"Nonsense! What nonsense are you talking about! Fan Shu, let me say it again, I lent you the money! You just need to write me an IOU, write a guarantee, and hand over your ID card to me. I will do everything else. don't want!"

This matter is not a joke!

First of all, Cheng Yuan didn't mean that!
Fan Ying is indeed young and juicy, there is no man who does not like the body of a young girl, and the same is true for 80-year-old men!
But the reason why people are people is because people have bottom lines!With wisdom, you can control yourself!

Otherwise, what is the difference with animals?
Second, Cheng Yuan and Fan Ying?This is not nonsense!

Cheng Yuan is seven or eight years older than Fan Ying!
Third, this matter is either small or big!
Unpredictable people!

Although the brothers and sisters Fan Shu and Fan Ying seem simple and kind, what if... just what if!If the two of them bite back and say what Cheng Yuan will do to Fan Ying, then this matter will be unclear!

Cheng Yuanxiao suffered a lawsuit and his reputation was damaged. In the future, he will be labeled as the owner of the Tuanyuanyuan Restaurant!
In the big case, you will enter the game and suffer from prison!

As the saying goes, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others!

Anyone with a little brain will not agree!
Moreover, before doing this, Cheng Yuan still needs to verify it!
There is no evidence for his words, he has to go to the village where Fan Shu and Fan Ying are located to check it out!
See if this person, their father, is really seriously ill and needs surgery!

"Brother Cheng, you...you don't agree, we feel sorry for you!"

"Pull it down, get up quickly, don't fix those useless things! You can give me your ID card tomorrow, your father's hospital information, and your family's contact number, okay?"

Fan Ying and Fan Shu were overjoyed and agreed!

When Cheng Yuan came to the rooftop, he first took out some ripe vegetables from the farm and put them in the back kitchen on the first floor, so that when he and Fan Shu got up tomorrow, they could cut them directly!
After preparing the dishes for tomorrow, Cheng Yuan started to tinker with the farm.

After these three days of cultivation, the experience of the farm came to 380/1500.

If you harvest once, you can get 60 experience points. Last time, Cheng Yuan exchanged experience twice and jumped directly to the third-level farm. Now, if you want to upgrade the fourth-level farm, you need 4 experience points!
On the premise of not exchanging experience, it will take another 20 days!

Open the sowing interface!

Level 1 crops: pumpkins, peppers, peppers.Experience +1 for every ten square meters. (currently current)

Level 2 crops: corn, pepper, gastrodia painter.No ten square experience +2. (current level)

Level 3 crops: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, cauliflowers, experience +5 for every ten square meters. (current level)

The current level refers to the corresponding current farm level, which is now a level [-] farm, so if you go to plant level [-] crops, the experience will definitely decrease!
It is equivalent to brushing low-level monsters with high levels!
At Chengyuan's first-level farm, he was given five experience points for growing first-level crops, but now he can only give one point for growing first-level crops at the third-level farm.

In a farm of 120 square meters, there are vegetables that mature every day, and it is impossible to use them all up!
Even if Cheng Yuan's restaurant business is very hot, it is absolutely impossible to run out of them!
To be more specific, it is 120 square meters, ten meters long and 12 meters wide.Calculated by potatoes, the normal yield per mu is [-] catties, but Cheng Yuan's yield per mu can reach [-] catties!

His potatoes are bigger than normal potatoes, one and a half times bigger is definitely not a problem!
Calculated in this way, one square meter can produce nine catties of potatoes.

120 flat, that is one thousand and eighty-one catties!
What kind of restaurant can use [-] catties of potatoes a day?

Not to mention that Cheng Yuan's restaurant now only has ten tables and one private room, even if it has fifty tables and ten private rooms, it is impossible to use more than 1000 catties of potatoes a day!

The same is true for other vegetables. If you can use [-]% a day, it is already amazing!

Two percent is twenty catties of potatoes!

You know, apart from shredded potatoes, other dishes like potatoes are not the main dish, but only auxiliary ingredients!

There are potatoes, beef, green and red pepper cubes, fungus, and mountain bamboo shoots in the potato beef. You can also add some tomatoes and vegetables for decoration!

The ratio in turn is three to three to one to one to one!

Potatoes and beef stand third, green and red pepper fungus bamboo shoots account for [-]%, and the remaining [-]% are auxiliary ingredients, such as chili, pepper, aniseed and so on!
So the potatoes are not used too much!
The same is true for other vegetables. Cheng Yuan divided the vegetable plot into ten plots, and each plot grew different vegetable products.

But even if it is one tenth, it cannot be used up every day, and there will be a lot left!

In the past three days, a lot of vegetables have been piled up next to the vegetable field, let alone [-] catties!

And tomorrow morning, the vegetables will be ripe again, and the piled up amount will exceed three thousand catties!

What is Cheng Yuan doing here?
Can only sell!

Successful sale!

Sell ​​1414 catties of potatoes and get 1414 farm coins.

Sell ​​341 catties of eggplant and get 341 farm coins.

Sell ​​279 catties of carrots and get 279 farm coins!

A total of 2850 farm coins were sold for several vegetables!

Farm coins can be exchanged into cash at a one-to-one ratio.

It can be seen that it is not cost-effective!
If these 2850 catties of vegetables are used to make dishes, then adding an extra zero and multiplying by five is not too much, right?
5 yuan can definitely be earned!
But sold to the farm for recycling, there are only more than 2000!

Therefore, opening a restaurant is the way to maximize profits!
Coincidentally, Cheng Yuan also has a strong interest and obsession with opening a restaurant, and he is also willing to do it!
The last time I was able to exchange experience was because of the super hot pepper!

And these ordinary vegetables can only be exchanged for farm coins!
Cheng Yuan opened the mall, wanting to see what the fourth-level crops are in advance!
At level four, Cheng Yuan will unlock ten kinds of crops!

They are green peppers, broccoli, golden wheat, golden rice, peanuts, sweet potatoes, yams, red peppers, mountain bamboo shoots, and cluck!

Cheng Yuan muttered to himself, "Golden wheat? What do you mean? That means I can grow rice?"

There is no doubt that the rice grown from the farm is definitely better than the rice on the market!

Even the best and highest grade rice is definitely not as good as Cheng Yuan's farm!

At that time, the price of rice in Chengyuan Restaurant can still increase!

A bowl of five yuan...is it a bit dark!

A bowl of three is about the same!

Cheng Yuan is still focusing on the civilian market, and he never thought of raising the price of the dishes in the restaurant so much!
"Huh? Giggle? What is this?"

Cheng Yuan saw the last locked icon, with the words "giggle" displayed on it.

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