Honghuang: This Hongjun can deal with it, if he has the blame, he will really bear it

Chapter 194 Check and balance the way of heaven, balance the new hope of the prehistoric

The futon has changed hands


Kunpeng, who had been beaten to one side, straightened his beard. He shook his head from side to side and pointed at Yuanshi and Zhunti to pick him up. If he didn't get angry, he wanted to kill these people.

But after all, he is alone and weak.

Even if I offer my own ass to unite with Emperor Shun Taiyi now, I can't beat Sanqing and the Western Second Saint and Five! !
"Fellow Daoist, don't be angry."

"It's just a seat, don't delay listening to the sermon."

Hong Yun came up and patted Kunpeng on the shoulder, trying to comfort Kunpeng.

But he didn't know that his operation directly made himself the biggest blame man.

Kunpeng, unable to get angry with Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West, could only transfer his greatest resentment to Hongyun.

Hong Yun is the instigator of his current situation! !
If it wasn't for this idiot who was so easy to be deceived and offered to give up his seat, how could it have given the second sage of the West more confidence to do it! ?

It's all Hongyun's fault!
It's all Hongyun's fault! !

It is different from Kunpeng's anger from embarrassment.

Zhunti and Yingying, who had already sat firmly on the futon, turned their attention to Yuanshi who was attacking Kunpeng in front of him.

Although Yuan Shi actually didn't look back at the Second Saint of the West since he beat Kunpeng away.

But the Second Saint of the West kept this kindness firmly in his heart.

The two exchanged eye contact and said:


"Senior brother."

"If there is a conflict between Yuanshi Tianzun and other people in the future, we must also stand by his side."

Apparently, Kunpeng, who was robbed of the futon, and Dijun and Taiyi, who didn't get a single futon, were in a bad mood.

The three of them flirted with each other, as if they were planning a new action.

Sanqing and the Second Western Sage are united and not moving.

But Nuwa and Fuxi are only two people.

It's just that they lack a valid reason to do it
Hong Jun, who had been hiding in the inner hall to watch, also sighed.

The futon is now ordered.

If the two sages of the West are really chosen by heaven.

The result of the futon dispute was 4:2.

I still have the upper hand.

From Hongjun's point of view, perhaps Tiandao's mood was very complicated at the moment when Zhun finally took Kunpeng's position.

It was hoped that the two would snatch two of the other five futons and make a 3:3 with themselves.

In the end, they even robbed Kunpeng's futon. Who can they justify?

Can't handle that much anymore.

Before Emperor Juntai and Kunpeng had figured out a countermeasure, and while the situation was still acceptable, Hongjun walked out.

As soon as Emperor Juntai and Kunpeng were about to make a move, they suddenly felt a purple figure appearing in the direction ahead.

Just by looking at that figure, I fell into the indescribable truth of heaven and earth, unable to extricate myself.

For a moment, he seemed to be experiencing endless years.

All the creatures in Zixiao Palace fell into this state.

And the first one to wake up was Lao Tzu.

Maybe it's because he has the most talent for enlightenment, or maybe it's because his eyes are always half-closed and half-awake.

But even he broke out in a cold sweat after waking up.

As the head of the Three Purities, he can be said to be the most famous existence in the prehistoric world during the millennium when the ancient powers fell and Hongjun disappeared.

Therefore, before coming to Zixiao Palace, his state of mind was very deep and stable.

But when Hongjun officially appeared, he felt how small he was.

The majesty of a saint is as vast as an abyss, and my mere Taiyi realm is like an ant! !
Hongjun stretched out his hand and grabbed it, which made the three thousand mortals who couldn't wake up from his own dao rhyme get out of the state.

When they looked at Hongjun, their eyes were full of awe and longing.

Even Di Juntai, Kunpeng and the other three who had been wanting to do something before, now they have lost the unwillingness in their hearts due to endless years.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have completely dared not make trouble in this Zixiao Palace.

"Brother, look, why does Hongjun feel so much older?"

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Nuwa asked Fuxi quietly.

People like Sanqing Nuwa had already met Hongjun in the Yin Yang Sect during the Long Han catastrophe.

Although Hongjun was no longer a teenager at that time, he was still a handsome young man with a sense of youth.

But now, Hongjun in their eyes turned out to be a very old man.

In fact, Hongjun did not change his appearance.

It's just that after being sanctified, he has become indescribable.

The realm is lower than the other, and it is impossible to see his true face clearly.

The image of him in people's minds is only based on people's imagination of the appearance that a saint and strong man should have.

After Hongjun's appearance just now, everyone only felt that such a person who could give people the feeling of endless years should be an old man.

Therefore, Hongjun in their eyes became an old man.

Everyone looked at the "false" Hongjun.

And Hongjun was also observing them.

In fact, if it wasn't for stopping a big fight just now, he wouldn't have appeared in such a hurry.

Because he still has a doubt in his heart.

That is, he has already analyzed that the choice of Tiandao should be the Wu Clan and the Yu Clan.

But why are only people from the feather clan like Emperor Juntai and Kunpeng active in the whole process.

But none of the Wu people came up to fight for the futon?

Didn't the Dao of Heaven guide the people of the Wu Clan?

In fact, this question, apart from Hongjun's confusion.

At that time, Tiandao was also very puzzled.

It's not that she doesn't want people from the Wu clan to come up and grab the futon.

She just because.
The Wu clan didn't have the person she wanted to be there! !
Neither Hongjun nor Tiandao expected it.

Among the twelve ancestor witches, the eleventh ancestor witch had already negotiated not to come to Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon because of his arrogance.

And when Hongjun saw Houtu from the crowd, he saw something in Houtu.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart cheered up.

'I don't know why, almost none of the witches came. '

’ But a Zuwu still came. '

'But Tiandao didn't choose this ancestor witch. '

'At first I didn't know why. '

' But the moment I saw her, I understood. '

'She has the natural law of earth in her body! '

'This kind of law is different from the tunnel I have mastered before, which needs to be upgraded to the six reincarnations through Duer Dao, and then upgraded to the tunnel through the six reincarnations. '

"Her law of the earth is inherently authentic, but it needs to be gradually perfected."

"And when her tunnel law is completely perfected, she can fit in the prehistoric tunnel!"

"And this kind of prehistoric authenticity is an existence independent of the prehistoric way of heaven, and an existence that is on par with the way of heaven."

"The prehistoric way can restrict the prehistoric way of heaven!!!"

Hongjun was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, during this sermon to select the successor to the holy throne, an unexpected existence was discovered.

He thought of a way to completely free the way of heaven and balance the prehistoric world!
PS: After a month's rest, normal updates will resume from today, at least two updates in June, and possibly three updates and four updates, and strive to end it as soon as possible.

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