But if you want to leave, you have to have a suitable reason!
However, since it is here, let it be!

Let's take a look at what medicine is sold in Zhang Dongqi's gourd first!

The three of them sat down, drank two glasses of wine, and said a few words, but nothing!
Anyway, they were all the usual greetings. After a brief understanding, Zhang Dongqi started to get into the topic!
He looked at Du Wenting and said, "Miss Du, what I'm going to say to Mr. Zhang next may be a little more personal, or you should..."

Du Wenting understood what Zhang Dongqi meant, she immediately got up and said, "Okay, then I'll go out and wait first!"

"No no no!"

Zhang Dongqi hurriedly stood up and said with a smile: "Go to the next door, I have the room next door! Xiao Ling, take Miss Du to the next door and wait for a while. I will discuss something with Mr. Du, and it will be over soon!"

One of the internet celebrities nodded and took Du Wenting out of the room!
Seeing that the other party was so mysterious, Cheng Yuan couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, "Mr. Zhang, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Come, come, let's have a glass of wine first!"

Zhang Dongqi picked up the wine glass again, wanting to have a drink with Cheng Yuan!
Cheng Yuan shook his head, "I don't drink anymore. I don't usually drink alcohol. I've had three glasses just now, and I drank a lot before coming here tonight. Mr. Zhang, just say what you want!"

Hearing this, Zhang Dong nodded his head and said, "Okay, then I won't beat around the bush! Mr. Cheng, I just watched your live broadcast at the backstage of Jay Chow's concert. Tell me the truth, these songs are Did you write it? Just the three songs you sang."

Cheng Yuan's heart skipped a beat!
Could it be that these three songs actually exist in this world?

It's just that Jay Chou didn't write it?

Is it possible that I have become a plagiarist?

But I have released all my original words, so I have to admit it if I don’t admit it now!
"Uh...um! Yes, I wrote it!"

Zhang Dongqi clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Okay! Good writing! Great writing!"

So it wasn't plagiarism?

Cheng Yuan felt relieved immediately!
"Boss Zhang is over the prize!" Cheng Yuan laughed!
Zhang Dongqi said: "Mr. Cheng, you just came up with three original songs, so you must have a lot of original songs, right? Huh?"

Cheng Yuan laughed and said, "It's okay, it's not too much!"

Jay Chou in this world hasn’t finished writing all the songs, so have other singers also not finished?
If you count it, can you easily come up with forty or fifty songs?

I don't know about the others, but Jay Chou's songs can indeed come up with another ten or twenty!
When Zhang Dongqi heard this, he was immediately happy, "Mr. Cheng, how many originals do you have, I bought them!"


"Yes, you heard me right, I bought it!"

Cheng Yuan laughed and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Zhang, I don't rely on this to make money!"

Zhang Dongqi laughed and said, "No one thinks it's too much money! Just tell me the number, how much is a song, I want it all!"

Sell ​​it, it's not impossible!
But Cheng Yuan doesn't know the melody!
He doesn't know staff, you can let him sing, let him write it down, even if you kill him, he can't write it!

"This... Forget it, Mr. Zhang, I really don't sell songs!"

Zhang Dongqi suddenly sat up straight, and said to Cheng Yuan: "Mr. Cheng, look at you, it's a little tricky! Money is not a problem, you say, how much, just say it!"

Cheng Yuan sneered and said, "No, Mr. Zhang, I don't sell songs!"

Now, Zhang Dongqi is a little unhappy!
"Mr. Cheng, don't be so rigid! I know, your songs are very good, and I guessed it too. Zou Tianwang should have said that he wants to release an album with you, right? You and him will release an album together, indeed. , you can earn fame! But, you can’t earn money! Your album will be labeled as his, and his fame will be even greater, and you can only get a very small part of the fame! And money, even more It will be his!"

"Mr. Cheng, I believe you are a smart person. You should be able to see it in today's entertainment industry! It is very difficult for you to stand out and become famous on your own! If you don't sell the song to me, you will only be robbed." The others were cheated! I won’t lose your money, just tell me how much a song is, and I can give you the money on the spot! One hundred thousand? Two hundred thousand? Tell me!”

Cheng Yuan shook his head again and said, "No, Mr. Zhang, I don't sell songs!"

"Don't sell the song, or don't sell it to me? Mr. Cheng, if you say that, it's a bit like toasting and not eating or drinking!"

Zhang Dongqi's face has completely changed!

His reputation is very bad in the circle, not many people don't know about it!

I guess Cheng Yuan knows too!
That's why Cheng Yuan didn't want to sell the song to him!
"Mr. Cheng, I advise you to be smarter. If you don't sell me the song today, don't even think about leaving this door!"


Turn your face so quickly?
This Zhang Dongqi is too impatient!
The door was opened, and a few strong men in suits came in, leaned behind the door with their hands behind their backs, and blocked the door!
Cheng Yuan glanced at the direction of the door, and then at Zhang Dongqi.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?"

Zhang Dongqi said: "It's nothing interesting, I just want to ask Mr. Cheng to write twelve songs before leaving! I just don't know if Mr. Cheng is willing!"

Cheng Yuan frowned and asked, "What if I don't want to?"

Zhang Dongqi smiled and said, "Not willing?"

He rushed towards the door and nuzzled, saying, "I don't want you to try it!"Today, you have to be willing if you want to, and you have to be willing if you are not willing!You have no choice! '

Cheng Yuan sneered, and glanced in the direction of the door again.

"One, two, three, four, five... eight, eight people! Isn't it Mr. Zhang, you want to stop me with eight people? I've been hearing on the Internet that Mr. Zhang is not a good character, but I haven't seen it before. Today, you really opened my eyes!"

Zhang Dongqi took a puff of his cigar and said with a smile: "Experience? What I have shown you is just the tip of the iceberg! Mr. Cheng, if you continue to fight against me, I will let you see what a bad temper is! Write! Write to me come out!"

With that said, Zhang Dongqi took out a stave and threw it in front of Cheng Yuan!

Cheng Yuan smiled coldly and threw away the stave, "I was still hesitant to write it or not! But now I don't hesitate at all! I will write you a... fart!"

"Damn you! I think you won't cry until you see the coffin!"

Enraged, Zhang Dongqi stood up, pointed at Cheng Yuan, and ordered to the big man at the door: "Give it to me! Capture this kid! Let him suffer!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Dongqi retreated behind those big guys, and those big guys also surrounded Cheng Yuan, surrounded by them!

Zhang Dongqi smiled sinisterly, opened the door, left the room, turned around and walked into the next room!

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