Honghuang: This Hongjun can deal with it, if he has the blame, he will really bear it

Chapter 214 The Dao of Heaven is angry and creates 3 fairy islands

"Go away?"

"Just leave like this?"

Tai Yi looked at the Dong Wang Gong and others who were leaving, and suddenly felt a little unclear.

Di Jun and Nu Wa let out a long sigh of relief, their backs were already dripping with cold sweat.

As for the East Prince, it was not much better.

When they first left Sunstar, they walked very calmly, with an immortal demeanor.

But as soon as he was out of the sight of Sun Star, Duke Dong led the team to run immediately, and the team in the Demon Court suddenly became chaotic.

"Slip away!"

Dong Wanggong felt that his energy was exhausted and he could not stand firmly on his feet.

Both people and horses have just sprouted fear in their hearts.

Moreover, what they are afraid of is not the other party itself.

What they are afraid of is Hongjun!

Dijun and Nuwa were worried that after the fight, Hongjun would help him to choose the head of the wild male immortal.

On the other hand, Duke Dong worried that after the fight, Hongjun would blame him for his ineffective management of Honghuang, which led to the Great War in such a short period of time.

This time, the conflict between the fairy court and the demon court almost went off the rails, but fortunately, it was strangled in the cradle.

After that, the Eastern Prince did not restrain himself.

He didn't dare to look for the demon court.

But he didn't just leave Sun Star's humiliation behind.

He came to the door every now and then, in the name of Hongjun, to recruit other creatures in the prehistoric lands.

The purpose is to wait until the power of the Immortal Court expands, so that I can find an opportunity to directly destroy the Demon Court, and get rid of the shame!
For this reason, he also came to West Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West.

In front of a group of fairies, she proposed marriage to the Queen Mother of the West.

He said that the two of them are a natural pair, and they should form a pair, combining yin and yang, to manage the prehistoric for Hongjun.

Unfortunately, his proposal was flatly rejected by Queen Mother Xi.

Although the Queen Mother of the West cannot beat the Prince of the East, the Queen Mother of the West is also the head of the female fairies personally chosen by Hong Huang.

For the time being, the Prince of the East did not dare to do anything to the Queen Mother of the West.

With the blessing of Hongjun's name, gradually, the fairy court of the East Prince became stronger, and his luck became more and more prosperous.

Even the demon clan who was a little jealous of the East Prince in Sun Star last time left the demon court and joined the fairy court.

The hatred between Duke Dong and Di Jun became more and more irresolvable.

At this time, Duke Dong was completely unaware of his ever-expanding mentality.

Even, he always attributed everything he got to Hongjun, and he was grateful to Hongjun, but gradually he just thought that Hongjun just discovered his talents with the vision!
In Zixiao Palace.

A vast ripple of law dissipated after inflation and chaos.

Both Hongjun and Tiandao felt extremely tired.

Hongjun, who used the law to feed back the way of heaven, once again felt his body being hollowed out.

And Tiandao also felt extremely tired after a period of enrichment.

At this time, the two of them put aside their struggle and resistance with each other for the time being, and were just discussing what happened in the prehistoric years.

When Hongjun blended with the way of heaven, all the things in the prehistoric world were in his eyes.

Obviously, what the East Prince did made him feel very embarrassed.

The corner of Hongjun's mouth twitched faintly:

"Heaven, look, these years, Honghuang has been very stable under the management of the East Prince and the West Queen Mother."

"The order is stable, and the robbery has not increased."

Although he was very disappointed with Prince Dong, he still had to speak hard in front of Tiandao.

And Tiandao let out a disdainful laugh:

"Hehe, the reason why Honghuang has been stable and peaceful these years is only because of your deterrence."

"The Prince of the East used your name to act arrogantly and domineeringly in the prehistoric world, but instead attracted the hatred of the monster clan and the witch clan, resulting in no conflict between the two clans for the time being."

"But how long can this situation last?"

"It only takes a little interest to break this delicate balance."

Tiandao's voice was ethereal and ethereal, making Hongjun thoughtful: "Is it a deterrent?"

Seeing Hongjun and Tiandao chatting here, Chaos Qinglian's previous anti-Hongjun coalition forces were thoughtful.

Nuwa of the Sanqing Dynasty, including Zhou Qing and others, were all thinking about it.

This period is the early stage of the Lich's calamity, and there is only one saint in the whole prehistoric period.

Hongjun did rely on the deterrence of his own saint to directly suppress the entire prehistoric world by force.

Come out personally, kill a few ancestral witches, kill a few big monsters, will the whole prehistoric world still dare to make trouble?
Even if he personally exterminates the witch clan and the monster clan, it will be much easier than trying to calculate this person behind his back and calculate that person to push the calamity.

Isn't cultivating so many saints purely adding enemies to oneself?
But in fact, Hongjun has never personally acted when the Lich is robbing.

Zhou Qing couldn't understand the reason for this time.

Why bother?
In fact, why didn't Hongjun know this at the time?

He didn't even need to use force to suppress it.

He can even put all the creatures in the prehistoric world into a deep sleep, and he can control their eternal life forever.

But what is the point of such a world?

Such a prehistoric world completely violated the world that Pan Gu said was full of vitality.

Therefore, Hongjun will never use his own strength to deter and suppress the entire prehistoric world.

He only defeated Luo Hu who had such an idea in the last calamity.

Seeing that Hongjun did not respond for a long time, Tiandao's voice came again:
"Why, you don't believe it?"

"Then I'll let you witness it with your own eyes!"

After finishing speaking, the thoughts of Heavenly Dao began to circulate in the prehistoric world.

The Dao of Heaven is a collection of prehistoric rules, a certain place above the prehistoric East China Sea immediately changed suddenly, and the four innate elements of earth, wind, water and fire reorganized against chaos.

Soon, a world that did not exist in the prehistoric world appeared above the East China Sea.

And Hongjun's eyes narrowed immediately.

Even his liver hurts a bit.

Because, he noticed that there are many innate spirit treasures in that world.

Good guy, you just fed back your origin for so long, and you used it to create a world so quickly?

Such a waste!

Prodigal girls! !
But Tiandao seemed extremely happy and excited:

"This world is called Sanxian Island, and there are many innate spiritual treasures on it."

"The method of beheading corpses you taught requires innate spirit treasures to carry the beheaded corpses."

"Guess, after they discover the Three Immortals Island, will they still dare not take action against the opponent because of your deterrent that they can't practice at all!?"

The ethereal voice of Heavenly Dao is a little more ethereal, and this ethereal sound is a little more strange.

Hongjun's eye sockets twitched violently.

He already knew Tiandao's plan.

And he seemed to be able to see what would happen next in the prehistoric world.

As for the immortals and Buddhas before Chaos Qinglian, the corners of their mouths twitched wildly, and their hearts were sweating profusely.

Among them, there were also some who had participated in the battle that took place on Sanxian Island.

Especially in the interception camp, the three fairies widened their beautiful eyes, unable to open and close their mouths for a long time.

They are the Sanxiao fairies conceived on Sanxian Island.

Good guy.

Dare to love you two brothers and sisters, how many lives have been affected by the fighting spirit!

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