Too many people have asked for a membership card, but Cheng Yuan's computer doesn't have a membership system yet!
However, Cheng Yuan is very fascinated by the membership system!
Must do!

Although there is no membership system yet, Cheng Yuan can take notes. This is what Cheng Yuan thought of when he was having dinner just now!

"Yes! Yes! There is no membership card yet, but you can apply for a membership. When you have a membership card in the future, I will supply it to you! Just register and you will be fine!"

Phone number plus name is enough!

[-]% off for life as a member, and you can get [-] yuan for charging [-] yuan!
Charge five hundred and get seventy free!
Get one thousand and get two hundred!
This is the recharge discount that Cheng Yuan thinks of at present. As for other details, we will talk about it later, so let’s decide first!
The [-]% discount plus the gift amount is already very cost-effective. There are only one of them in many places, either a discount or a free recharge amount!
If you eat 100 yuan dishes, you only need to pay 95 yuan, and you can still keep [-] yuan in the card!

Such a calculation is equivalent to [-]% off.

And if you charge [-], it will be [-]% off.

A table of dishes costs [-], but after using the membership card, there is still [-] left in the card, which is equivalent to spending [-], isn't that [-]% off?

This discount is quite powerful!

"Li Zhao, charge two hundred, the phone number is 18562123..."

"Du Ying, charge one hundred, the phone number is 133..."

"Xia Li, charge five hundred, the phone number is 1689988..."

Xia Li is Li Huo's girlfriend. She works nearby and has to find a place to eat at noon every day. It's a good deal to charge [-] at a time!
And Xiao Wang, Xiao Zhang, and Brother Liu heard that there is a membership system, and they also went to recharge money one after another!

All three of them recharged a thousand directly. They are old customers, and they know how good the taste here is, and a thousand is not too much!
And the other guests have been completely conquered by the hot series, and they all came forward to charge money with their mouths sucking!
"Zhang Long, charge five hundred, I charge Zhao Hu, so don't charge, my phone number is 166..."

"How can I, I can't eat your food every day, don't be polite to me! Boss, remember, Zhao Hu, charge five hundred, the phone number is 177..."

It's funny to say that the two police officers, Long, Zhao and Hu, were just on a normal police trip today, but unexpectedly, they stopped by for a meal and got a membership card!Charge five hundred per person!

But not only were the two not surprised, but they also felt very lucky!

If it wasn't for this incident, it might have been a long time before they knew about this gem of a restaurant!

Think about the taste of spicy chicken stewed rice, what a pity!
Isn't it a loss that you have to wait a long time to find out about such a delicious dish?

"Let's get a card too."

Excluding Li Huo, there are still 21 customers in the store, 15 of whom have applied for membership cards, and [-] of them are a little hesitant!

What made them hesitate was not because of the taste, but because they didn't live here, and they just came here for shopping today, a very accidental opportunity!
"But we don't come here often..."

"Then charge less, let's charge one hundred. I will definitely come over next time! If you don't do it, forget it, I will do it!"

"That's right, come back next weekend, I'll make one too!"

So far, 21 people have all applied for the card!
The recharge amount is 6800 yuan in total!
Did the merchant lose money?
For the recharge amount of 6800 yuan, Cheng Yuan had to sell more than 8000 yuan worth of vegetables to fully offset it!
Calculated from this, wouldn't Cheng Yuan lose more than 1000?

Even if it was covered with profits, it would still save Cheng Yuan a lot of money!

But that's not the case at all!

Otherwise, so many merchants offer recharge discounts?
This is tantamount to letting people spend in advance, and Cheng Yuan can hold the money in his hand and use it first.

For example, these people can only spend so much money in a month. Under normal circumstances, it will take one month for Cheng Yuan to receive the 6800 from these people!

But Cheng Yuan got it in one day now, and then he can use the money to do other things within a month and earn higher profits!

Maybe a little money can't be felt, but what if it's too much?

Sixty-eight thousand, 68 thousand, 680 million!

Did the gap come up all of a sudden!

With 680 million a month, you can earn hundreds of thousands casually.

Or use it for investment and continue to open stores, second store, third store, fourth store...

Then use the top-up money to open a branch!

Originally, ten stores could only be opened in three years, but now ten stores can be opened in three months!
Then these ten stores will make money together...

This is just one of them!
Another point is to lock in customers. After they have recharged, they will definitely continue to spend.

Then you can ensure that the store is always popular and will not be deserted!
Popularity can't be bought with money!
Therefore, merchants will never lose money!
In addition, the price of the dishes in Chengyuan's store is higher than other stores, and many vegetables are grown by themselves, no cost!
Cheng Yuan is definitely making money without losing money!


After applying for a wave of membership cards, Cheng Yuan sent Fan Shu upstairs to rest after sending the customers away one by one, then looked at Aunt Xu and said to Fan Ying: "Xiaoying, Aunt Xu, I have something to trouble you, Take up your rest time! There are three private rooms downstairs, please clean them up, I will buy turntable tables and benches later, and see if the private rooms can be vacated tonight or before noon tomorrow!"

It is very unethical for a boss to occupy the rest time of employees and let them continue to work.

Cheng Yuan came from an employee, and he understands the psychology of employees very well!

But Cheng Yuan won't let them do it for nothing, he will compensate them!
Aunt Xu and Fan Ying did not show any impatience, and agreed very readily!
And Cheng Yuan went out to buy tables, chairs and benches, as well as drinks, tableware, and butchers. He needed to contact them again!

As the business is getting better and better, it is impossible for Cheng Yuan to buy vegetables in person every day, and he has to let those bosses deliver them!
However, Cheng Yuan soon encountered a problem!
The wholesale department that sells alcoholic beverages and the boss who sells butcher had a good talk with Cheng Yuan, but when they heard that they were going to be sent to the Tuanyuanyuan restaurant, they immediately changed their faces and said they were out of stock!
Or just say that you are not free and can't deliver it!
One family is like this, two families are like this, and three families are like this!
Cheng Yuan ran all afternoon and asked eight families, but all of them were like this!
At the beginning, there were various welcomes, but when I heard the words "Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan", I immediately quit!
Even a fool can guess that Cheng Yuan is targeting him behind this!

This restaurant has no drinks, no chicken, fish, meat and eggs, what's the matter?

"Why? Boss, I'm giving you money, not not giving you money!" Cheng Yuan came to the ninth wholesale department, and the situation he encountered was exactly the same as before!
Cheng Yuan was puzzled, this time, he must ask clearly!

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