Honghuang: This Hongjun can deal with it, if he has the blame, he will really bear it

Chapter 211 The Witch Clan Discusses, the Eastern Prince is Proud

"Come on!"

Di Jiang was fearless in the face of the three thousand mortals, and led the Wu clan to attack immediately.

In an instant, the two forces scuffled together.

The sky-shattering sound exploded like thunder.

The terrifying coercion squeezed the sky, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the universe was wiped out.

During the First World War, Lao Tzu, who had a feeling when he was listening to the lecture, actually used the battle to support the war, touched the threshold of the quasi-sage, and had the feeling to be able to cut out a corpse.

And Dong Wanggong also exerted the power of the congenital Lingbao leading crutch because of his self-confidence, and played the role of leading the group of immortals, leading the group of immortals to kill a bloody road.

Since only five ancestral witches came this time, and the Wu Clan did not try their best, the two sides fought for a while, and the Wu Clan stopped chasing them.

The confrontation ended here, and Hou Tu and Di Jiang returned to the ancestral land of the Wu clan.

At this time, several other ancestral witches were already waiting here.

Zhu Jiuyin looked forward to it:
"Brother, you successfully brought the little girl back."

"Can you eliminate those three thousand mortals this time!?"

Hearing this, Hou Tu's expression was as gloomy as water:

"The Yaozu and other races didn't attack me, and we couldn't stop them."

Zhu Jiuyin and the other ancestor witches who didn't go there froze.

According to their previous strength comparison and plan, this sneak attack should at least be able to wipe out the monster clans of Emperor Juntai and Kunpeng.

Houtu said again:

"Brothers and sisters, after Hongjun's second sermon, the strength of all ethnic groups has improved significantly."

"I think we Wu people, it's better not to be aggressive towards other races."

This was the most worrying thing for Houtu after listening to the second lecture.

Every time other races listen to the Tao, they have the opportunity to cross a great realm.

However, the witch clan cannot enjoy this benefit because of the incomplete soul.

Relying on the speed of tempering the body and practicing the law, it seems that it has gradually fallen behind other races.

But Dijiang looked relaxed:

"Little sister, don't worry."

Hou Tu hastily said:
"However, in today's battle at the gate of Zixiao Palace, the old man in Sanqing seems to have a tendency to break through the quasi-sage."

"I believe that soon, there will be other people who will break through the quasi-sage."

Unexpectedly, there was a confident and indifferent smile on Di Jiang's face:

"It doesn't matter, in fact, two of our witch clan will soon enter the quasi-sage realm."

Houtu immediately widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of astonishment, looking at the other ancestral witches:

"This is how the same thing."

The others covered their mouths and smiled, and finally Xuanming told Houtu:

"Little sister, I don't know that you haven't been at home all these years. Now the eldest brother and the second brother can also break through to the quasi-sage realm at any time."

After Xuan Ming finished speaking, Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin proudly puffed out their chests.

The laws of space and time are still too strong.

Houtu's eyes are bright, looking at Dijiang:
"Brother, did you not use your full strength in the previous battle?"

Di Jiang nodded:

"It's just to test them."

"From this point of view, these races are still vulnerable."

"Little sister, tell us what happened during the sermon this time."

Hou Tu restrained the excitement just now, took a deep breath, and began to tell the ancestral witches what happened in the past 1 years.

"Oh? Did this Hongjun actually talk about the three methods of sanctification?"

The ancestral witches talked a lot, with different expressions.

"I didn't expect to be able to enter the quasi-sage through the method of beheading the corpse. This Hongjun is really an amazing talent."

"We Wu Clan, it's not as good as it is."

"Well, brother is right."

Houtu then talked about Hongjun's appointment of the East Prince and the West Queen Mother as the heads of male and female immortals to manage the prehistoric affairs.

"Hongjun's arrangement obviously has the intention of targeting my witch clan!"

"Could it be that the wizards and witches in my witch clan also obey the orders of his East Prince and West Queen Mother!?"

"Absolutely impossible!!"

The ancestral witches immediately quarreled.

Now is a good time for them to expand their territory, how could they obey the discipline just because of Hongjun's appointment?

The expansion plan must not be stopped! !
But what worried the witch clan even more was that Hongjun would teach the method of sanctification during his third sermon.

At this time, people only know that sanctification is difficult.

But I don't know that sanctification is not only a question of whether it is difficult or not.

He not only depends on himself, but also depends on the whole prehistoric world.

They absolutely could not have imagined that there were only six people in the prehistoric world that could carry Hongjun.

Therefore, the witches are very worried about one thing.

That is, a group of people among the three thousand people in the world of mortals have become saints.

But none of their witch clan is sanctified! !
Then the advantage of the Wu clan will be completely reversed, and they will be at a disadvantage in an all-round way!

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin can now feel the difficulty of becoming a saint!
"Brother, if this is the case, what should we do?"

At this time, all the ancestral witches turned their attention to Di Jiang.

They can all feel that the current Wu clan needs to race against time.

Di Jiang's eyes flickered, but his tone remained firm:
"It's okay, Na Hongjun also said that practicing the law and proving the Tao with strength is also a way to become a saint."

"Each of our ancestral witches has a natural law, which is a gift from God the Father to us."

"We concentrate on tempering our own laws, and we will hopefully enter the realm of saints!"

"And in the period until the next sermon, we will continue to expand our territory."

"I have a feeling that the more territory we occupy, the stronger the luck of our witch clan will be, and the faster we will be promoted!"

"Yes!!!" All the ancestral witches cheered and echoed.

Even though the road ahead is difficult, the witches are fearless and they will get it done.

It is different from the Wu clan who are already tense.

On the East Prince's side, he feels that the future is bright.

Because Dong Wanggong's performance in the face of the Wu Clan was very brave, he added a lot of points to himself in the hearts of the immortals.

No, quite a few male immortals, after rushing out of the encirclement of the Wu Clan, followed the Eastern Prince to his Zizhou Mansion.

"Master Xianshou, you are so brave!"

"That's right, without Master Xianshou, we might fall into the hands of those barbarians this time!"

Duke Dong was licked so lightly that his ass was going to go to heaven.

But he still pretended to be puzzled and asked:
"Fellow Daoist Muzanla, fellow Daoist follow me back to my dojo, this is it?"

Those male immortals secretly exchanged glances, they all understood, and quickly increased the horsepower of their flattery.

"Master Xianshou, we all follow you voluntarily!"

"You are the head of the male immortals hand-picked by the Taoist ancestor, and your power is unrivaled. Only by following you can you achieve great achievements."

"We all feel that you, Immortal Head, should set up a fairy court, call all the immortals to join, and manage the immortals!"

PS: The author has to admit that, like other prehistoric novels, it has entered the late stage and the protagonist can’t get out of a scene for half a day. After all, there are only so many prehistoric stories. This may be a common problem of prehistoric novels. The author also feels very powerless, but Can't find a way out either.

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