brother, we should help you tide over the difficulties!"

"Even if I take out my Tai Chi Diagram (Pangu Banner) to help you suppress your luck, it should be done!"

Today's Sanqing has long since let go of the past, and the regrets of the past are just regrets.

It can't affect their current feelings any more.

Tongtian tightly grasped the hands of Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi:
"You two brothers, I don't blame you for this matter!"

"All of this is because I am blinded by power!!"

In fact, the most embarrassing thing at this time is Tongtian.

All the results are his own fault.

But he couldn't remember how Hongjun tried to dissuade him over and over again?
Did my memory make a mistake! ?

Or was it that I was so excited that I ignored Hongjun's dissuasion?

Have I been blaming Hongjun all this time?
For so many years, Tongtian has always blamed his two elder brothers and Hongjun for the end of his interception.

It's just that now he has reconciled with Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi.

Therefore, he can only attribute all the responsibility to Hongjun.

He wishfully believed that Hongjun had been plotting against him since the time he accepted the gift of apprenticeship in the third lecture.

Hongjun's plan is to use his doctrine of intercepting the teaching to intercept a ray of life, and include a large number of prehistoric creatures after the Lich.

Then Hongjun planned to use Fengshenliangjie to eradicate his Jujiao, destroy these creatures, let the useful ones of these creatures become his migrant workers, and directly absorb and erase their origins for the useless ones.

"Isn't that true?"

Master Tongtian found that his heart was a little shaken.

But this is not enough to overthrow his hatred and suspicion of Hongjun.


The matter of accepting apprentices and giving treasures is actually not that important.

Although the conspiracy theory is that Hongjun has already arranged everything after this time.

But even if Hongjun didn't give Tongtian the Zhuxian Sword Formation to plot against him, it wouldn't affect the development of the following things.

Because in the end, it was indeed Hongjun who allowed Jiejiao to perish.

Moreover, when Tong Tian was furious and ready to re-establish Feng Shui Huo and reshape the world, it was Hong Jun who came out and pulled the sidelines again.

If Hongjun is really determined to maintain Honghuang's stability and peace.

Why didn't he show up before he was killed?
Why did he have to wait until his sect was destroyed before showing up to stop him?

Moreover, although Hongjun gave each of Sanqing a Falling Holy Pill at that time.

But he was the only one who was banned from Zixiao Palace for several calamities, and was not completely released until the end of the world.

Therefore, Master Tongtian has reason to believe.

Regardless of whether it was planned at the beginning or not, Hongjun is his enemy after all! !
Zhou Qing's expression on the side was uncertain.

He had obviously been slapped in the face again just now.

But luckily for him.

Because this time it was not only his Zhou Qing's face that was slapped, but also San Qing's.

So other people didn't pay too much attention to him.

But Zhou Qing is getting more and more desperate now.

It seems that Hongjun cannot be easily mocked.

It's just that this Hongjun, when was it refined! ! !
Zhou Qing looked at the figure in the lotus seed among the chaotic green lotus.

I vaguely felt that the power of that figure seemed to be getting stronger, and I felt physically and mentally exhausted for a while.
"Thank you Daozu for giving me the treasure!"

In the picture, three thousand people from the world of mortals returned to the front hall of Zixiao Palace after searching for treasures.

Judging from their faces, most of them are quite satisfied with the result.

However, the ones who snatched the most treasures were still Sanqing and Nuwa who had been accepted as disciples by Hongjun.

As for Kunpeng, the grievous species, for some reason, the way he looked at Hongyun became a little more vicious.

Seeing that everything was over, Hongjun finally said:

"I have finished my three sermons."

"From now on, I will be in harmony with the way of heaven, and I will not go out of the prehistoric world."

"I also hope that you will see the fate of my listening to the Tao, maintain the order of the prehistoric, and protect the development of living beings."

"You can go away."

Hongjun waved his hand.

The three thousand mortals suddenly felt that the stars were changing, and they had already appeared in the prehistoric world.

And that vast and misty palace has disappeared.

Everyone looked at the six people at the front.

Perhaps from now on, only these six disciples will be able to find Hongjun's location.

So far, the mentality of all sentient beings has undergone a huge change.

The first thing that the Sanqing Nuwa, the Western Second Sage and the Six Sages wanted to do was to go back and comprehend this primordial purple energy, and find a way to become a saint.

But Hongyun was in a good mood after receiving the primordial purple qi, but what he wanted was to go to Zhenyuanzi's Wuzhuang Temple to pick up a few more ginseng fruits to eat.

As for Dijun and Taiyi
Hongjun has made it clear that he will not appear in Honghuang in the future.

Before these six disciples become holy, they must lead the demon clan to rule the wilderness, and at the same time, find their own way to become holy! !
The first thing the two of them did was to look for the figure of Hou Tu.

When they were still in Zixiao Palace, the two had been paying attention to Houtu.

Thinking that as soon as the sermon is over, he will lead the monster clan among the three thousand mortal guests to besiege Houtu!

No one is Houtu's opponent!

But gang fights! ?
But to their disappointment.

After they were sent out of Zixiao Palace by Hongjun, their positions changed dramatically.

This Houtu didn't seem to appear near them!

This is because Hongjun had already anticipated Dijun and Taiyi's plans.

Therefore, when the three thousand Hongchen guests were sent out, they were intentionally separated.

Now Houtu has returned to the territory of the Wu clan.

Inside Zixiao Palace, the originally crowded outer hall suddenly became empty.

Hongjun's figure stood at the preaching position, looking out deeply with his eyes, feeling extremely lonely.

Hao Tiantian came up in a bulging manner, cupped his hands and said:


"Do you really want to entrust the Great Desolation to these people for management!?"

"They are all a bunch of mobs, and they don't pay attention to the prehistoric beings at all!"

"In my opinion, you might as well let me help!"

Hongjun smiled and patted Haotian's head:
"If you are determined, you will have a chance, let's see their good luck!"

So far, the prehistoric history has opened a new page.

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