"I'm going!? What is this place?"

"Why didn't I know there is such a magnificent place in Honghuang?"

"The old man has been traveling for thousands of years, and he believes that every cave, palace and temple has been involved."

"But neither the Heavenly Court nor the Yuxu Palace can compare with it in terms of grandeur."

"It's just that this place is a little lifeless."

There was a lot of discussion.

Zhou Qing keenly noticed the strangeness of Houtu.

When he saw Houtu's panicked expression, he had an ominous premonition.

He had seen this expression countless times on the faces of Tiandao, Yuanfeng, Luohu and Yangmei.

"No way?" Zhou Qing gritted his teeth, but mustered up the courage to ask.

"Pingxin empress, do you know this place?"

When Zhou Qing asked this question, people's attention was quickly put on Houtu.

They found that Hou Tu's expression was indeed somewhat unnatural.

Houtu's eyes flickered and his expression was complicated. After struggling for a while, he finally said:
"Yes, I do know where this is."

"This is the Pangu Temple, the place where our witch clan was born."


There was a bang in the minds of all the immortals and buddhas, and their brains buzzed for a while.

Pangu Temple?

What is this place?
They have never heard of any Pangu Temple in the wild.

Houtu sighed and continued:
"Father God Pangu created the world with his own body and turned into a prehistoric world."

"His left eye turned into a sun star, his right eye turned into a lunar star, and his primordial spirit turned into Sanqing"

"And part of his blood essence turned into our twelve ancestor witches."

"But have you ever heard of what the heart of God Pangu turned into?"

After Houtu asked such a question, everyone in the anti-Hongjun coalition army couldn't help but gasp.

Even Sanqing Nuwa and other saints just looked at each other, and it can be read from their eyes that none of them knew the answer.

Zhou Qing also narrowed his eyes, realizing that he had been ignoring this question.

Why haven't people even asked this question?

If such an important thing as Pangu's heart were to be transformed into a living being, it would surely be no less than Sanqing's heel!
Seeing that everyone had already thought about it, Hou Tu continued to speak:

"That's right, the reason why everyone hasn't heard of Father God's heart turning into some kind of creature or part of the wilderness is because..."

"Because the heart of Godfather Pangu didn't turn into anything, but remained intact in this Pangu temple!"

Boom~! ! !

It was as if a violent tremor came from the depths of the prehistoric land at this moment, shaking the hearts of all the people in Zixiao Palace.

The sound of the earth trembling was like the beating of a heart.

Houtu also suddenly opened his eyes wide at this moment, with a look of surprise on his face:
"how is this possible!?"

"Father God's heart has already stopped beating."

"But what happened today!?"

The hairs all over Houtu stood upside down, almost trembling with excitement.

"Empress Pingxin, is there anything else behind this that you didn't tell us?"

"Right? Why has no one heard of the Pangu Temple for so long since the Lich?"

People's curiosity was suddenly aroused.

Although the picture of the Pangu Temple appeared in the chaotic green lotus.

But it doesn't necessarily show the mysteries of the Pangu Temple.

The story behind this is best let Hou Tulai tell them himself.

"Fellow Taoist Houtu, you might as well talk about it," Nuwa also said.

Houtu just shook his head slightly, and no longer declined:
"The Pangu Temple is the biggest secret of our witch clan."

"The world only knows that my twelve ancestor witches were conceived and born from the essence and blood of the father god."

"But the flow of blood requires the beating of the heart to promote it."

"Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the heart of God the Father is the key to our birth."

"After we were born, Father God's heart seemed to have completed his final mission, and the beating stopped."

"In order to protect the heart of Father God, our twelve brothers and sisters also regard this place as the biggest secret of our witch clan, and have never told it to outsiders."

"But in fact, this is not the last time Father God's heart beats."

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly remembered something:
"Did you say that it was the time when your twelve ancestor witches went to the demon court and summoned Pan Gu's true body!?"

As soon as Yuanshi said this, Tongtian, Nuwa and others seemed to suddenly think of something.

Lu Ya trembled all over, as if recalling some terrible memory.

Hou Tu nodded:


"The world only knows that our witch clan can use the banners of the Twelve Capitals to lay down the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, and summon the real body of Father Pangu to descend."

"What can be summoned through the formation flag and the formation is just a weakened version."

"In the first decisive battle with the monster clan, my ancestor witch really invited the real body of the Father God from the Pangu Temple, and the heart of the Father God fell into silence after that beating."

"It's a pity that it was supposed to be a decisive battle between my two clans of Lich, but Na Hongjun actually blocked the attack from Father God's real body, knocked us back, and saved the demon court's life."

"In the final decisive battle, I was counted into reincarnation, and the twelve heavenly gods and demons used by the brothers were far inferior to the real body summoned by the heart of the father god, so I could only fight with the demon clan. Tie."

Lu Ya wanted to start a fight.

Because if Kunpeng hadn't stolen the Hetu Luoshu, leading to the unraveling of Zhou Tian's star battle formation, his monster clan might not have died together with the witch clan.

But now it seems that the Wu Clan did not exert their full strength that time.

After all, apart from Hongjun, there was probably no one who could stop the real Pangu avatar at that time.

After hearing this, all the prehistoric powers were calm in their hearts.

They knew that that time Hongjun pulled sideways and helped the Yaozu repel the Wuzu.

But they didn't expect that Pan Gu's real body that time was not an ordinary Pan Gu's real body.

People can't help but start to think about a question.

If Hongjun hadn't made a move that time, would this Honghuang have already been ruled by the Wu Clan?
They will not be happy.

Although now Houtu looks righteous and awe-inspiring.

But the cruelty of the witch clan is notorious.

And although Houtu now seems to have no problem with IQ.

But the Witch Clan was born with no primordial spirit, so they really didn't look very smart.

It's possible for them to fight, but if they really bring down the flood and control the flood, it's probably just a mess.

Houtu didn't think about those anymore.

She just stared closely at the picture in the chaotic green lotus.

She had always wondered why the Dragon and Han catastrophe was coming to an end, and Emperor Jun had already unified the Yu clan, but none of her Wu clan had seen one yet.

Although she was very reluctant to see it, she had to doubt it.

Could the birth of the Witch Clan have something to do with Hongjun being beaten into the Pangu Temple this time?

PS: The update has been a bit stretched in the past few days, because the plan is to end this month, and how to finish the story after the conception can be completed, so the speed should be stabilized first.

It is still difficult to write this kind of whitewashing text limited by the prehistoric background, please bear with me.

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