System: Achieve the first restaurant at the start

Chapter 157 Where did he get the sales?

International joke!

"Mr. Jiang, if you said that you came today just to talk about such meaningless and impractical things, then please go back! I have no plans to sell formulas, let alone a store!"

After Cheng Yuan finished speaking, he stood up, as if he didn't intend to continue talking with Jiang Liguo!
Jiang Liguo was angry and angry, and said: "Boss Cheng! I have shown my sincerity! If you are not satisfied with the price, you can negotiate again! Do you really want to do this?"

Cheng Yuan smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, tell me, how do you talk about unrealistic things?"

Jiang Liguo said: "You can't use 350 million for this store, right? The maximum is 50. I'll give you six times the price. What are you not satisfied with?"

Cheng Yuan spent 800 million before buying this store!
Why is it not worth 350 million?

But buying it and renting it, the price must be different!
Jiang Liguo said with certainty: "Boss Cheng, as long as you say a price! If you can say it, I can afford it! Say it!"

Cheng Yuan looked at the other party seriously, and shook his head slightly, "I told you, I won't sell it! Mr. Jiang, if you do this again, I will get angry!"

This guy is really tough!
It was the first time Jiang Liguo saw such a difficult opponent.

All the up-and-comers on Jinling Street in the past were all killed by Jiang Liguo!
"Okay! Boss Cheng, don't regret it!"

Jiang Liguo couldn't hold back any longer, and uttered harsh words!
Cheng Yuan took his words as fart, turned around directly, and said, "Mr. Jiang, I still have things to do, so I won't see you off!"

After speaking, people have entered the kitchen.

Jiang Liguo left the Tuanyuanyuan restaurant angrily, and in a remote alley not far away, the two came to Jiang Liguo.

It was Zhang Qiang and Li Zhuang who Cheng Yuan had brought to the case just a few days ago.

When Jiang Liguo was leaving, he happened to meet two people who had come to work, so he called them aside and asked.

"Have you been learning it for a few days? He doesn't have any difficult dishes there. With your talent, you should be able to handle it in a few days, right?"

Zhang Qiang and Li Zhuang said: "I have figured out the seasoning, but...but it's not right!"

"No? What's wrong?" Jiang Liguo asked.

Zhang Qiang said: "After get off work, we went back and fried it according to the method recorded during the day, but no matter what, we couldn't fry the taste of Cheng Yuan!"

These words made Jiang Liguo suspicious, "How could it be wrong? Do you remember correctly?"

At the same time, he also thought of the chefs in his own restaurant, who have been constantly exploring Cheng Yuan's dishes during this time!

But it's just not right!
I can't even make a similar taste, and the taste of Chengyuan restaurant is far away from it!
There are only so many seasonings, and if you count the big ingredients, it can't be so complicated.

Not to mention completely imitating it, at least it is not difficult to imitate [-]% to [-]%?

They are all experienced chefs, and the taste can be easily guessed after a little sip!
How can it be so difficult?

Li Zhuang said: "Boss, we now suspect that it's not because of the way the seasoning is made!"

Jiang Liguo said: "Oh? What's the reason?"

Zhang Qiang and Li Zhuang glanced at each other, and said in unison: "It's the food!"


Jiang Liguo frowned and asked, "What kind of food?"

"It's the ingredients!"

"You guys! How could the ingredients change the taste of the dish!"

At this time, Zhang Qiang took out a handful of chili peppers from his pocket and said, "Boss, this is the chili pepper I stole from Cheng Yuan's back kitchen, take it back and try it!"

Jiang Liguo didn't believe that the chili pepper was the cause, but he decided to give it a try!
So he took the chili pepper and asked the two to continue to work as undercover agents on Cheng Yuan's side, and ordered them to do so.

"Hey, Zhang Qiang and Li Zhuang, what are you doing?"

At this time, a voice came from outside the alley, and the three of them turned their heads to look, and found that it was the troublesome Aunt Xu!

"Ah? It's nothing, Aunt Xu, you came so early today?"

Aunt Xu said with a smile: "Idle at home is also idle, nothing to do."

As he spoke, he glanced at Jiang Liguo twice.

Seeing Aunt Xu, the three of them also separated immediately.

After Jiang Liguo returned to the restaurant with the chili peppers in his arms, he thought in his heart that he knew without trying that it was definitely not a problem with the chili peppers.

But when passing by the back kitchen, he still took out the peppers.

"Manager Wang!"

"Hey, boss, you are back."

"Go, take this chili to the back kitchen, let them use this chili to make spicy chicken stewed rice!"

"Ah?" Manager Wang was stunned for a moment, "Okay, I'll go right away!"

Although he didn't understand what the boss meant, he just did as he was told.


Jinling District, in Wang Maocai's office!

A secretary is reporting this month's sales.

"Flying spears, seventeen pieces."

"Sky Spear, 26 pieces."

"National cellar, 43 pieces..."

Wang Maocai frowned upon hearing this.

That's right, this data is not his, but Jiang Yusheng's wholesale company!

Flying spears and Tianspears are top-quality wines that cost tens of thousands of bottles, and it is difficult to sell even a few bottles a month.

However, this month Jiang Yusheng actually sold more than ten or twenty pieces!
Simply horrible!
Where did Jiang Yusheng dig out such a high-end consumer place?

Is there a place with such high consumption in the east?

It can even be said that there are not many such high-end consumer places in Jinling City!

What's even more frightening is that a bottle of top grade Lafite was actually sold!
For cheap wine, Jiang Yusheng's sales are not as good as his own!
But how much profit are those cheap wines?

How much do you need to sell to make enough profit for a bottle of Sky Spear?

"Wait a minute!"

Wang Maocai interrupted the female secretary's report, pointed to the bill in his hand, "Are you sure the data is correct?!"

The female secretary looked at the manager at the side. The manager was Wang Maocai's undercover business agent who had been placed by Jiang Yusheng.

All this data was stolen by this person!
The manager said: "Boss, you are absolutely right!"

Wang Maocai knocked on the table and said angrily: "You fart! Do you know how much these wines cost?"

"What I just said adds up to 200 million! This is not an ordinary beer drink!"

"He, Jiang Yusheng, has become an alien client?! How could he sell so much!"

The manager said with an ugly face: "Yes... it is true that we have sold so much! Mr. Jiang... He sold all these wines to a restaurant in our Jinling District!"

Wang Maocai asked suspiciously: "From Jinling District? He Jiang Yusheng has such long hands! No, how can there be such a high-end restaurant in Jinling District? There haven't been many star-rated hotels recently!"

The manager said: "It's not a star hotel, it's a small restaurant! The public space is only two hundred square meters."

Wang Maocai was full of disbelief, "[-] square meters can sell so much!? Are you fucking lying to me?!"

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