"Okay, I'm going to cook, it's getting late, it's getting dark." Ye Chen said looking at the sky outside the window.

Ye Chen was cooking in the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator to see what ingredients were left.

He decided to make a big dinner tonight to make his family happy.

There are all kinds of dishes at home, Ye Chen thought about what to cook at night?

Beef, braised beef brisket, and boiled fish, he can cook these dishes, but now he only cooks one dish, which is sweet and sour pork ribs, because sweet and sour pork ribs are the favorite of Dai Xiaomei.

The ribs were a large piece of ribs cut into small pieces and served with some soy sauce.

Ye Chen put the sweet and sour pork ribs into the pot, and then put the chopped green onion into it and fried it.

After the ribs were fried, Ye Chen started to wash the vegetables again, shredded the eggs and potatoes, and then cut the eggs and potatoes into small pieces.

The vegetables were almost cut, Ye Chen turned down the heat, and then waited for the ribs to be cooked through.

After a while, Ye Chen's skill was displayed by him.

Sprinkle sesame seeds on the pork ribs, put salt, and stir fry the ribs a few times. At this time, the sesame seeds and salt on the pork ribs have become crispy and delicious. Seeing that it is almost done, Ye Chen puts the sweet and sour pork ribs up. .

"Wow, your sweet and sour pork ribs are so good, I can't help it."
Ye Chen's sweet and sour pork ribs look very beautiful, the ribs look crystal clear, the sugar and garlic on the top are cut into small cubes, and the ribs are sprinkled with cumin powder, making them look even more tender and attractive.

"Eat it first if you're hungry, and I'll make a stewed chicken with potatoes." Ye Chen said with a smile.


Seeing how cute Dai Xiaomei is, Ye Chen couldn't bear to bully him anymore.

"Ye Chen, I think your sweet and sour pork ribs are better than those made by those five-star hotels." Dai Xiaomei said to Ye Chen with a smile.

"Hehe, that's of course, don't you look at who I am?" Ye Chen said with a smile when he heard Dai Xiaomei say this.

"Okay, you can continue blowing."
"Hehe, I didn't blow it."
"You still said you didn't blow it, otherwise how would you make such a good ribs? You don't know that my favorite food is sweet and sour pork ribs. It's very refreshing every time."
"Haha, then I'll make a plate for you to taste tomorrow morning."
"Really? Ye Chen, thank you so much."
Ye Chen shook his head with a smile and said, "You idiot, don't be so polite to me."

"Hehehe..." Dai Xiaomei smiled.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, got into the kitchen, and started to cook pork ribs stewed chicken.

Ye Chen first cut the ribs and potatoes into pieces, then put them into the oil pan to explode, and then poured in the oil.

A puff of white smoke rose from the frying pan, and then the rich aroma of meat wafted out.

Ye Chen poured the pork ribs into the pot, poured oil on them, and then added chopped green onions.

A smell of meat filled the air. Watching the pork ribs being fried and then slowly turned over, the corners of Dai Xiaomei's mouth were drooling. It seemed that she couldn't do without the ribs in her life.

The pork ribs were rolling in the pot, and the smell of meat continued to spread from the ribs, making the little girl salivate when she smelled it.

"It smells so good, Ye Chen, I'm really hungry now." Dai Xiaomei looked at Ye Chen expectantly.

"You can eat later." Ye Chen said with a slight smile.

After a while, the heat of the potato soup rose, and the ribs were cooked. Ye Chen scooped up the potatoes and put them into the soup, and then put the ribs into the soup.

"Wow!" Dai Xiaomei looked at Ye Chen's technique and exclaimed.

Ye Chen smiled and put the ribs into the rib soup, then put some seasonings, then stirred the potato soup evenly, covered the pot, put in two chopsticks, and brought the chopsticks to the table.

"Try it, how does the ribs I cook taste?" Ye Chen said to the little girl.

Dai Xiaomei picked up the chopsticks and took a bite. This pork ribs was really delicious. Dai Xiaomei gave a thumbs up while eating.

"Ye Chen, your cooking is delicious." Dai Xiaomei praised.

Seeing how little girl Dai was eating with relish, Ye Chen became in a particularly good mood.

He also took a bite, and the taste was indeed very good. It seems that he will make more in the future, and he can't let Dai Xiaomei eat it all the time.

"Ye Chen, what you cook is really delicious." Dai Xiaomei looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Well, eat more if you like it, and I will make more for you in the future."
"Yeah, thank you Ye Chen, I'm so happy." Dai Xiaomei said to Ye Chen with a smile.

"Haha, I'll cook for you as much as you want in the future, and I'll keep you full every time." Ye Chen said to the little girl with a smile.

"Yeah, thank you, Ye Chen, thank you for being so kind to me." Dai Xiaomei said to Ye Chen with a smile.

"Hahahaha, silly girl, I'll call Mom over for dinner." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Dai Xiaomei nodded and watched Ye Chen walk out of the kitchen with a happy expression on her face.

Ye Chen came to the living room and shouted loudly: "Mom, come out for dinner."

"Here we come." Li Meiling happily agreed.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Li Meiling asked

"I'm having sweet and sour pork ribs today." Ye Chen replied.

"Sweet and sour pork ribs, I love them too." Li Meiling also said with a smile.

"As long as you like to eat." Ye Chen said.

"Come on, little girl, eat more and make up your body." Li Meiling said to the little girl with some ribs for her.

"Yeah, thanks Auntie."
"Little fool, eat more." Li Meiling was very happy to see Dai Xiaomei so sensible.

Little girl Dai nodded, and then continued to eat. Ye Chen, who was at the side, looked at the little girl, and he was very pleased.

After dinner, Ye Chen went to the nursery to look after the babies.

Cheng Cheng is the most obedient now, basically he doesn't need Ye Chen to hug and coax him, he doesn't cry as an older brother, he plays with himself when he wakes up, eats and sleeps when it's time.

And Xing Xing is also more obedient, crying directly when he is hungry, and then stopping crying when he is full of rations.

Only the youngest sister, Mengmeng, was a bit mischievous. Ye Chen would cry whenever Ye Chen was not around. Ye Chen had no choice but to hug her and coax her. But when Mengmeng started crying, Ye Chen was still a little flustered.

No, as soon as Ye Chen entered the room, he found that Mengmeng had two big teary eyes, and the tears seemed to be falling down at any time.

When she saw Ye Chen, she grinned and looked at Ye Chen.

"Hey, give me a hug from Dad." Ye Chen hurried over and hugged Mengmeng in his arms.

After Mengmeng saw Ye Chen, she reached out and grabbed Ye Chen's neck and laughed happily.

"Oh, you little rascal, you almost broke my neck." Ye Chen said in pain.

"Giggle..." Mengmeng let go of Ye Chen's hand when she heard Ye Chen said it was painful, and giggled.

Ye Chen looked at this lovely daughter, and laughed too. This daughter is very beautiful, but she is too naughty, and she knows how to torment him every day.

"Come on, bye, take you to take a bath. You have to be good tonight. If you are making trouble, I will ignore you." Ye Chen carried Mengmeng to the bathroom, took off her clothes, and soaked her In the hot water, let the heat of the hot water surround Mengmeng.

"Hmm." Mengmeng closed her eyes and enjoyed the soaking in hot water. It felt so good.

Ye Chen picked her up and placed her on the edge of the bathtub, letting the hot water warm her and make her comfortable, while Ye Chen rubbed her back at the side.

Ye Chen wiped her body clean, put on clean pajamas, and carried Mengmeng out of the bathroom.

"Alright, let's go to bed early tonight, Mengmeng." Ye Chen put her on the bed.

"Wow..." As soon as Ye Chen put Mengmeng down, Mengmeng began to cry loudly.

"Oh, it's really troublesome." Ye Chen said with a sigh.

Ye Chen sat beside Mengmeng, stroked her forehead with his right hand, and wanted to warm her with the temperature of his palm.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Ye Chen said softly to her.

Ye Chen gently rubbed her little head, and laid Mengmeng flat on the bed.

"Come on, Mengmeng, raise your hand." Ye Chen said to her.

"woo woo"
Not only did Mengmeng not stop crying, but she cried more and more. Ye Chen had no choice but to hold her little butt with his left hand and let her raise her arm.

Then gently stroked her little head with his right hand, Ye Chen couldn't comfort a child, so he could only comfort her in a clumsy way, otherwise he would probably scare her to death.

Fortunately, Mengmeng was very good, Ye Chen stopped crying after comforting her for a few minutes, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Chen saw how cute this little guy was, so he couldn't help kissing her. Her eyelashes were very thick and beautiful, like butterfly wings fluttering in the breeze. Ye Chen looked at this little guy. The guy's sleeping face suddenly filled with sweetness in his heart.

"Why is this child so cute." Ye Chen muttered to himself.

Ye Chen took off Mengmeng's socks, then put her under the quilt, tucked up the quilt for her, and then lay down next to Mengmeng, seeing her lovely sleeping face, Ye Chen's heart was filled with happiness taste.

Mengmeng was very quiet when she was sleeping, neither noisy nor crying, Ye Chen looked at her cute appearance, couldn't help but kissed her fair and smooth little face.

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