Honghuang: This Hongjun can deal with it, if he has the blame, he will really bear it

Chapter 160 The Immortal Jade Sword Formation Is Hard to Break

Under Hongjun's order, the four of them went to the four directions of Zhuxian Sword Formation respectively.

Hongjun went to the Zhuxian Gate in the east, Yang Mei went to the Xianxian Gate in the west, Yin Yang went to the Killing Gate in the south, and Qian Kun went to the Juxian Gate in the north.

As expected, Hongjun did not expect it.

Luo Hu chose to attack Hongjun.

Amidst the layers of evil spirit, Luo Hu's body attacked Hongjun like a ghost.

"Hongjun, let's settle the grievances between us today!"

Luo Hu offered sacrifices to the Black Lotus, holding a god-killing spear, and under the cover of the sword energy of Zhu Xian's sword formation, he stabbed Hongjun again and again.

But now Hongjun didn't get too entangled with Luo Hu.

He sacrificed the Taiji diagram to resist and evade with difficulty, but he just walked unswervingly in the direction of Zhuxianmen.

He knew that the longer he spent with Luo Hu here, the worse it would be for him.

On the other hand, it was not all smooth sailing for Yang Mei's yin and yang universe.

Although Luo Hu didn't find them, this Zhuxian sword formation was originally the number one killing formation in the world.

Although now because of Luo Hu's realm, this formation has not yet reached the power of the holy level.

But the endless fierce sword energy in it, as long as it is scratched, it will destroy the spirit and soul.

The three of them didn't dare to take it lightly, and they all resorted to their housekeeping skills to move forward with difficulty in this sword array.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Mei, who was covered with scars, finally saw the looming gate in the gust of endless black fierce sword energy.

And above that gate, hung a sword.

Dao Xianmen, Dao Xianjian!
Yang Mei's tired eyes finally lit up with joy for a moment.

At the same time, Yin Yang and Qian Kun also took heavy steps and arrived in front of the Slaughtering Immortal Gate and the Absolute Immortal Gate.

The Zhuxian sword formation is full of dangers.

But the situation outside Zhuxian Sword Formation is not optimistic.

After the four demons left the Zhuxian Sword Formation, they immediately led the demon clan to pursue Di Jun and Tai Yi.

At this time, there is no way to retreat, Dijun and Taiyi can only organize the army to launch a counterattack.

Di Jun also rarely showed his leadership talent.

Without Rahu in charge, the Four Maras are more than brave but not strategic.

The army of the Demon Race cannot form an effective organization.

And this time, with the participation of a group of masters from the Yin Yang Sect, the battle has fallen into a stalemate.

In Zixiao Palace, Lu Ya shouted excitedly to the people around after seeing this scene:

"see it!?"

"see it!?"

"It was my father who led the prehistoric creatures to resist the demons at the time of crisis!"

"Where were you at that time!?"

"It's only natural for my father to become the Demon Emperor!"

The crowd fell silent for a while.

Lu Ya was right.

Although Di Jun was not mature enough at that time, he was indeed very courageous and courageous.

Houtu looked at the appearance of Dijun and Taiyi in the picture, but his expression was not good-looking.

She is strange about one thing.

Why is it obvious in the screen that the battle between the demons is coming to an end, and the entire Dragon and Han Tribulation is coming to an end, entering the Lich Tribulation.

At this time, the Yaozu has already shown signs.

After all, Di Jun and Tai Yi have already had the idea of ​​uniting the prehistoric peoples.

But what about his own witch clan! ?
She watched for so long, but she didn't see any Wu clan.

Didn't even see a shadow.

There was no sign of the birth of the Wu Clan.

The ancestral witch was transformed by Pangu's blood essence, and she herself was one of the twelve ancestral witches, the earliest born witch clan.

But since she can remember, she has been a Lich.

The dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and Luo Hu had long since disappeared into the prehistoric world.

But even if she was born later than Di Juntai, didn't her eldest brother Di Jiang not be born at this time?
After all, she was the last born among the twelve ancestral witches.

Houtu felt very abnormal.

According to the temperament of the brothers, if there were demons at that time, they would not be able to pretend that nothing happened.

If the brothers had already been born at this time, it would definitely not be Di Jun's turn to fight against the demons.

Could it be that the birth of the Wu Clan really lagged behind Emperor Jun Taiyi for so long?

As the protagonists of the same calamity, their birth time should be about the same.

Houtu had a premonition that the ancestral witches were born at this time at the latest.

"Could it be that the birth of our ancestral witch is related to this battle of magic?"

"Could it be that the birth of our ancestral witch was also Hongjun?"

Hou Tu's eyes flowed, and he didn't dare to continue thinking.

The sword energy in front of the gate is unavoidable.

in the screen.

Hongjun, Yang Mei, Yinyang, and Qiankun have all arrived in front of the four gates.

But the closer to the formation gate, the stronger and sharper the sword energy here.

Even if you are not hit by the tangible sword energy, you can feel your flesh and soul as if being cut by a knife just from a distance.

Their footsteps stopped at the same time, and they could no longer continue to move forward blindly.

Of course, the pressure and danger that Hongjun endured were several times that of the other three.

Because Luo Hu's own attack is even stronger than Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Yang Mei plucked up her courage, used the law of space, opened a law of space, passed through the sword energy in front of the Xianxian Gate, and came to the front of the Xianxian Gate.

At this time, the Immortal Immortal Sword on the Immortal Immortal Gate is within easy reach.

Yang Mei's eyes glowed with excitement.

Judging from the present, the sword energy of Zhuxian Sword Formation has no tendency to weaken at all, and even becomes stronger and stronger.

This shows that the three of Hongjun Yinyang Qiankun have not been able to remove the corresponding sword.

And as long as he can take down the Immortal Trapping Sword, a corner of the gate of the Zhuxian Sword Formation will be missing, which will be an extremely powerful weakening of the entire formation.

Hongjun's pressure will be much less.

Breaking the Zhuxian Sword Formation is extremely hopeful!

Thinking of this, Yang Mei was very excited, and excitedly stretched out her hand to Xianxianjian.

But at this moment, a skyrocketing ray of light shot out from the Immortal Immortal Sword, and the entire Immortal Immortal Gate suddenly surged with evil spirits, crying ghosts and howling wolves.

Yang Mei was hit by this ray of light and passed out directly, her figure submerged in the fierce sword energy.

There were bursts of exclamations immediately before Chaos Qinglian.

They thought that starting from Yang Mei, the Zhuxian Sword Formation would be destroyed.

But Yang Mei not only failed, but was also swallowed by the sword energy.

This shows that it is very likely that Yang Mei will never be able to complete the task of picking off the Immortal Sword.

With one sword remaining and one gate unbroken, the Zhuxian Sword Formation cannot be broken.

Yang Mei's failure directly brought the battle situation into a desperate situation!
And in bursts of sighs and shocks.

Only Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taiqing Laozi and the two Western Saints looked calm.

These few people who have personally participated in the battle of Fengshenliangjie Zhuxian Sword Formation know.

How could it be so easy to destroy the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

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