This night, Ye Chen stayed by the side of the three children and spent the night without any fatigue.

In the blink of an eye, the whole night passed.

Ye Chen has never been so leisurely. He spends the whole night with his wife, daughter, and children, enjoying this leisurely and ordinary life.

At around six o'clock in the morning, the sun had already shone in and sprinkled on the faces of the three children, making their skin look very delicate and exuding a faint milky fragrance, which was really attractive.

Ye Chen got up lightly, helped them dress and wash.

Just after putting on clothes for the babies, brother Chengcheng started crying again. This time the reason for crying was the same as last night, he was still hungry.

Ye Chen quickly picked up Cheng Cheng and nursed it, while his younger sister Ye Xingjie was still sleeping peacefully. This little guy had a nurse last night, and now he is sleeping peacefully.

"Little guy, I'm really starving you. When you grow up, Dad will definitely let you eat the best food. Just be patient." Ye Chen said softly, and then continued to treat his brother as a child. Cheng put it on the chest of little girl Dai.

But at this moment, little girl Dai woke up.

She opened her sleepy eyes and saw that her brother Cheng Cheng was eating her breasts, and the brother seemed to be enjoying it, and the cheeks of the little girl blushed instantly.

Dai Xiaomei was extremely shy.

But she didn't stop her brother Chengcheng from taking her milk. She felt that she should give the child adequate nutrition, so she didn't stop Chengcheng from taking her own milk, and she cooperated with him to let Chengcheng eat her breasts .

Dai Xiaomei just let her child eat her own milk. Although she was very shy, she also felt very happy.

An hour later, the two children were finally full and fell asleep.

Ye Chen sat beside him and watched with a smile on his face. He could see that Little Sister Dai really loved the children, not only because of their age, but also because of their well-behaved and sensible behavior.

Seeing Ye Chen watching with a smirk on his face, Dai Xiaomei couldn't help but glared at Ye Chen fiercely.

"Hey." Ye Chen smiled and didn't speak.

"By the way, did I sleep too deeply last night?" Dai Xiaomei suddenly asked, she was so tired last night, she couldn't remember how she came back, and when she fell asleep.

"Well, you were really tired, so you fell asleep. I waited here all night, watched the three children sleep, and fed the baby when the baby was hungry." Ye Chen said.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Dai Xiaomei's cheeks couldn't help but turn red, so didn't Ye Chen see his own breasts?

Thinking of this, the image of herself being seen all over immediately appeared in the mind of Xiaomei Dai. Xiaomei quickly covered her chest, not daring to look at Ye Chen, her heart beating fast.

"Haha!" Ye Chen couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing the shy look on Dai Xiaomei's cheeks, it's really beautiful!

"What are you laughing at?" He glared at Ye Chen and asked.

"I laughed at you for being so shy, haha." Ye Chen continued to laugh.

"Who is easy to be shy, hum, I don't know it." Dai Xiaomei said stiffly.

"Hahahahahahaha." Ye Chen laughed for a while, but after laughing, he became serious again, and said: "The baby was hungry last night, crying and fussing all the time, I felt distressed, so I had no choice but to let you breastfeed like this. "

Ye Chen's explanation made Dai Xiaomei's face even more red, and she looked really cute.

Ye Chen couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch the face of little girl Dai, and said, "It's so cute."
"Ah." Dai Xiaomei couldn't help crying.

"Why are you pinching me?" Dai Xiaomei glared at Ye Chen and asked.

"I'm complimenting you." Ye Chen explained with a smile.

"I hate it, I hate it to death, I'm going to take a shower." Dai Xiaomei scowled, stood up and ran outside.

"Hahahaha" Ye Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw how cute Dai Xiaomei was.

In fact, the young girl felt sorry for Ye Chen who kept her and the baby up all night, but because of her personality, she didn't know how to express her concern for Ye Chen.

Originally, Xiaomei didn't intend to tell Ye Chen that she was pregnant, and naturally she didn't need him to take responsibility, but she turned around and thought, how could the child be so young without a father?Isn't that too pitiful.

So she told Ye Chen about her pregnancy, thinking of getting in touch with him first to see how the situation was going.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen is indeed a very competent daddy, not only taking good care of the three babies, but also taking care of the little girl Dai very carefully, which really moved her very much.

"Dong dong dong..." At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Mr. Ye, hello, I have brought breakfast and some change of clothes for you and the baby." Aunt Wu's voice sounded outside the door.

Hearing that Aunt Wu came to deliver breakfast, Ye Chen opened the door and welcomed Aunt Wu into the room. Seeing the things in Aunt Wu's hand, Ye Chen quickly thanked him and asked Aunt Wu to come in and sit down to rest, after all, it was so far away. It is really hard work to bring things into the house from the outside.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Aunt Wu put the things on the table and introduced the confinement meal she made this morning.

Aunt Wu's craftsmanship is very good, and there are several porridges cooked by her own hands, Ye Chen praised repeatedly after seeing it.

"There is also a pot of pork liver stewed here. You can try it. It is very nourishing for Miss Ji's stomach. This confinement meal is very necessary." Hearing Ye Chen's compliment, Aunt Wu was very happy, and she said She likes others to praise her cooking, and Ye Chen said these things, of course she is happy, and she is also very confident.

"Enen, thank you Aunt Wu, I like these things very much." Ye Chen also said with a smile.

Then at this time, little girl Dai also washed up.

Dai Xiaomei walked into the living room, looking at the sumptuous breakfast on the dining table, she immediately drooled.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Dai Xiaomei said with a smile.

"Hehe, the miss is honored, as long as the miss likes it, it's fine. By the way, I have prepared two sets of underwear for you. This is men's underwear and shirts, and this is women's underwear and dresses." After finishing speaking, Aunt Wu took out A set of black and white lace suspender dresses was handed over to Little Sister Dai.

The first is the women's underwear. The size of the little girl is a bit bigger, just a little looser, but Ye Chen's is just right, and it should look very handsome on him.

"Thank you, Aunt Wu, we'll change it right away." Ye Chen smiled and said.

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