"Sorry, even if you want to drink beer, you don't have it!"

Li Xinxin said in a strong tone.

She is a rich young lady, she has never been a waiter or front desk, she smiles, treats people politely, and treats customers as God. The rules and etiquette of the service industry, let's play together!

Totally impossible!
If the other party likes to eat, eat it, if he doesn't like it, get out!
"You...you...called your boss out!"

Mr. Zhou was furious!

Zhao Xiang and Wang Yunsheng immediately said, "Forget it, old Zhou, why are you so angry! Forget it!"

Mr. Zhou pointed at Zhao Xiang's nose and said angrily: "Mr. Zhao! What kind of shabby shop are you looking for? It's fine if the private rooms are so rudimentary, and you don't need anything else! What a fart! Take you to another place to eat! This is also a place to eat? It's just nonsense! I think this Mr. Zhao is clearly going to treat you badly!"

Director Ma's face darkened, suddenly displeased.

Seeing his eyes, Mr. Zhou immediately calmed down a bit.

Director Ma said in a deep voice: "Yelling, making a lot of noise, are you still letting people do business? It's delicious, you won't know until you eat it! Why are you in such a hurry?"

Director Ma is still very self-cultivated and qualified!

Even if you don't like it in your heart, you won't say it!

If people treat each other with courtesy, no matter how unhappy I am, I can't let them down!
Indeed, what Zhao Xiang did was a bit unreasonable, but Zhao Xiang is not the kind of person who deliberately makes things difficult for others!
There must be a reason for him to do this!

If you are still not satisfied by the end of the meal, then there is nothing wrong with blaming Zhao Xiang!
Furthermore, if Zhao Xiang did this, Director Ma couldn't say anything about him on the surface, and he still respected him very much on the surface!
But this Mr. Zhou has repeatedly demolished other people's platforms, and is still yelling in other people's halls, with no quality!
In comparison, Ma Suo hates a reckless man like Mr. Zhou even more!
"No... no, Ma Suo, I, I... I have no other meaning, I..."

After Mr. Zhou calmed down, he became a little wilted.

Ma Suo glanced at him, shook his head speechlessly, and then looked at Li Xinxin.

Two migrant workers came to the front desk and ordered three bottles of Niu Er!

Director Ma also said: "Beauty, let's have a bottle of Niu Er!"

Li Xinxin spread her hands, pointed at the two migrant workers just now, and said, "No, they bought the last three bottles!"

This time, Zhao Xiang couldn't hold back his face anymore. In fact, he didn't hold back tonight!

Zhao Xiang said: "Then bring a case of beer! Ma Suo, shall we have some beer today?"

Director Ma nodded, "It's not impossible!"

But Li Xinxin said again: "I didn't lie to you just now, there is really no beer! Not even a bottle!"

Let's open a restaurant!
There is no good liquor, understandable!
Cheap liquor is sold out!

Also understandable!
But how could it be without beer?
Can this thing still be missing?
Zhao Xiang kept winking at Li Xinxin, but Li Xinxin was also very helpless!

"I didn't lie to you, Uncle Zhao, there really is no beer!"

"Let your boss go in!" Wang Yunsheng said.

Li Xinxin said: "If the wholesale department doesn't approve it for us, our boss can't do anything about it!"

"Which wholesale department won't approve it for you?" Wang Yunsheng said in doubt and disbelief.

Li Xinxin said: "No wholesale department will approve it, our boss has been targeted! If you want to drink, go to the store to buy it yourself!"

Mr. Zhou pointed at Li Xinxin, "We're here for dinner, you let us buy wine by ourselves, you..."

He wanted to get angry so much that he even wanted to smash the shop!

But Director Ma is here, and he doesn't dare to go too far.

Zhao Xiang said with an apologetic smile on his face: "I'll go buy it, I'll go buy it! Ma Suo, what wine do you want to drink? Go back and sit in the room first, and Xiao Wang and I will buy it for you!"

Wang Yunsheng said: "Don't be so troublesome, I'll send it to the nearby wholesale department!"

After all, Wang Yunsheng took out his mobile phone, checked the address book, and called the nearby wholesale department!
Wang Yunsheng and that wholesale king Wang Maocai both have the surname Wang...

That's right!

They are brothers!
However, as soon as Wang Yunsheng made a phone call, the other party heard that it was a gift to the Tuanyuanyuan restaurant, and immediately scolded Wang Yunsheng and hung up the phone!

Wang Yunsheng used his personal mobile phone, not a company number!
Even if he said his name, Wang Yunsheng, the boss of the wholesale department didn't know him!Let alone save face!

"what happened?"

"Hang up on me."

"Which wholesale department is so bold, dare to hang up your phone?"

"Forget it, I'll go buy it for you!"

Although Wang Yunsheng was puzzled, he didn't delve into it.

Director Ma was invited back into the box, and the food was served soon!

As soon as the food came in, it was immediately fragrant.

Mr. Zhou, who was originally listless and sluggish, smelled this fragrance, immediately became energetic, and sat up a little bit straighter, staring straight at the plate of dishes that Fan Ying brought in!
"Well! Yes! That's the smell!" Zhao Xiang was overjoyed when he smelled the smell!

This dish will definitely be remembered by Ma Suo for a lifetime!
Mr. Xie also came alive, but he didn't want Zhao Xiang to show off. He took a peek at the dishes that were served, swallowed, and belittled in his mouth.

"Why are you so excited, isn't it just a roadside stall, chicken and potatoes, look how excited you are!"

Zhao Xiang is too lazy to argue with him, this Mr. Xie is just stubborn!

You'll know when he eats it!
At this time, Wang Yunsheng pushed the door in with a box of beer and a bottle of liquor between his hands, "Here comes the wine, I've been waiting for a long time at the Masuo! I didn't buy the ones from Laojiao, but I bought Menglan and Masuo. May I?"

"Okay, whatever!"

Director Ma nodded, but in his heart, he crossed Wang Yunsheng!
Zhao Xiang, Wang Yunsheng, Zhou Zong, these three people have been denied by him in his heart.

This project is destined to fall on Mr. Xie and Mr. Niu.

The door of the room was pushed open again, Jindian Potato Stewed Ribs, Hou Spicy Chicken, Jindian Hou Spicy Tianma Farewell My Concubine, Jindian Nanke Yimeng Pumpkin Fragrant Rice, Jindian Sweet and Sour Eggplant, Tianma Stir-Fried Pork, Tianma Hundred Flavors Betel Nut...

Ten dishes, plus a Jindian carrot and tomato health soup!

All dishes!


A drop of "water" dripped on the edge of the table!
Director Ma woke up like a dream, looked down, and found that it was his own saliva!

When the second dish was served, he was already salivating because of the aroma!
When it came to the fifth dish, Director Ma was like the Yellow River breaking its bank, drooling uncontrollably, and wanted to hold chopsticks all the time, but Aunt Xu's movements were slow and unhurried, which made Director Ma anxious. broken!
However, when Director Ma looked around, he found that he was not the only one who was drooling, except for Zhao Xiang, all the other four people had transparent halazi hanging from the corners of their mouths!

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