Chapter 93 Hunting the Wildlings
Sugihara made a gesture, instructing Zhang Xiaoqiang to go around and go behind the enemy, and confront the enemy himself in front.

Zhang Xiaoqiang admired the girl's courage and courage.Signaling her to be careful, he quietly walked around with a weapon in hand.

There were thirteen savages on the other side, and they advanced slowly in a scattered formation. When Zhang Xiaoqiang sneaked around to the side of the enemy's formation, he was spotted by a savage.

With a ghostly cry, he raised his hand and shot Zhang Xiaoqiang with an arrow.The sharp arrow brushed Zhang Xiaoqiang's face and flew over, Zhang Xiaoqiang was so frightened that he bounced up at once, and threw a javelin without thinking.The savage who shot an arrow at a disagreement passed through his belly, and the powerful force nailed him to a nearby tree.

Almost at the same time, all the long-range weapons in the hands of the savages flew towards Zhang Xiaoqiang.Most of them were dodged by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and two javelins that were thrown more accurately were also blocked by Zhang Xiaoqiang with a spear.But there was an arrow that just hit Zhang Xiaoqiang's chest.


Zhang Xiaoqiang let out a cry of pain, looked down, and saw that the arrow was made of the teeth of some kind of beast. It was not bad, but it was not powerful enough. It pierced a white spot on his chest, and the skin was not broken. .An angry Zhang Xiaoqiang threw the javelin in his hand at the enemy, and then rushed towards the Zijin Spear.

At the same time Zhang Xiaoqiang was hit by an arrow, Sugihara also stood up, opened his bow and shot an arrow, and shot at the savage.Needless to say, Sugihara's arrow skills are first-class except that he has to pose in a certain position when shooting, which is a bit slower.Three savages were shot down with three arrows in a row, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to join the enemy.

Savage's killing skills are far more abundant than Zhang Xiaoqiang's.When they saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang was approaching, they all picked up their spears and confronted Zhang Xiaoqiang.Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed over, and a wild man stabbed him with a spear.

The savage's spears are all made of long branches, they are taller than them, and relatively longer than Zhang Xiaoqiang's spears.So Zhang Xiaoqiang first blocked with the Purple Gold Spear, and then stabbed with the backhand spear.

This is the most basic fighting method of the "Ichi no Tachi" taught by Sugihara, and Zhang Xiaoqiang knows and only knows this move.I have become familiar with it recently, and I used it subconsciously.

As soon as the two spears collided, Zhang Xiaoqiang's amazing strength was revealed.The savage's spear was blocked in the first place.There is a big gap in front of him.Then the Zijin Spear pierced into his chest.

Zhang Xiaoqiang ran over without stopping, and swung the spear in his hand, and the dead body was thrown aside.Then the Zijin spear drew a graceful arc, cutting a hole in the stomach of a savage who was leaning over to attack from the side.

Killing the two of them as soon as he made a move, Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart twitched violently.


He turned his head and saw that the two savages had suffered such serious injuries, but only shed a little blood.The body curled up, as if curled up into a ball in fear of the cold.

The scene of the mandrill's death flashed through Zhang Xiaoqiang's mind.Then I felt a blur in front of my eyes.A spear stabbed himself in the stomach.


Sugihara's hysterical yell and severe pain in his stomach woke Zhang Xiaoqiang from his distracted state, and he stabbed the guy who dared to attack him when he was distracted, and then looked down.

The spear made of the animal bone did not penetrate into his abdomen, but the spear head of the animal bone broke under the impact of the strong abdominal muscles.The sharp animal bones scratched a few white marks on the belly.

But the savage who was killed by him was trembling, curled up and fell down.When the purple golden spear was pulled out of his body, the wild man's hot blood was pulled out along the spear tip as thick as grease, and then sucked in by the spear tip.

This time it was Zhang Xiaoqiang who saw it with his own eyes, Zijin Spear... No!Luo Shamu is sucking blood!

The purple gold spear that absorbed the blood became even more gorgeous.The purple becomes redder and the gold becomes brighter.

The savages also seemed to realize that something was wrong. They yelled, and the few savages who were still alive immediately turned around and fled in several different directions.

"Xiaoqiang! Why do you..."

Shanyuan didn't care about the savage at this time, she ran over to see Xiaoqiang's situation, but after running a few steps, she saw Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed behind a savage who was closest to her like a wind, and stabbed him to death with a spear This unlucky guy.Then he said to Sugihara.

"Shoot them all! Don't miss any of them!"

There were a total of thirteen savages, eight of whom had been killed in the battle just now, and the remaining five ran in three directions.

Zhang Xiaoqiang chased after the group on the far left, there were two people in that group.Sugihara draws his bow and arrows, and goes after the one wild man on the far right.She shot two arrows in a row, and looked back after shooting the wild man to death.

The two remaining savages had disappeared.Looking back at the two savages that Zhang Xiaoqiang was chasing, they were already lying on the ground motionless.Zhang Xiaoqiang had already run far away, and it seemed that he was chasing the other two savages!
The savages run very fast, but in Zhang Xiaoqiang's view, it's like a child wants to run a race with an adult. After chasing for more than a mile, one of the savages who fell behind couldn't run anymore. He turned around and thought He wanted to fight Zhang Xiaoqiang desperately, but as soon as his spear came over, he was interrupted by Zhang Xiaoqiang's spear, and then pierced through his chest.He lay down without even a chance to scream.

The last one was terrified and ran forward desperately, but staggered in a panic and slipped to the ground. Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed over, turned over while lying on the ground and stabbed him with a spear.Zhang Xiaoqiang dodged in a hurry.The savage took the opportunity to stand up.He raised his spear and confronted Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stabbed, the opponent blocked, and stabbed him backhand, so Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered something that made him painful.

That's the situation now, the same as when I was fighting that black boxer Shaq.

The opponent couldn't run him, and his strength was not as strong as his own.But in a small-scale fight, the opponent is far more flexible than himself, and has much richer technical experience.I couldn't defeat this little guy who looked only 1.5 meters in a short time.

But Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that he still had an advantage, and that was physical strength.The desperate running just now had already consumed a lot of physical energy for this kid, and this fight also consumed physical energy.

Sure enough, after a while, the guy's movements slowed down a lot, and Zhang Xiaoqiang caught the opening, and ended the battle with a thrust.

Looking around, Zhang Xiaoqiang dragged the body to a bush and covered it with weeds.Then go back the same way.

While walking, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the purple gold spear in his hand.

Luo Shamu's name is not called for nothing!This purple gold spear can really absorb human blood!


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