Chapter 62 Jack
Yang Zixi stared.

"Why not? You haven't seen them again!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang chuckled and glanced at Wang De.

"I really saw them! Last time by the river! Remember when I came back and told you? This person! Sometimes you can't get used to it!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was talking about the last time by the river, the group of people who claimed to be neutrals robbed their fish pond, but in the end they still wanted to grab the fish Zhang Xiaoqiang caught.

Yang Zixi knew about it, so she was a little embarrassed, but she didn't want to just admit it.murmured.

"Isn't that also a helpless thing! If it weren't for being hungry, who would do such a shameless thing!"

At this time, Song Xi held Yang Zixi's hand and said.

"I think this matter! Xiaoqiang did the right thing! If it weren't for Xiaoqiang, we wouldn't know how we would live! Now we can't help Xiaoqiang! How can we let Xiaoqiang take care of other people's affairs? What about the matter?"

Hearing this, Sun Juan'er and Li Duo'er looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang worriedly.I'm afraid Zhang Xiaoqiang will say something to drive the two of them away when he opens his mouth.

Xiaoqiang stuffed the last bite of food into his mouth, and then said to Wang De.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to find the savages with a guy named Jack! I'll leave the family to you and Brother Xu!"


Wang De frowned slightly when he heard the name.

"Why is this guy?"

"What? You know him!"

Wang De shook his head.

"This person is... low-key? Anyway, I think this guy is very mysterious. I don't know the details, but Benjamin definitely attaches great importance to him. Moreover, I always feel that this guy is very sinister and dangerous!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded.

"I think so too! So tomorrow I will be extra careful! I won't be able to care about the cave here! I guess, after I leave tomorrow, there will be people making trouble on the beach! At that time..."

Wang De said while patting his chest.

"Don't worry! As long as they dare to come, I will show them how powerful the dragon special forces are! Our camp is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is enough food and fresh water in it. I don't believe they can get rockets and cannons to attack us?"

Xu Ming also said.

"It's okay! Our camp is now equipped with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and we have no problem dealing with those people in the beach camp. If they dare to come, at worst, we will hide in caves and shoot them with bows and arrows from above! They have nothing to eat or drink. The sky can't stand it!"

Everyone talked and laughed until midnight before falling asleep one by one.The four girls lived in the cave. During the day, Wang De made a barrier with branches to divide the cave into two.Then made two big beds out of bamboo.One inside and one outside.It happened that all seven of them fell asleep.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang woke up in the morning, the first thing he did was to open his eyes to look around, but he saw Jack standing not far outside the fence, waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang with his hands behind his back.

"You came so early?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the light in Tianyan, which was so dim that he almost ignored it, and felt nervous for a while.

The white light seen by the celestial eye is actually the light of a person's vitality.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the prey he personally killed more than once, and under the watchful eyes of the sky, the originally dazzling white light quickly disappeared.So Zhang Xiaoqiang has always believed that only the dead will not emit white light.

But Jack's light is very dim, so dim that if you don't pay attention, you will be ignored.But Jack stood in front of him absolutely alive and kicking.It felt like Zhang Xiaoqiang was facing a zombie.A monster that came back from the dead.

"Didn't bother you? I thought, let's leave early and come back earlier! After all, you seem to have a lot of people waiting for you here!"

"Someone is waiting for you, right? Otherwise, why are you rushing back?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked.

"Me? No! I already told Benjamin! Don't wait for me!"

Jack said with a relieved smile on his face.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and took the javelin bag from Wang De, and Wang De patted it hard.

Wang De had already smeared poison on every javelin last night.

Zhang Xiaoqiang put the javelin on his back, thought for a while and left the horn spear in his hand to Yang Zixi.

"This is for you! Standing at the entrance of the cave and using this is better than using a knife!"

He took a stone spear by himself and jumped out.

Seeing that Jack was so alone, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very puzzled.

"Are you just empty-handed like this? Don't you take a weapon?"

Jack shook his head.

"I'm not used to those things! I only use this!"

As he spoke, he lifted his jacket, revealing a dagger stuck in his waist belt.

"This is... Tiger Knife! The most handsome and clean knife!"

Jack stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger from his waist, brushed it handsomely, and handed it to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Jack's light blue eyes.shook his head.


Jack didn't show any displeasure, and followed Zhang Xiaoqiang on the road.

Jack is thin, but definitely not weak.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked at a normal speed.In the jungle, this speed is already fast for normal people.

Jack followed silently, showing no sign of being unable to keep up.

Then Zhang Xiaoqiang began to speed up secretly.Jack still followed closely.Zhang Xiaoqiang's speed is getting faster and faster, and Jack's following is getting tighter and tighter.

The speed of the two of them in the jungle has caught up with the speed of normal people, but Jack still looks like he can do it with ease.

In this way, following the path of the beast that Zhang Xiaoqiang walked last time, the two came to the beach.

The first thing Zhang Xiaoqiang saw was that there were many sea turtles on the beach, but Jack saw the bonfire pit at a glance.

Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed to the big pit and said.

"That's where the cannibals used to be! There are still a lot of people's bones. Go and see for yourself. I don't want to see it again!"

Jack walked straight over as if he didn't hear what Zhang Xiaoqiang was saying.

There was a pious and enthusiastic expression on his face, as if he saw something sacred.

Zhang Xiaoqiang faintly felt that something was wrong.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had already seen the bonfire pit. Except for the bones and ashes, there was nothing worth looking at. However, Jack slowly checked inch by inch, talking while watching.

"Sure enough! It's true! This place is really a holy place!"

He turned his head to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang and said with a smile.

"Can't you feel it? Such a strong sacred power? By the way! Of course you can't feel it! This is a mysterious power that only pure races of high-level blood can feel!"

He picked up a stone and showed it to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

"Look! This is the magic stone for summoning souls! Eat the enemy you fear the most here, and you will gain his power! And become stronger at the same time! Who is the person you fear most?"

The person you are most afraid of?
Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Jack and thought to himself.

What the fuck I'm most afraid of now is you, like a lunatic!
Jack didn't care, and continued to lie on the ground and picked up the ashes in the pit with both hands.

"Look! This is something more precious than gold! There are countless souls in it!"

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