Dare to say this, it means that there is no other food in the restaurant!
Gastrodia pepper betel nut is pretty amazing!

There may not be one that surpasses it, but it is as famous as it, and at least three kinds of delicious ingredients can be found in Cheng Yuan's restaurant!

The three of them farted rainbow farts at Cheng Yuan, boasting all kinds of things, and estimated that they had used up all their life's reserves!
Cheng Yuan couldn't take it any longer, so he interrupted hastily!

"Okay, okay, let's talk about these things later! I'll use this pot tomorrow, so I can't give you all of it! In this case, I'll give you a catty, do you think it's okay?"

This pot weighs about five catties in total, and if it is one catty, you will get thirty or forty betel nuts!

Sure enough, enough!
"All right, all right! Mr. Cheng, how much is a catty?"

Cheng Yuan is not doing charity, and it seems that he will have to supply it for a long time in the future!

He never sold gastrodia pepper betel nut and chili peppers alone, they were all mixed in the dishes!
Gastrodia pepper series, the cheapest is ten yuan!

There is a Gastrodia pepper in it!
20 yuan dish, there are two gastrodia peppers!

30 yuan dish, there are three Gastrodia peppers!

And so on!

Cheng Yuan didn't directly give the specific price, but said: "Let's owe it first, I haven't set a price yet, I will calculate the cost later, and I will give you an answer! You must not just buy it once."

Du Hongtao nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, we can establish a long-term cooperative relationship in the future! Mr. Cheng, you Tianma pepper and betel nut have miraculous effects on anorexia. If you can really cure anorexia, this will become a miracle in the 21st century. Another piece of heavy news is a great boost to the advancement of medicine! It will definitely set a milestone in medicine!"

Du Hongtao is not exaggerating, if Cheng Yuan's gastrodia pepper betel nut can really cure anorexia!


He sent it!
Not only is he famous, he's also famous!
The whole medical world will have a big earthquake for it!

But this has to be proven through repeated clinical trials!

Mr. Li alone cannot represent anorexia!

There are many types of anorexia!
Gastrodia pepper, not necessarily suitable for all anorexia!

Some are psychological problems, some are physical problems, some are spiritual problems...

There are many causes, and there should be more than one treatment!
This requires a lot of experimentation before we can draw a final conclusion!
This process will not be fast!
Half a year, a year, it's all possible!

If it can be done by then, then Du Hongtao will have to write a paper and publish it, stating his own verification, and then other scholars and experts in the medical field will have to verify it again!
In the end, the conclusion can be drawn!

In short, very troublesome!

But, well worth a try!
Because once it succeeds, Cheng Yuan is not the only one who is famous, Du Hongtao, Wang Zheng, and even Jinling Hospital will be famous together!
And the names of Du Hongtao, Cheng Yuan, Wang Zheng and others will also go down in the annals of history, leaving a strong mark in the history of medicine!
People who study medicine in the future will remember them!
Just thinking of these, Du Hongtao was already a little excited and speechless!

Who wouldn't want to be able to make history and create legends?
Regardless of gender, this is everyone's dream!

"By the way, you've been busy all night, haven't you eaten? I'll make you something to eat!"

"Then trouble Mr. Cheng!"

Du Hongtao and others were looking for Cheng Yuan all day today, and they didn't have time to eat at all, so they just stuffed a few mouthfuls casually.

Hearing what Cheng Yuan said, their stomachs growled immediately!
Cheng Yuan cooked three kinds of dishes for them!

After the spicy series!

Golden series!

Gastrodia series!

And the ensuing scene is not difficult to guess!

Holding a bowl of spicy beef stewed rice, Wang Zheng exclaimed, "It's so fragrant, it smells really good, I'll try it!"

What Du Wenting ate was Jindian Radish Vermicelli Ribs!
And what Du Hongtao ate was Tianma Palace fried chicken!
The aroma of the food made the three of them move their index fingers. Except for Du Wenting who is more refined, the other two have already disregarded their image and started gobbling it up!
"It's delicious! It's so delicious!"

"Hey... Dad, try this carrot ribs! Try it!"

"I don't want to taste it! This is delicious! Try my Kung Pao Chicken!"

"Oh, you two... hiss... it's so spicy, you guys have a try... try my beef stewed rice! Hiss... it's so refreshing! I feel so good when it's spicy! I can't do it, I want to drink water !"

After they took the first bite, they were completely overwhelmed by Cheng Yuan's craftsmanship. At this moment, Cheng Yuan was lying on the counter and was calculating the price of gastrodia pepper. He looked up at the three people who were extremely excited, and smiled. Keep bowing your head and counting!

Cheng Yuan has two things in mind!

In fact, the cost of Gastrodia pepper is not much, the cost price of one piece, even [-] cents is too much!
Because the prickly ash was grown by Cheng Yuan himself!
The cost is only soy sauce, oil and salt sauce, sesame and other marinating seasonings, plus water, electricity, coal, and time costs, it is also very little!

This pot, five catties, about 150 pieces!

But the cost of the sauce that can be used is less than three yuan!
But Cheng Yuan had to consider a problem!
Once the gastrodia pepper is sold by the catty, then other people can also make Gastrodia series dishes with the pepper!
Is Cheng Yuan stupid or stupid, making enemies for himself?
Therefore, he must prevent such incidents from happening!

To sum up, it is concluded that the price of Cheng Yuan’s pepper must be higher than the cost price of the dishes, so that other restaurants cannot imitate and copy, and compete with themselves by secretly purchasing raw materials!
In other words, this Gastrodia pepper betel nut can be sold for more than seven yuan!

Eight, nine, or even ten!

Because Cheng Yuan's gastrodia potato shreds cost ten yuan a piece!There is a Gastrodia pepper in it!
The cost of shredded potatoes is definitely not two yuan!

If Cheng Yuan sells one for seven yuan, then other restaurants will secretly buy one and add potato shreds for two dollars, and they will be able to make gastrodia potato shreds at a cost of nine dollars!

Those unscrupulous merchants have more means, and they can even compress the cost of shredded potatoes to less than one yuan to buy those rotten potatoes and bad potatoes.

In this way, the cost price of their Gastrodia elata potato shreds is less than [-] yuan!
At that time, they will sell it for nine yuan a piece!It's one yuan cheaper than Cheng Yuan's restaurant, where do you think people go to eat?
The taste is basically the same, and the opposite is cheaper by one yuan, so everyone will choose it!

This dollar is nothing to normal young people, young couples, and rich people!
But those migrant workers will be very fussy!

So, Cheng Yuan must put an end to this kind of thing from happening!
Although he is not afraid of others competing with him with the same dishes, he also does not want to make trouble for himself!

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