Miss Dai turned around and walked out of the room, and called Sister Zhou, wanting to invite her to the full moon banquet of her babies. Sister Zhou is also the best same-sex friend of Miss Dai. She had to be invited.

"Beep beep..." The call was quickly connected.

"Crooked, who is it?" Sister Zhou asked

A lazy voice came over.

Dai Xiaomei smiled slightly and said, "Sister Zhou, I'm Xiaomei."
"Oh, little sister, what's the matter? What can I do for you?" Sister Zhou asked in a daze.

"Hehe, I would like to invite you, sister Zhou, to our babies' full moon banquet." Dai Xiaomei whispered softly.

"Full moon banquet?" Sister Zhou was taken aback.

"Well, sister Zhou, I know you won't reject me, right?" Dai Xiaomei continued to speak softly.

"Of course I won't refuse. Don't worry, little girl, I will definitely come." Sister Zhou said, "I just didn't expect the babies to be full moon so soon. The last time I saw those little cuties seemed like yesterday." .”

There was a hint of regret in Sister Zhou's words.

"Yeah, the last time I saw them was a month ago, and now they are all grown up, we are all waiting for you, sister Zhou." The words of the little girl Dai were a little coquettish, but also with some sincerity, Zhou My sister felt it too.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will definitely come when the time comes." Sister Zhou said with a smile.

"Okay, then hang up first, and we will contact you later." Dai Xiaomei hung up the phone with a happy smile on her face. She believed that Sister Zhou would definitely agree to her invitation, because Sister Zhou was very kind to her. Very caring, this is a sincere feeling, and the little girl can feel it.

After hanging up the phone, Miss Dai called pdd again. Not only did she need to invite sister Zhou, but also pdd. Naturally, he cannot be forgotten.

"Little sister?" After picking up the phone, pdd was very surprised, after all, he didn't expect that little girl would call him.

"What's the matter with you? How are the babies? How are you doing?" pdd asked. Although he is a busy man, he still cares about his little friends.

"Very good, very healthy, pdd, I have something to tell you." Dai Xiaomei's cheeks were slightly red.

"What's the matter? I'm still shy." pdd teased.

"That's right, aren't my babies full moon? I discussed it with Ye Chen and wanted to invite you to participate." Dai Xiaomei said with a smile.

"I'm a bit busy during this time, there are too many things in the company, big and small," said pdd.

"But pdd, you have never participated in the baby's full moon wine. Ye Chen and I also want you to participate, so we want to invite you to participate. Do you want to?" Dai Xiaomei begged.

"Haha, little girl, you are still so cute. Then let me ask, what day is it?" pdd asked heartily. The nature of his work determines that he can't do whatever he wants, so he can only take time to come here.

"The time is set for the weekend, can you see if you have time?" Dai Xiaomei

"Okay, no problem, it's weekend, but let me remind you, I'm very busy now, don't blame me for not having time to come." pdd joked.

"pdd, you must come." Dai Xiaomei said with a smile.

"Hahaha, just kidding, I just happened to go to Shanghai on the weekend, because the company is here, so I have to do something." Pdd said with a smile.

"The relationship is good, the time is just right, just right." Dai Xiaomei smiled very happily.

"Then that's it for me, we will come together when the time comes." pdd said.

"Okay." Dai Xiaomei said with a smile.

"Bye." pdd hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Dai Xiaomei dialed other numbers. Besides pdd and sister Zhou, she also planned to invite some other little sisters and female anchors.

Dai Xiaomei invited these little sisters one by one, and asked them to come to her baby's full moon banquet together. She knew that these little sisters would definitely not reject her, so she did it boldly.

It was all done soon, Ye Chen just came out, saw the little girl on the phone, and asked with some doubts: "Little girl, who are you calling?"

"I'm calling Sister Zhou and pdds to invite them to our baby's full moon feast." Dai Xiaomei
Sweet smile.

"Oh, really?" Ye Chen smiled slightly, "Did they promise you?"
"They all agreed that as long as they are not busy on weekends, they will definitely come to the babies' full moon banquet." Dai Xiaomei said with a smile.

"That's a good relationship, now I can finally see a live pdd." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Hee hee, I hope they all come too, so I won't be lonely." Dai Xiaomei said with a smile.

"I said little sister, you are so lonely, I didn't wrong you at home, did I?" Ye Chen joked.

"It's disgusting, Ye Chen, you are bullying others again." Dai Xiaomei said with a smile, she was used to Ye Chen's scoundrel face, and she liked it very much every time.

"Just kidding, by the way, is there anyone else coming? I want the hotel to prepare more banquets." Ye Chen said.

"No, Sister Zhou and pdd will come, as will a few friends from our side. I have already made an appointment with them, and they will come together." Dai Xiaomei laughed.

"How many people are there?" Ye Chen asked again to confirm.

"It's hard for me to say." Dai Xiaomei shook her head and said.

"It's okay, let's set up a few more tables, it's not short of the money." Ye Chen said exaggeratedly.

Seeing Ye Chen's appearance, Dai Xiaomei burst out laughing, Ye Chen is really cute like this.

"Hey hey." Ye Chen smirked.

"Then who are you going to invite here?" Dai Xiaomei asked suddenly.

"I've thought about it, just invite some friends, Wang Li, Zhanhao, and my parents." Ye Chen thought for a while and said.

"Okay, it's quite lively to talk like this." Dai Xiaomei said with a smile.

"Hehe." Ye Chen nodded, and suddenly thought of his counselor Xu Xiaofan.

Then he decided to invite Mr. Xu to participate. Last time Mr. Xu came to see the babies and bought a lot of things.

She had to be invited this time, who made Xu Xiaofan treat Ye Chen and the babies so well?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen said, "I still have to invite Mr. Xu to the baby's full moon feast."

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