Yan Jiefang fled home in the heavy rain, thinking that Xia Ming would definitely not let him go, so it's better to hide first.

After he changed his clothes, he rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find cash, but Yu Li opened the door and went home at this time. Seeing his distressed appearance, he knew something had happened.

"Aren't you at a hot pot restaurant in Jiefang, where are you going?"

The bag containing the cash was left in Boss Zhao's small shop, but he couldn't find the cash at home. There was no way to hide this matter, Yan Jiefang told the truth.

Yu Li was dumbfounded after hearing this, how could her husband do such a bastard thing.

"Have you given the recipe to Boss Zhao to open a shop?"

Yu Li was also there when Boss Zhao came to visit, but Yan Jiefang didn't agree in front of him, who would have thought that he would secretly contact him.

Thinking of He Yuzhu's appearance of beating someone, Yan Jiefang also regretted it. He thought it would be better to hide now.

"Yu Li, our hot pot restaurant will definitely not be able to keep it. Let's run with me. As long as Xia Ming is out of the capital, no matter how capable he is, there is nothing he can do."

run?No more home?

Seeing that Yan Jiefang was so frightened that he was dizzy, Yu Li felt disappointed.Anyway, let Yan Jiefang wait at home. These days, the small hot pot restaurant also has some income, so Yu Li took the money and left the house.

There is no way to make Xia Ming let them go, and Yu Li doesn't make sense.

On the way, Yu Li felt more and more uncomfortable as she thought about it. She rode her bicycle and cried all the way to the 22nd floor when it was dark. Xia Ming opened the door but didn't chase anyone away.

"Yu Li, if you dare to come, you are quite courageous."

Yan Jiefang was running so fast that he couldn't catch up.

As soon as Yu Li entered the room, she took out all the money and said with red eyes.

"Our family, Yan Jiefang, knew he was wrong. In the face of the neighbors in the courtyard, let him go this time. I guarantee that he will be honest in the future."

Things have already happened, so you can't be unhappy about being a bastard. Xia Ming was in a good mood when he came back to watch a TV series.

Seeing what Yu Li said, Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

"As soon as you pouted, Yan Jiefang was fine?"

Xia Ming, who was hanging out, turned his head to watch the TV.

He didn't mention conditions, and let Yu Li think to herself, it would be good if the security department arrested someone and sent them in.

Yu Li lowered her head and stirred her hands and her mind was spinning wildly. He Yuzhu's side could say that, but at worst he would be beaten, but Xia Ming's side couldn't do it.

Yan Jiefang can't be arrested like a stick, even if he goes in for a few days, the people in the courtyard can laugh at them behind their backs for the rest of their lives.

The room was quiet, only the sound of the TV, Yu Li faltered and hawed for a long time.

"How about I give you a year's class in the big restaurant for nothing, and let our family go."

Big restaurant?
Even if a year is not short, how much can Yu Li earn if she works alone.

Can Xia Ming fall for this trick?He shook his head and refused.

"There is Zhang Shun in the big restaurant, he is much stronger than you, you go get in the way."

Most of the shares in the hot pot restaurant are in Xia Ming's hands, and he will take them back if he says he wants them back.

With a hot pot restaurant, Yu Li can earn what others work for a year in a month, but without a hot pot restaurant, Yu Li is nothing.

"Three years, Xia Ming!"

Yu Li begged.

Farewell soon, Yu Li is almost forty, and I can't afford to pay for being exhausted at such an age.

Xia Ming opened the door to let Yu Li go out, and asked the security department to catch Yan Jiefang tomorrow and send him in for proper education.

Yu Li burst into tears when she saw that Xia Minglai was really coming, she held onto the sofa and refused to leave.

Next door, He Yuzhu and Lou Xiao'e heard the crying and looked towards Xia Ming's house.

He Yuzhu was a little worried.

"It's not going to happen, Lou Xiao'e, go and have a look."

Who knew that Lou Xiao'e didn't even move, but persuaded instead.

"Zhuzi, you still don't understand women. This is called crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself. Wait for a while and it will come."

Not long after she finished speaking, Yu Li broke out at Xia Ming's house.

Yu Li flung left and right, Xia Ming dodged left and right, just to prevent her from sticking to her body.

If you want an old cow to eat young grass, there is no way.

The fuss was fruitless, so Yu Li ran to the window and wanted to jump off.

"You let our family go, or I jumped off."

Jumping on the second floor, you can just jump down and walk straight away. Xia Ming went up angrily and pushed the person down and kicked him out.

Yan Jiefang must clean up Yu Liqiu, it's useless, why keep such a scourge.

It was raining heavily outside, but Yu Li refused to leave outside the door.

Lou Xiaoe was worried that the neighbors would not be able to go down and bring the person back, and she would not be able to go back at this point, so Yu Li lived on the third floor of He Yuzhu's house.

Xia Ming thought about driving people away and forgot about it.

Yu Li is quite capable and a woman who is miserable by Yan Jiefang, so she doesn't need to clean up with Yu Li.

Forget about taking back the small shop, Xia Ming re-wrote the contract, excluding Yan Jiefang's share as punishment.

Send the contract to He Yuzhu, and let Yu Li get up to sign it tomorrow morning. Xia Ming has to go to the new material factory, and he doesn't have the time to watch Yu Li play tricks.

Yan Jiefang waited at home, and Yu Li fell asleep on her stomach before she came back when she was too sleepy in the middle of the night.

When I woke up in the morning, I saw that I was alone at home.

Where's Yu Li!
It's broken, he was detained by Xia Ming.

Yan Jiefang put on two clothes and rushed out.

Running all the way to the door of Xia Ming's house, he was out of breath.

"Xia Ming, get out!"

"What did you do to Yu Li!"

"Little bastard, I am at odds with you!"


It was too early, Xia Ming always went to work at eight o'clock, and he didn't wake up at all.

Besides, he slept on the third floor and couldn't hear Yan Jiefang knocking on the door below.

Lou Xiao'e had to send He Xiao to school, and He Yuzhu got up early to cook. Seeing Yan Jiefang cursing and copying sticks, he opened the door and went out.

"Yan Jiefang, you are here.

You don't want anything to happen to Yu Li, do you?
Don't move and let me hit you with two sticks!"

He Yuzhu couldn't do anything to him, just beat him up and teach him a lesson.

As soon as he heard He Yuzhu's voice, Yan Jiefang turned his head and ran away. It's okay for Yu Li and his wife to pick him up tomorrow, and we'll talk after we run away.

This time, He Yuzhu was prepared, and he swung the stick toward his leg.

With a snap, Yan Jiefang threw himself on the ground like a dog eating shit.

He Yuzhu went up and kicked Yan Jiefang, feeling bored seeing Yan Jiefang's bear-like appearance, so he pulled him up and said.

"Yu Li lives in my house. What are you yelling? Xia Ming didn't hear it. If you hear it, it's over!"

Yan Jiefang was quite happy after being beaten.

He was tortured to death last night. Sometimes he wanted to run away by himself, and sometimes he wanted to stay. At least he doesn't have to worry about it now.

Well played.

He followed He Yuzhu home and Yu Li just got up, Lou Xiaoe didn't bother to care about these bad things, and didn't want He Xiao to know, so she left without saying hello and taking her son.

He Yuzhu took out the contract written by Xia Ming last night, showed it to the two of them and said.

"Hurry up and sign before Xia Ming doesn't regret it. I still have to go to work, so I don't have time to serve you two."

Yu Li looked at the contract with mixed feelings in her heart.

When the hot pot restaurant opened, her family still had [-]% of the shares, and the share was quite a lot, but now Yan Jiefang has lost [-]% of the shares.This amount of money is just enough for the family to live on, and there is no hope of getting rich in this life.

Having been obsessed with money for the rest of her life, her husband ruined her. She felt uncomfortable there, but Yan Jiefang was different. He picked up a pen and signed it in a hurry. After signing the contract, he would not be arrested. Just now he was swearing outside Xia Ming's door. Now he was worried that Xia Ming would go back on his word and quickly persuaded Yu Li.

"Hurry up and sign, sign and I'll take you home by bike."

Seeing her husband so spineless, Yu Li's eyes gradually lost the last brilliance, she raised her face a little dull and said.

"If you go back home, you will be wiped out."

He Yuzhu was still there. Hearing what his wife said, Yan Jiefang felt worse than being beaten. He put the pen in Yu Li's hand and directly helped her sign it without asking for any opinions.

The signed pen fell on the table, and Yu Li returned to her senses.

"Is it written on it that you will sign to sell me to Xia Ming?

Yan Jiefang was taken aback for a moment, his old face turned blue instantly.

He also hated Xia Ming to death in his heart. Hearing what his wife said, he wished he could slap Yu Li twice now.

It's a pity that it was at He Yuzhu's house, and it was over after signing. Yan Jiefang didn't want to stay here for a second, so he went out and rode Yu Li's bicycle and shouted back.

"Hurry up!"

He Yuzhu watched the excitement, but Yu Li in the room got up and didn't go out.

"Go back, bring your household registration book when you have time, and we will divorce!"


Yu Li has lost her head.

Yan Jiefang didn't even think about it, the hotpot restaurant is doing a good business, but it's all because of him ruining it like this.

Yu Li always cared about money, and she heard that Yan Jiefang dismissed He Yuzhu before, and being taken away with [-]% achievement already made her feel bad.

Have you ever been with him?No one is there anymore.

Yu Li, who took care of He Xiao before, also lived at He Yuzhu's house, told Yan Jiefang about the divorce, turned around and went upstairs, and He Yuzhu was stunned to see it.

In front of outsiders, this is rebellion!
Yan Jiefang threw down the car and was going to drag people.

He Yuzhu drove him out with a stick, not even letting him take Yu Li's car.

It wasn't until Xia Ming got up in the morning and went to He Yuzhu's for dinner that he heard that Yan Jiefang had come.Yu Li didn't come down to eat either, and He Yuzhu talked about it worriedly at the dinner table.

"I don't think these two can get along anymore, and it's not justified to drive Yu Li away.

Yan Jiefang will be endless, and I am afraid that your Aunt Lou's restaurant will also be uneasy. "

Just that white-eyed wolf?
Xia Ming said as soon as he put the steamed buns away.

"Uncle He, keep your heart in your stomach, it's a good thing Yu Li wants to get a divorce.

I sent people to find Yan Jiefang, and told him that he didn't agree to leak the formula and just deal with him, it's simple. "

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