Anyway, this matter was handled by Cheng Yuan!

Even if there is suspicion, there is no evidence to be found!

The only evidence may be Du Wenting!

But Du Wenting's side is not a problem at all!
Cheng Yuan can ask Du Wenting to help him lie, claiming that she knew both of his brothers at the same time.

It was indeed a man named "Cheng Jin" who died that day!
Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan felt that this plan was feasible, so he called Du Wenting again!

As soon as the phone was connected, before Cheng Yuan could speak, Du Wenting over there was the first to ask excitedly.

"Cheng Yuan, where are the wounds on your body?! Why are your wounds gone?"

Cheng Yuan said: "This is not important, I will explain it to you later! Wen Ting, do me a favor now!"

Du Wenting said, "What's the matter, tell me!"

She was unambiguous at all, Cheng Yuan's help, she will definitely help if she can!
"You know that my wound is gone, so I should have watched the live broadcast! I'm afraid that a reporter will interview you tomorrow. Then, you have to help me complete this lie! Just say that the person who was with you that day was Cheng Jin !"

Du Wenting froze for a moment, "Do you really have a twin brother?"

Cheng Yuan was a little dumbfounded, "How is it possible! Can't you tell that I lied to the media?"

"Oh! Then why?" Du Wenting also felt that it was impossible, but what Cheng Yuan said seemed to be true, and when he talked about the sad part, he even pretended to wipe away his tears!
In addition to the fact that the wound on Cheng Yuan's body has disappeared, Du Wenting now wonders if Cheng Yuan really has a twin brother named Cheng Jin!

But in fact, the person who opened his clothes in front of the camera was Cheng Jin!
The person who fought against the poisonous dragon yesterday and was wounded was Cheng Yuan!
Cheng Yuan said that the reason why he wanted to lie was that he was afraid of being retaliated by Dulong's remaining party!
The police also told Cheng Yuan that there were more than 20 people missing!
The opponent is in the dark, Cheng Yuan is in the light, it is too easy for the opponent to attack Cheng Yuan.

And Tuanyuanyuan was also exposed to danger!

At this moment, Du Wenting immediately agreed after hearing Cheng Yuan's analysis!

Apart from Du Wenting, only Zhang Dongqi and Xiao Ma know the truth of this matter!

But these people were all arrested. Cheng Yuan will contact Director Li tomorrow to ask how long Zhang Dongqi and others will be imprisoned.

If the time is long enough, when they are released, the heat of this matter will pass.

Probably won't mention it again!
Cheng Yuan didn't expect that just going to a concert would cause such a big disturbance!
And after this incident, Cheng Yuan's life is slowly returning to the right track!

It was very late, and Tuanyuanyuan was sent back by Li Xinxin!
Li Xinxin's face was full of exhaustion. After seeing Cheng Yuan, the emotions on his face were a bit complicated!

It seems that there is fear, joy, and curiosity!
Cheng Yuan didn't know why, so he chatted with Li Xinxin for a few words, and made it clear that all the expenses today were his own, and when Li Xinxin reported it at the end of the month, Cheng Yuan would send it to her along with the salary.

What kind of family would Li Xinxin care about such a small amount of money?
He promised with his mouth, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart!
After Li Xinxin left, Cheng Yuanyuan hugged Cheng Yuan's thigh, raised her head, opened her big innocent eyes, and said to Cheng Yuan, "Father! Sister Xinxin's family is very rich!"

Cheng Yuan rubbed Cheng Yuanyuan's head and said, "I know, she is not a girl from a poor family!"

Cheng Yuanyuan said again: "Then you don't have to pay her back!"

Cheng Yuan's face darkened, and he sternly said to Cheng Yuanyuan: "No! Yuanyuan, who taught you this? You can't do this, do you know? It's their business to have money. Even if he is the richest man in the world, he should return If you give it to her, you have to give it back to her!"

Although Cheng Yuanyuan was young, he kept his mouth shut. If he agreed to keep Chen Li Xinxin a secret, he really didn't mention a single word to Cheng Yuan!

Although she wanted to say very much at this moment, Li Xinxin came to steal from the teacher, and she was still stealing from the back kitchen!

But thinking about how Li Xinxin took the two of them on a roller coaster and an astronaut today, Cheng Yuanyuan still held back.

Cheng Yuan doted on these two children very much, especially after their mother left, he loved them very much.

But some things are the basics of being a human being and must be corrected!

Spoiling will only ruin them!
After educating Cheng Yuanyuan, Cheng Yuanyuan pouted, looking very aggrieved, until Cheng Yuan asked her to go upstairs to watch TV, the grievance on her face was wiped away immediately, and Cheng Tuantuan ran upstairs in a hurry!
All feelings of grievances are pretended!
Cheng Yuan smiled, knowing that Cheng Yuanyuan had listened.

Checked the water, electricity and gas, turned off the lights, and went to sleep!

The next day, Cheng Yuan's restaurant business hit a record high!
It was only ten o'clock in the morning, and the house was already full of people!
When the restaurant opened at eleven o'clock, Jinling Street was even more blocked!
It's simply not an exaggeration!

Cheng Yuan thought that today's business would be very good, but he didn't expect that it would be so good!

Countless people came here admiringly, and Cheng Yuan's Tuanyuanyuan restaurant became an online celebrity shop overnight!

Some people on the Internet described the dishes of Chengyuan Restaurant as superb, as if they were rare treasures!
Because of those comments, some people even drove [-] kilometers from the suburbs of Jinling City to taste it!
Li Xinxin, Aunt Xu, Fan Ying and others were paralyzed from exhaustion!

The three brothers Zhang Sankuang are very physically strong, but after noon, they were still exhausted like dogs!

fortunately!Not many tables!
If there are hundreds of tables, it is estimated that...

Just call 120 directly!

"Boss, is table six alright?"

"Boss, table number eight has added seven more dishes, and the menu is here!"

"Boss, please show me the menu of Gate 7, Fan Shu, I'll go out and clear the table!"

What does door 7 mean?
It's the seventh table at the door!
It's called Door 7!

There was no room to sit in the room, and there happened to be a wide and high platform with three floors of stairs at the entrance of the restaurant, so a table was placed at the entrance!
But Cheng Yuan has a table at the door!
That's right!

It is the table brought by the guests themselves!

This one-handed showmanship made Cheng Yuan unable to fix it!
Guests bring their own table?Cheng Yuan has never seen such an operation in his two lifetimes!

Those who bring their own tables are all Internet celebrities, and they must eat the dishes of Cheng Yuan's restaurant today to give the fans the most authentic feedback!

But after waiting at the door for a long time, they couldn't get in, and there was no vacancy, so they became cruel and bought a table by themselves and pulled it over!
By the way, they also bring their own bowls and chopsticks!
After running for dozens of miles, it wouldn't be a waste of time, would it?

Whatever you say today, you have to eat the meals at the Tuanyuanyuan restaurant that netizens have given divine comments!

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