Hearing this, Dai Xiaomei was completely shy, and her cheeks were even more flushed.

This guy is really annoying, always saying this kind of thing, making her feel like he is his woman.

But little girl Dai didn't feel disgusted or resisted in her heart, she even liked this feeling a little

Time quickly passed to the next day.

A nurse knocked on the wooden door of the ward and said.

"Hello, this is the biochemical soup that you must drink after pregnancy, please drink it."

"Okay." Ye Chen was playing around with the little girl, when he suddenly saw the nurse coming in, he hurriedly went up to the Shenghua Tang courteously.

Seeing Ye Chen pick up Shenghua Tang, the nurse silently closed the door and went out.

Dai Xiaomei looked at the biochemical soup in Ye Chen's hand with full freshness, and sighed: "This is the biochemical soup? Now I drink this every day, and I will drink it for three to five days."

Ye Chen comforted: "Well, this soup is very good for you and the babies. "
Ye Chen handed the biochemical soup to Miss Dai, then took a spoon, scooped up a small spoonful of soup, blew on it, and handed it to Miss Dai, "Drink some first, and see if it's hot."
Dai Xiaomei opened her mouth obediently, and swallowed the biochemical soup that Ye Chen fed into her mouth. "

This special care ward is quieter, no one is disturbing, Ye Chen and Dai Xiaomei don't need to hide anything deliberately, the two of them are in the ward, looking sweet and loving.

"By the way, little girl, how do you feel now, is there any discomfort?"
Ye Chen asked with concern.

Dai Xiaomei shook her head, her face was still a little pale, but compared to yesterday, she was a little more rosy.

Seeing that the complexion on Dai Xiaomei's face was getting better and better, Ye Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

According to this progress, he can be discharged from the hospital and go home to recuperate soon.

But Ye Chen is also a man with rough hands and feet, how can he take care of anyone, so he thought in his heart, he will find a confinement wife when he gets back, anyway, he has money now, so he is not afraid of spending much money.

And besides, Miss Dai became like this for her own child, Ye Chen has always felt guilty in his heart, as long as Miss Dame and the child are healthy, Ye Chen is willing to spend a lot of money.

Dai Xiaomei is also very happy. Ever since she gave birth, she feels so happy, and Ye Chen is really considerate, not only takes good care of herself, but also treats herself and the children so well. Now Ye Chen Dust's love, Dai Xiaomei also deeply felt it.

In fact, the little girl who just gave birth can't eat greasy food on her stomach. The food she eats mainly nourishes blood and removes blood stasis, so her body doesn't feel too much discomfort.

However, for the sake of the child's health, Ye Chen still told the little girl to rest more and eat more light and digestible food.

With Ye Chen's careful actions, the little girl felt sweet in her heart, and her face became more rosy.

Ye Chen also smiled happily.

"Wow wow wow... wow wow wow."

Little girl Dai had just finished drinking the biochemical soup when the baby beside her started crying loudly.

The baby's crying frightened the little girl, she hastily stretched out her hands to pick up the baby.

The baby is very thin and weak, but the weight is quite heavy, and it is difficult for Dai Xiaomei to hold the baby.

"What's going on? Why are you crying again?" Dai Xiaomei was a little worried while coaxing the child. She was also a mother for the first time, and she seemed a little at a loss at this time.

Ye Chen was very calm, took the child from Dai Xiaomei and said:
"Don't worry, he's hungry, he'll be fine in a while after he finishes peeing."
Ye Chen coaxed him patiently, then picked up the child, patted his buttocks, and coaxed the child, "Come, come, daddy will get you some milk."
Seeing Ye Chen's way of coaxing the child, Dai Xiaomei couldn't help smiling. Seeing Ye Chen's clumsy appearance, she was also a little worried. She had never seen anyone coaxing her child like this, but seeing Ye Chen's face full of It's gentle and smiling, and I think it's very cute, and I've been snickering beside me.

"It's really a picture of a loving father and a filial son!" Dai Xiaomei murmured to herself.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Chen was a little puzzled, what was Dai Xiaomei muttering about?

"It's nothing, nothing..." Dai Xiaomei blushed and shook her head, then said again: "Give me the baby, the baby is hungry, I will feed him some milk."

Ye Chen also nodded, and handed the baby to Little Sister Dai. It must be the best choice for the baby to drink mother R at this stage.

But because it is the first time to be a mother, and it is also the first time to breastfeed, the movements of the little girl are very unfamiliar.

But it may be because of the nature of motherly love in her heart, and the little girl Dai also quickly found the knack.

"Come and open your mouth, mommy will feed you." Dai Xiaomei held the baby carefully, for fear of hurting him, blowing gently, the baby seemed to enjoy it, opened her mouth for a while to take a sip of breast milk, and then opened it again for a while Open your mouth and breathe.

"Ouch!" Just after taking a sip of breast milk, the child suddenly opened his mouth and hiccupped, and the little girl's heart tightened instantly.

Ye Chen looked at the little girl's expression, knew what she meant, and said quickly:
"It's okay, it's okay, he's so hungry, he'll be fine after dinner."
Looking at Ye Chen's comforting eyes, the little girl finally calmed down a little, but she was also a little embarrassed, she was a little funny to be frightened by a child.

Instead, the little girl seemed to remember that Ye Chen had been watching her breastfeeding all the time. Doesn't that mean that she was being watched all the time?
Thinking of this, Dai Xiaomei's little face instantly flushed red.

Ye Chen looked at the little girl's blushing face for a while, and felt a little embarrassed in his heart. He did stare at her chest just now, but he didn't mean it!

Ye Chen laughed a few times in embarrassment, but what he thought in his heart was how could this be enough?
As for three children, how can the scale of Dai Xiaomei be enough?

Fortunately, the child doesn't drink much now, otherwise he would be hungry.

Now I have to eat with my younger sister first. After the younger sister eats, the older sister eats. After the older sister eats, the elder brother eats. Whoever makes him the elder brother, the elder brother must let the younger sister eat.

Dai Xiaomei was annoyed for a while, she was seen by him just now, and now she was laughed at by him, how embarrassing it is for her, it is almost impossible to meet people!

The little girl stared at Ye Chen fiercely, then continued to concentrate on breastfeeding, she didn't dare to look up at Ye Chen, and didn't know how to deal with his gaze, she was so ashamed.

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