After talking for a long time, Cheng Yuan also understood!
Fan Shu understood what he meant, but he just didn't want to hear it.

Cheng Yuan said: "That's up to you, anyway, I don't agree with you agreeing to anyone, recuperate with peace of mind, and come back quickly after you recover."

A trace of anger flashed in Fan Shu's eyes, he sighed, and said, "I know Brother Cheng, I owe you 10 yuan, don't worry, I will pay you back, and I will go back to work!"

Cheng Yuan said: "It's not about money. I don't mind even if you want to rest for a while after you recover from your illness. You still misunderstood me!"

Fan Shu said: "No, Brother Cheng, I know you are good to me, you may have your own ideas, everyone's ideas are different! But I think, I should agree to the hospital! Yesterday the experts in the hospital also told me After that, if I can unlock the secrets of my body, it will be a qualitative leap in the medical world!"

"It can overcome many diseases and save countless people! Regardless of whether my body has secrets or not, I think it should be studied by the hospital. I am not doing it for money. I think that if it is beneficial to human beings, then it is a loss of life. Use my body It is not impossible to turn flesh and blood into the cornerstone to advance human medicine!"

Fan Shu's words moved Cheng Yuan's heart!
Unexpectedly, Fan Shu, who was young and uneducated, had such a high level of ideological awareness.

It's a pity that his body is no different from ordinary people!
If there are really secrets hidden in his body, then Cheng Yuan will never stop him, and even encourage him to go!

But in the end, it was just a joke.

"Oh... I understand what you're thinking, but..."

"Brother Cheng, why do you insist on stopping me?"

"I didn't stop you, I just thought... this matter... this..."

Cheng Yuan didn't know how to explain it. If he told the truth, his secret would be exposed!
It is estimated that Fan Shu now thinks that Cheng Yuan is afraid that Fan Shu and Fan Ying will not pay back the money, so he asked Fan Shu to go back to work and pay back the debt after being discharged from the hospital!
But Cheng Yuan really didn't mean that!
"Okay, you can make up your own mind on this matter. Du Wenting told me before, I said I can't make the decision for you, how to choose, it depends on what you want! Now if I stop it again, I will be a little bit embarrassed One. Take care of your wounds, by the way, where is your sister?"

"She went out to help me cook! Brother Cheng, thank you, I remember the medical expenses, and the 10 yuan I lent you, I have never forgotten, you don't have to worry, don't be afraid, I will pay you back of!"

Cheng Yuan put his hand on the back of Fan Shu's with a smile, and said: "No! You, Brother Cheng, are not short of money, and have never worried about it! I should pay for the medical expenses for you! Don't think too much, just take care of yourself. Get well. I'll go see your sister, why haven't you come back after so long!"


"Hey, little sister, where are you going?"

"Little sister, don't go away! Are you from the country? I think you are quite simple. Don't worry, I'm not a bad person!"

At this time, Fan Ying was trapped by several youths on the way back from the hospital cafeteria!
These people are all dressed in trendy clothes, and one of them even dyed the most popular wine red hair at the moment!

Fan Ying is actually pretty, but she doesn't like to dress up.

I can't blame her, the family situation is here, and I don't have money to dress up.

But Fan Ying has an air of simplicity and innocence, which can be seen at a glance!
In this materialistic and luxurious city, it is extremely rare for a girl to respond like this!

When eating, just because I ran into one of the young people, the other party didn't say anything.

But Fan Ying's performance was very fierce, apologizing and helping the other party wipe his body.

She was not wrong, she just wanted to express her apology.

But this precious innocence in her was also revealed.

To be honest, these people are really not interested in Fan Ying's appearance.

But Fan Ying can give people a very comfortable psychology.

To sum it up in two words, it should be "clean"!
Clean should be the top adjective for a girl.

The three young people have definitely seen a girl who is more beautiful than Fan Ying, who is more seductive, more seductive, more manly, more clingy, more coquettish...

But I have never seen someone more simple than Fan Ying!
And those people are definitely veterans, they are many times dirtier than Fan Ying!
In contrast, Fan Ying is more able to arouse men's possessiveness.

"Don't be afraid, sister, I just want to add you on WeChat, leave a contact information, and take you out to play at night!"

Fan Ying hugged the lunch box, lowered her head, and said, "I... I don't have WeChat, I don't have a mobile phone."

The man with wine-red hair said, "It's okay, I'll give you one!"

As he spoke, he took out a newest and unopened orange mobile phone from his butt pocket!
It is estimated that this mobile phone is going to be given to another girl by him.

Fan Ying immediately shook her head like a rattle, "I don't want it! You...get out of my way!"

A man next to him said: "Little sister, don't be ignorant! Do you know who our Young Master Zhang is? It's your honor that he has taken a fancy to you!"

Fan Ying still lowered her head, very frightened, "I... I don't want to be honored. You guys... give way..."

Another man said: "I gave you a face, right? Do you know how easy it is for Mr. Zhang to kill you? If you tell you to take it, you can take it, damn it..."

Zhang Shao turned around and slapped the young man, angrily said: "Why the hell are you talking to that little girl?!"

The young man immediately lowered his head, "I'm sorry, Young Master Zhang!"

Afterwards, Young Master Zhang turned his head to look at Fan Ying, showing what he thought was a very kind smile, "Sister, put it away, brother is really not a bad person! I know your life must be difficult, brother will not force you, you Take your mobile phone and save my number, if one day you are short of money, call me! I will give it to you!"

"I don't want..." Fan Ying still insisted on her own ideas.

But her stubbornness has already made Zhang Shao a little impatient.

Why use your brain to spend energy on things that can be settled with money?
Zhang Shao has not wasted time on women for many years.

As soon as the money was thrown away, the woman stuck it on her body.

Therefore, his patience is not good.

"Who in your family has been hospitalized? Are there any relatives in this hospital? If you don't accept me, I will let the hospital kick out your relatives! Little sister, I don't like sweet words, I like you very much , I gave you a mobile phone, just to sleep with you! But I don’t want to force you! But if you insist on forcing me to force you, then I will only make you worse!”

Young Master Zhang is also the first person who can speak so bluntly!

Not reserved at all, Fan Ying felt ashamed and annoyed when she heard it, and at the same time felt even more flustered.

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