in the screen.

Hongjun's figure had already flew out of Buzhou Mountain where they had been hiding before.

After leaving Buzhou Mountain, there is a large open area.

Hongjun flying in such a place is very easy to be spotted by ferocious beasts.

But he didn't care about the large group of beasts that had already followed him.

There is no beast in his eyes, nor himself.

Only heaven!

Soon, he heard bursts of magic sounds coming from the sky in this area.

"Heaven is in my hands!"

"If you want to save her, come to see me with the good fortune jade plate within three days!"

Hongjun's eyes froze for a moment, and his figure froze instantly.

This is Taotie fishing!
It's a pity that although this Taotie is conscious, he can't hide his cultivation.

Just through this sound transmission, it has been exposed that Taotie's cultivation level is above Da Luo Jinxian!

"He stopped, was he afraid?"

Some monks began to discuss Hongjun's behavior.

Indeed, even if Hongjun's immediate reaction was to save Tiandao.

But knowing that he is facing danger, will he still choose to save Tiandao regardless of his own life?
The monks and immortals in the anti-Hongjun coalition are all Taoist companions.

They glanced at each other, their eyes flickering.

In this era, how many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for their loved ones?
Soon, Hongjun in the picture made his choice.

Hongjun's previous pause was just to confirm the direction of the voice.

After he confirmed the direction.

Without the slightest worry, he flew towards the source of the sound.

His brows were like a sharp sword at this moment, and his eyes were extremely determined and energetic.

Conquered many female nuns who were watching at once.

They didn't know why their eyes were blushing subconsciously.

In their impression, Hongjun was an old man, but he never expected to be so handsome!

Loved it.


Zhou Qing noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

There is no way, Hongjun's move is too popular.

Especially, although this is the prehistoric world.

But it has already experienced the end of the 21st century.

Among the anti-Hongjun coalition forces, many female cultivators of the human race were still girls in the rice circle before they became immortals.

Tiandao stared blankly at Hongjun's face in the picture in front of him.

His heart, which was as cold as ice, quietly became disordered.

She was puzzled.

Why is she a Heavenly Dao.

As the incarnation of the will to rule.

In a way, she is not even a living being.

But why, she seems to be giving birth to human emotions now?
It seems that a gap has finally been opened in the memory that has been buried in dust for billions of years.

The memory fragments in her mind began to overlap with the picture she saw in front of her eyes.

Zhou Qingguang could understand that Tiandao's state of mind had changed just by looking at Dao Yun, who was in chaos.

He was so confused that some of them lost their minds. He pointed at Hongjun in the picture and cursed:
"Hongjun really doesn't know what to do!"

"Knowing that the other party is a trap, he sent it directly!"

"Isn't this free?"

"He is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, how could he defeat Da Luo Golden Immortal!?"

"As a Chaos God Demon, doesn't he know that Taiyi and Da Luo are not just separated by a realm? When it comes to Da Luo Jinxian, it is a completely different level of people!"

"Even if he has so many magic weapons, it's impossible for Tai Yi to fight against Da Luo!"

"Hongjun is so stupid!"

"If I were Hongjun, I should first find the Four Holy Beasts as helpers."

Zhou Qing was still frantically arranging Hongjun.

But suddenly a terrifying aura hit him, almost knocking him down.

It was Tiandao who didn't know when he broke out a coercion on him! !

"shut your mouth!"

"If you talk too much!"

"I won't be polite anymore!"

"Crack. Yes."

"Miss Tiandao."

Zhou Qing suppressed his anger so much that his throat made a crackling sound.

He lowered his head, but his eyes were scarlet and full of anger, and his nails sank into the flesh due to the clenching of his fists.

Tiandao actually attacked Hongjun because of what he said!

Could it be that the way of heaven has been instigated?
Do not!
All this should be mine!
The chaotic green lotus is mine!
Heaven is also mine!

Everything about Hongjun should be mine!

"Hongjun, I must let you die!"

Zhou Qing swallowed his emotions forcibly, cursing in his heart.

Sun Wukong happily jumped to Zhou Qing's side, and slammed into Zhou Qing:

"Master Zhou Qing."

"You said you just watch the show, why talk so much?"

"Aren't you from the Earth race in the 21st century?"

"Don't you know that when watching a movie in a movie theater, people are most annoyed by people who are talking about the plot?"

"Hiss~!" Sun Wukong suddenly gasped in a pretentious manner.

Thoughtful way.

"No, no, no?"

"You haven't seen a movie with a girl in a movie theater yet, have you!?"

"You!!!" Zhou Qing couldn't hold back anymore!
The breath he had swallowed was interrupted by Monkey King again.

His breath and Dao heart are in a rebellious state now, and he is about to vomit blood!
"Damn monkey!!" Zhou Qing cursed.

"How about a fight!?"

Monkey King jumped away immediately and took out the golden cudgel.

"Don't think that you are a saint and I am afraid of you!"

"It's just right, my old grandson has killed everything, but he has never killed a saint!"

Wukong merged the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and practiced the law of fighting.

Only a thin line of sanctification.

And this line is to be achieved by fighting Tu Sheng!
Therefore, he is eager to fight Zhou Qing!

"Don't be presumptuous!"

A gentle but powerful scolding made Sun Wukong instinctively let go of his killing intent.

The one in this world who can calm Sun Wukong's emotions simply through words is naturally his master Tang Seng.

"Zhou Qing, don't you think Hongjun hasn't been refined yet, and our own people will fight?"

Yuanshi Tianzun also angrily reprimanded Zhou Qing.

Only then did the two put away the tense momentum before.

And wrote down this vengeance, planning to settle this account after killing Hongjun.

At this time, in the screen projected by Chaos Qinglian, Hongjun also rushed to the place where Taotie was hanging on the Dao of Heaven.

The appearance of Hongjun immediately caused a roar of fierce beasts.

And Taotie also recovered from his doze, his sleepy eyes shot out a cold light, full of disdain:
"Hahaha, unexpectedly, you really fell into the trap!"

Tian Dao, whose breath was declining, found Hongjun's figure from his coma, and exclaimed:

"Brother, you go!"

"His goal is to create a jade plate, he won't do anything to me!"

"Hurry up and escape from here, go back and comprehend the jade plate of good fortune!"

"Wait until you comprehend the laws in the Jade Plate of Creation, then come and save me!"

Tiandao twisted his body crazily, and Taotie hit him with a wave of evil spirit, which made Tiandao blur his consciousness and lost the ability to struggle.

And Hongjun raised his gloomy face, his round eyes reflected the scene of Tiandao being attacked, and his pupils became like needles.

Facing Taotie, one of the four fierce beasts in the abyss, Hongjun was not afraid, and said a very domineering sentence to Taotie:

"court death!"

"My little silly girl, only I can fight!!!"

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