"Please pay attention to safety, pay attention to falling rocks, and pay attention to the speed of the car!"

Several armed police cars came in front of the crowd.

A soldier in camouflage uniform got out of the car, saluted everyone, and then said: "Thank you patriots for coming to support the disaster area. Do you need any help?"

The soldiers saw Han Hong and the others bandaging their wounds, and the vehicle was damaged, so they thought something happened.

Han Hong returned to the military salute, and said sonorously: "Thank you comrades, we are fine, but we have a lot of supplies, and now we need to go to Wen County, where the disaster is the worst, for rescue. I hope to arrive in the shortest time and try to rescue more people. s life!"

The soldier had recognized Han Hong standing in front of him, and he saluted again: "Thank you Teacher Han Hong, we have radio communication equipment in our car, and now we will lead you the way!"

"Thank you!"

The soldier gets back in the car and starts radioing the vehicle ahead:

"004 calls 003, 004 roars to 003!"

"003 received, 004 please answer!"

"We have a lot of supplies here, and now we need to reach Wen County in the shortest possible time. Ask if there is the best route!"


"Received 004, now we are going to make a detour to Qianhua Town!"

After the communication, the soldier said to everyone: "There has been a landslide 40 kilometers ahead. Please follow our vehicles and make a detour to Qianhua Town ahead. Be careful of falling rocks."

"Thank you, comrade soldier, please lead the way!"

The soldiers saluted, and everyone got into the car and started to move forward.

Although the quake was clearly felt in Qianhua Town, it was not affected by the disaster. People in the town waved and cheered as they watched the truckloads of disaster relief supplies pass by.

"come on! Come on!"

"be careful!"

After passing Qianhua Town, I ran the national road for more than an hour, and there were more and more falling rocks and mountains on the road.

Everyone understood, and slowly began to enter the real disaster area.

When the vehicle entered Wuli Town, it appeared to be almost ruins in the eyes of everyone.

Soldiers and volunteers have arrived here for rescue, and people are building tents on the empty dam in the town.

Everyone here is in a heavy mood, and there are cries and shouts from time to time.

Many people who had long been lifeless were dug out.

The deputy mayor was digging the collapsed house. When he saw the rescue vehicles coming one after another, he stepped forward and asked everyone:

"Hello, I'm the deputy mayor of Qianhua Town. Are you the vehicle going to Wen County for rescue?"

Li Yi got out of the car, went up to shake hands with the deputy mayor, and said, "Yes, we are going to rescue Wen County. I would like to ask if your town still needs supplies. If there is no shortage, we want to do our best to rescue Wen County! "

The deputy mayor wiped the sweat from his brow and said, "All support Wen County, we still have supplies here, which can guarantee the basic life of our town!"

"The army has already cleared the obstacles on the road to Wenxian County just now. Hurry up and get on the road at this time, otherwise there will be a lot of delay if you encounter falling rocks and landslides!" The deputy mayor said anxiously.

"Thank you, deputy mayor!"

Li Yi stopped talking, got into the car quickly, and continued to drive towards Wen County under the leadership of the police car.

Not long after the vehicle moved forward, more and more rescue teams encountered on the road.

Everyone's vehicles are driving slowly, and they are always paying attention to the falling rocks under the aftershocks.

Suddenly, everyone began to feel the shaking again, and they all stopped their cars one after another. At this moment, there was a sound from the front, and the falling rocks on the mountain began to fall again.

There was a crashing sound, and the landslide began in front, and the people in front abandoned their cars and ran back.

At this time, the soldiers in armed clothes immediately got out of the car and ran towards the direction of the landslide.

The two ran and shouted: "Run to me, quick! Get out of the vehicle!"

Li Yi was moved by this scene. These are the soldiers of our country, who are always going retrograde, always defending the country and the people.

He took out his mobile phone and took a picture of this scene. The two soldiers only had their backs, which gave people an infinite sense of security.

The landslide finally stopped, and four vehicles were buried. Unfortunately, one person got off the vehicle and was buried before running a few steps.

"Save people! Save people!"

Li Yi rushed forward with a shovel in hand, and others picked up tools to rescue them.

The excavator from behind drove over and joined the team together.

Half an hour, an hour!Only then did they see the body of the buried person.

Seeing this, the two people who were digging the ground burst into tears, "Brother! Brother shouldn't have brought you here, so I'll take you home right now!"

Everyone fell silent, and the soldier saluted the dug-out body.

Everyone's heart was heavy, and the two elder brothers decided that one would send the younger brother home, while the other continued to go to the disaster area for rescue.

The road opened to traffic soon, thanks to the help of soldiers who cleared the roadblocks from behind.

The towns along the road are in a miserable state of affairs. Every time Li Yi's team reaches a place where supplies are needed, they leave a cart of supplies and continue to move forward.

After several hours of journey, everyone finally arrived at Wen County.

Wen County is now completely devoid of the vitality it used to be. There are not many complete houses to be seen, and the scene is unbearable to look at.

The rescue team that can fully reach here is currently only one army and a group of Li Yi.

The rescue force here is completely insufficient. In the middle of the night, there is no electricity, no water, and no supplies. The surviving old, young, and women all lay down on beds in the parks of Wen County to rest.

The men continued to search and excavate survivors among the various ruins.

The aftershocks from time to time will wake everyone up, and the cries of children can be heard throughout the park.

Han Hong is very experienced and immediately arranged rescue work.

"According to the grouping, the material team will cooperate with the local distribution of materials and set up tents. The rescue team will start to use equipment and experience to carry out rescue work. The logistics team will ensure the food and accommodation of all team members. Pay attention to the roll call every day to ensure that everyone is in !The medical team cooperates with the local establishment of medical conditions!"

"start to act!"

Before they had time to rest, everyone joined the rescue battle one after another.

Li Yi's strength support is relatively small. There are only a few people with supplies and medical treatment, all of which are handed over to Han Hong's team for distribution.

Since He Qingxue was a martial arts coach, he did not listen to Li Yi's words to participate in the relatively easy work of distributing supplies, but took the initiative to follow Li Yi to rescue survivors.

"Hey! That young man, pay attention to safety, stand a little farther away, there are still aftershocks, be careful of the dangerous building collapsing!"

Li Yi was carefully looking for any survivors under the ruins, and was disturbed by sudden shouts.

Someone came and grabbed Li Yi, took him to the side away from the dangerous building, and continued: "Young man, don't you want to die? Didn't you see the dangerous building next to it?"

Just these few steps, Li Yi saw two people in the gap under the ruins in front of him. It was a woman holding a child. The woman did not move, and felt that there was no sign of life, but the child in her arms was still blinking.

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