Chapter 83 Housekeeper

After hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang's words, everyone's mood just got better and sank again.

Seeing everyone like this, Yang Zixi said something domineering.

"What are you afraid of! There's still half a year to go! No matter how stupid we are, how can we survive this winter for such a long time? Eat fast, and work after eating!"

"Then shall we still make bricks?"

Sun Juaner asked.

"I don't need you to do it! Let's go home and make the pottery first, and then I will go and transport it back to the bronze mine. Let's make the bronze. Only with tools can you play a greater role!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang ate the roast pheasant in front of him in a few bites.

"It's a pity that we don't have paper and pens, otherwise we will write down what we have to do. We will know what to do in the future!"

Song Xi said with a smile.

"Don't be so troublesome, tell me, I will find something to write down later. We will do whatever you say, and we will follow your orders!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it for a long time, and realized that he didn't know which one he should do first!
He used a tree branch to write down the things he had to do recently on the ground, and then screened them one by one, finally finding the most important goal.

Make tools first!
Without tools, everything is meaningless!
After Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it, he felt that it would be more appropriate to make some bronze tools first.

After resting for a while, everyone walked back with the clay on their backs.

Sure enough, as expected, the group did not walk back to the Calabash Cave until the moon had risen above the treetops.

Everyone wailed as soon as they entered. They walked hard all day and carried more than ten kilograms of clay on their shoulders. Many people's shoulders were swollen.Although everyone knows that this must be done, the feeling of tiredness and pain still makes everyone unhappy.

Seeing that everyone was exhausted, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked everyone to lie down and rest first, and then went out with the basket on his back.

"Hey? Xiaoqiang, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Xiaoqiang was about to leave, Yang Zixi hurriedly stopped him.

"I want to go to the bronze mine now and pick up some ore, so I can do it..."


Before Zhang Xiaoqiang could finish speaking, Yang Zixi said firmly.

"You haven't healed yet! Don't go!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang still wanted to argue, but Song Xi also came over.

"Xiaoqiang! It's so late, why don't you take a good rest? Zixi is right, your injuries are not healed! Don't be too tired! We girls are still waiting for your protection! You went out in the middle of the night, in case When some beast comes, who will protect us?"

"How come? I've seen it all! There is no..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to say that he had already looked around with his heavenly eyes, and there was no danger.But before she finished speaking, Yang Zixi came up and grabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang's ear.

"You still dare to talk back, don't you? I can't control you anymore? Come here!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was dragged by Yang Zixi to sit beside the fire.Yang Zixi said fiercely.

"Sleep here tonight! You are not allowed to go anywhere! I see you go!"

After speaking, he stared.

All the girls covered their mouths and smiled when Yang Zixi looked like a housekeeper.No one spoke.Zhang Xiaoqiang had no choice but to lie on the made bed.Yang Zixi was lying beside him.Although there is a little distance, they are adjacent.After Yang Zixi lay down, she saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang was still looking at her with his eyes open.His face seemed to turn red, and he said fiercely.

"Still watching? Close your eyes! Go to sleep!"

After saying the word sleep, Yang Zixi felt a little embarrassed.He turned his face away first.

Yin Susu looked at it, turned his eyes and ran to Zhang Xiaoqiang's other side and said.

"Sister Yang! I'll help you watch him! Don't worry! He won't sneak away!"

Song Xi saw this and said.

"You all go to bed! I am on duty tonight!"

Now every night, a watchman is left on duty, both as a watchman and as a watcher of the bonfire.

Haney also said.

"Let me accompany you! Your first half of the night and my second half of the night! This way you won't be too tired to get up tomorrow!"

Li Duo'er and Sun Juan'er also wanted to help watch the night, but seeing that there were enough people, they lay down and went to sleep.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had another good night's sleep!
Waking up in the morning, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt refreshed all over. Looking around, Yang Zixi was still fast asleep. She turned her head around unconsciously when she fell asleep. She had a pretty face, and she still had a smile on her face by the fire last night. Smoked traces.During this period of time, she couldn't eat well or sleep well, and she was visibly thinner.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed, turned around and remembered, but saw Yin Susu on the other side.

As for this stick girl, she is also pretty, but there is that kind of rebellious aura between the eyebrows and eyes, and even when she is asleep, she has an expression of fighting against it.

Seeing that everyone was fast asleep, Song Xi was on duty in the first half of the night last night, and she was also lying beside the fire at this time.A pair of long legs almost stretched to the next door.It made Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but take a second look.

Hani sat by the fire, watching Zhang Xiaoqiang look cautious after getting up.Afraid of waking up others, he couldn't help but smile slightly, and then waved to him.Pointing to the position next to her.

Zhang Xiaoqiang leaned over and sat beside her.I saw several small bowls and plates made of clay already placed on the ground.Apparently Harney did it out of boredom during his vigil.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang noticed those bowls and plates.Haney smiled.He leaned into Zhang Xiaoqiang's ear and said.

"This is what Song Xi and I did last night! How is it? Is it okay?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang gave her a thumbs up, then leaned over and whispered.

"I'm going out for a while! Watch them for me. If they are all up, let everyone make pottery first! I will come back to burn charcoal with everyone at night!"

After finishing speaking, he carefully took the purple gold spear and the back basket and left!

Hani looked at him like he was going out to meet his lover behind his back, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut for joy!

After coming out, Zhang Xiaoqiang first opened his eyes and looked around.Then check your physical condition!

"Zhang Xiaoqiang, male, 21 years old.

The Realm of Immortal Cultivation: The Consecration Period.

Magic skill: Eye of the sky
The spirit of the raven (one) is obtained by the kindness of the spirit of the raven.

Zongyunti (Flying Swallow on Grass) is obtained by taking Tiaokongcao.

The immovable golden body (washing the marrow and forging the bone) is obtained by taking the earth spirit pill.

The Heart of Nature: (Shen Nong distinguishes Baicao) the gift of the hibiscus tree.

Health points: fifty. (Injury recovery) (The immobile golden body blocks 30.00% of the damage you receive)
Physical strength: two thousand. (obtained by taking five stamina pills) (recovering from injury)

Mana: One hundred.

Dexterity value: four hundred. (Obtained by taking Tiekongcao) (Recovering from injury)

Strength value: three hundred. (acquired by the friendship of the Earth Bear) (recovering from injury)"

Zhang Xiaoqiang remembers that his condition was originally "recovering from a serious injury", but now it has changed to "recovering from an injury", obviously improving.

And the various values ​​of the body, it can be said that except for the life value which is still at the general level, several other items have improved.

Seeing that his stamina had reached [-], his agility had also recovered to [-].Zhang Xiaoqiang moved his body a little.

"It should be okay to run for a day today, right?"

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