After dawn, little girl Dai got up and looked at the sun outside, feeling very comfortable. He has been living this kind of life since he had a child, although he feels very happy when he wakes up every morning and sees the baby's face.

At this time, the door was opened, and Ye Chen walked in, holding a bowl of porridge in his hand.

"Little girl, get up and have some porridge, breakfast is getting cold." Ye Chen put the things in his hand on the coffee table, sat next to the little girl, and said softly.

"Well, thank you." Dai Xiaomei sat up straight, picked up the spoon on the table and took a sip. The fragrant porridge whetted the appetite. After drinking a spoon, she found that the porridge was cold, so she took another sip , said appreciatively while drinking: "This porridge is really good, better than any porridge made in the past. What did you use to make it?"
"I made this specially for you. I made it with lard, then added some chicken broth, cabbage, etc., and mixed it with some other ingredients. How does it taste?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's very delicious. This porridge is really the best porridge I've ever eaten." Dai Xiaomei said in admiration
"Really? After that, you will taste it every morning when you wake up." Ye Chen said.

After eating breakfast for a while, the two started chatting again. Ye Chen told the anecdotes he met at school and everything about his life in school. The little girl also listened cheerfully, and then she also told about her live broadcast. All sorts of interesting things that happened.

At this moment, the laughter of the two resounded throughout the bedroom.

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang. Ye Chen took out the cell phone and found that it was Wang Li and Chen Hao who were calling.

"Wait first, I'll answer the phone." Ye Chen said, then walked out of the bedroom with the phone in hand, connected the phone, and heard the voices of Wang Li and Chen Hao.

"Way, Ye Chen, are you up yet?" Wang Li asked

"Get up." Ye Chen replied.

"Hey, the two of us came to play with you this morning, you want to entertain us, do you miss my little nephews?" Chen Hao said.

"Okay, where have you been?"
"We have already arrived downstairs and are about to go upstairs. Come down now." Chen Hao said.

Both Wang Li and Zhan Hao are about to graduate, but both of them are quite self-motivated, so they both found a place to practice. Usually, they only have time like weekends to see the babies.

Needless to say, these two people really like the babies very much, and they will come back to see the babies whenever they have time.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen went back to the bedroom and told the little girl that Chen Hao and Wang Li were going to play here. They came to play this morning, so the little girl went to change clothes.

Dai Xiaomei is wearing a loose T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a pair of sneakers. She looks very casual.

"Let's go, I'll go pick them up with you." Dai Xiaomei said.

"No need, you go feed the babies first, I'll just pick them up." Ye Chen said.

Dai Xiaomei looked outside and said, "Okay."
So Ye Chen walked out.

When I went downstairs, I saw Wang Li and Chen Hao standing on the stairs waiting for me.

Ye Chen saw that both of them were dressed neatly, and knew that they got up early to tidy up, or they might have participated in a work internship. The two of them couldn't help but have a calm aura, and they looked very attractive.

"Hey, Chen Hao, Wang Li, you are here, hurry up and go upstairs, we will pick you up now." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Chen Hao and Wang Li nodded, and then walked up.

Along the way, the three boys talked and laughed, looking very harmonious.

"How do you two feel about your internship? Are you tired?" Ye Chen said to Chen Hao and Wang Li while driving.

"Tired, but it's okay, as long as you work hard." Chen Hao said.

Wang Li and Zhan Hao glanced at Ye Chen and said, "Chen Hao, I also feel that I am very tired, but I believe I can persevere."
"Come on." Ye Chen encouraged.

Chen Hao looked at Ye Chen, and then said with a smile: "You too, you still have a wife to support, and both of us are single, so we are very hard, but I believe that one day we will be able to support ourselves wife's."
Both Chen Hao and Wang Li are single, and they don't even have girlfriends. The only one among the three who has a wife and children is Ye Chen.

When it comes to their wives, Wang Li and Zhan Hao are a little envious, but they all know that Ye Chen's wife is the first sister of Dousha live broadcast.

Ye Chen looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "Don't worry, one day, you will also have wives."
"Isn't this nonsense?" Chen Hao and Wang Li said in unison.

When Chen Hao and Wang Li heard Ye Chen's assurance, they immediately began to look forward to the future. The two of them also hope that one day their wives will be as beautiful as Dai Xiaomei, and they will have a cute and well-behaved baby.

They arrived at the door soon, and Ye Chen brought Wang Li and Chen Hao home.

"Last time I thought your house was luxurious, but after all, I didn't have a precise understanding. This time I went out for an internship and found a house by myself. Only then did I know how good Ye Chen's house should be." Wang Li looked at the people around him in surprise. said the mansion.

"Yeah, I didn't expect Ye Chen that your house would be so big and so comfortable." Chen Hao also sighed.

Naturally, it is impossible for the two of them to continue living in the school for their internship. It is too far away. Naturally, they rented a house outside for convenience, but this place in Shanghai is very expensive, and good houses are expensive, and they are just poor students. I can't help being a little envious of renting such a good house.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "It's okay, take your time, and one day these are all bought with the money you earned hard, and then you will feel perfect."
"Hey, Ye Chen is still amazing, we will never be able to catch up with you in this life." Wang Li sighed.

"Don't be discouraged, take your time,

we are young. "Ye Chen comforted.

"Well, I understand." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, come in."
Ye Chen opened the door of the house, Chen Hao and Wang Li walked in, and then Chen Hao and Wang Li looked at the decoration of the house and liked it very much.

"Hello, drink some water." Dai Xiaomei brought two glasses of water to Chen Hao and Wang Li.

"Thank you." Chen Hao thanked with a smile, then sat on the sofa and chatted with Wang Li.

"It's such an enviable life." Wang Li and Zhan Hao sat on the sofa and looked at the house with emotion.

This house has to be 150 square meters. Compared with the house they rented, it is a world of difference. Such a big place is really different, and it is a high-rise building. It looks like a wide view, and the mood of living here may also change. much better.

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