Honghuang: This Hongjun can deal with it, if he has the blame, he will really bear it

Chapter 180 Yaochi is Hongjun and Tiandao's biological daughter?

The little girl behind Hongjun really looks like Yaochi.

Although the current Yaochi is beautiful and mature, and the little girl is playful and quiet, the facial features of the two are indeed carved out of the same mold.

"Why is it Yaochi!?"

People's eyes are full of surprise.

In their memory, shouldn't Yaochi be an innate spirit stone enlightened by Hongjun just like Haotian?
But judging from the current situation, this fairyland seems to be brought out by Hongjun from the rules of heaven.

In the picture, Hongjun looked at Xiaoyaochi behind him, his face was also a little embarrassed.

He muttered to himself:

"Hey, I didn't expect that in the process of suppressing the way of heaven, our origin is too deeply involved."

"I accidentally misfired, which led to your birth."

Xiaoyaochi blinked and stared at Hongjun with big watery eyes, as if she didn't quite understand what Hongjun was saying.

Apparently, although Xiaoyao Chi is already a little girl at this time, due to some reasons, her mind is immature.

Hongjun sighed, walked over, and rubbed Yaochi's head pityingly.

"Little girl."

"I am your father."

"your mother is"

"Forget it, maybe, now is not the time to let you know this."

"And, best of all, you never know that."

"I'm sorry, in order to protect you, I can only cast spells on you, so that you can live in this world with another identity."

Hongjun injected a stream of fresh air between Yaochi's brows.

This clear air flowed in Yaochi's eyes, and then disappeared.

And Yaochi still stared at Hongjun with those big watery eyes, as if he didn't know what happened just now.

Afterwards, Hongjun stretched out his hand and grabbed an innate spirit stone from the prehistoric.

He injected a bit of his own origin into it, and that spirit stone quickly turned into a little boy with a fair face.

This little boy looked about the same size as the Yaochi back then.

The little boy stood by the edge of the Yaochi, looked at the Yaochi next to him, and then at Hongjun in front of him.

Hongjun sighed lightly, and then said:
"You are all innate spirit stones that I enlightened."

"From now on, you will be my boys and girls."

"Your name is Haotian, your name is Yaochi."

"Have you ever remembered?"

Yaochi can't remember what happened before, nor can he remember the thousands of years spent in that day's rules.

In her cognition, she is the same as this Haotian, who was inspired by the Taoist in front of her.

Yaochi and Haotian looked at each other, and then made a bow to Hongjun:

"Yes, sir."

Hongjun's eyes were complicated.

Although he had lost too many emotions after becoming a saint, his Dao mind was in turmoil during the game with the Heavenly Dao.

After giving birth to Yao Chi, he felt that those emotions that belonged to him had returned.

And more intense.

Hongjun resisted the pain of not being able to recognize Yao Chi in his heart, pressed his lips tightly, and then said with difficulty:

"This is Zixiao Palace, and it is my residence."

"You will also live here with me to practice in the future."

"You guys should go clean up Zixiao Palace first."

The Zixiao Palace was built by Hongjun using the rules and origin of the prehistoric, and it was specially used to trap the way of heaven.

In order to observe Tiandao's actions, he naturally wants to live here.

Therefore, he intends to use Zixiao Palace as his dojo.

Since the inside is actually not suitable for people to live in, it needs to be cleaned by Yaochi and Haotian.

Haotian and Yaochi said respectfully:

"Yes, sir."

Hongjun waved his hand, and the two children quickly slipped into Zixiao Palace.

Only Hongjun was left standing at the gate of Zixiao Palace, his already thick figure was now extraordinarily lonely.

But at this time, in the Zixiao Palace in reality, there were waves of turbulent waves!

The picture that just appeared in the projection is really earth-shattering to the anti-Hongjun coalition forces.

So much so that all of them stared wide-eyed, revealing horrified eyes.

And their mouths grew in the same way, and they made a sound of "no no".

People's faces were full of shock, staring at the fairyland inside and outside the screen, unbelievable.

The Empress of Yaochi turned out to be the biological daughter of Hongjun and Tiandao! ?

Of course, this biological daughter is not necessarily produced by sexual reproduction.

As Hongjun said just now, it was caused by the fusion of their origins.

But this cannot change the fact that Yao Chi is the biological daughter of Hongjun and Tiandao! ! !

In the entire prehistoric world, the status of the Heavenly Court is extremely special and honorable.

After conferring the gods, it can be said that the heavenly court is the supreme authority of the entire prehistoric world, and it is the embodiment of the way of heaven.

Now the main force in the anti-Hongjun coalition forces is also the gods of the heavens and a group of heavenly soldiers and generals.

Even if they are members of the three religions, or Buddhism and Zhou Qing's Tiandaoism, many of their disciples work in the heavenly court.

It can be said that Tianting is the core of the anti-Hongjun coalition forces and the basic disk for refining Hongjun.

And who is the boss of Heavenly Court?
Nature is the Emperor of Heaven.

It's just that Emperor Haotian had already been killed by Hongjun himself.

And the new emperor has not yet been elected.

Therefore, the person who is talking about the Heavenly Court right now is the Queen Mother Yaochi!
But now Chaos Qinglian actually told them.

Yaochi is Hongjun's biological daughter! ?
Isn't this a joke! ?
The biological daughter leads the entire prehistoric world and kills her own father! ?

At this time, the person with the most complicated mood was Yao Chi.

Yaochi's heart, which was originally full of hatred towards Hongjun, suddenly became chaotic.

She felt that her hands and feet became cold along with her heart.

Her consciousness seemed to be shattered and shattered in an instant.

Her lips trembled uncontrollably, making a voice of resistance:


"This is impossible!"

"It's not true!!!"

"This is absolutely not true!!!"

Yaochi couldn't believe that she was actually Hongjun's biological daughter.

And the reason why she didn't know about it all the time was that Hongjun deceived herself that he was born because of his enlightenment in order to protect herself.

Hongjun did this in order to prevent Tiandao from hurting Yaochi after he wakes up! !
And Haotian, the emperor of a generation, turned out to be a pawn that Hongjun casually enlightened in order to protect Yaochi! !

Unknowingly, some memories from the past gradually emerged in Yao Chi's mind.

For example, Hongjun does have a different attitude towards himself and Haotian.

Haotian would scold Hongjun when she made a mistake, but Hongjun would forgive her every time she made a mistake.

Originally, Yao Chi thought it was just because Hong Junnian was a girl and loved her more.
For another example, she now thinks of Hongjun sometimes looking at her eyes full of guilt, but this guilt is fleeting.
Yaochi finally had to believe that she was indeed Hongjun's biological daughter!


Yaochi's eyes were blurred with tears, his eyes were scarlet, his face was pale, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

With a tearing voice, he yelled into the chaotic green lotus:

"If I were really your daughter."

"Then why do you still want to kill Brother Haotian!!"

"At that time, he was already my husband!!!"

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