Chapter 58 Cannibals

Compared with Benjamin and John's careful planning, Zhang Xiaoqiang is much simpler.He carried the shark back to the cave to serve as food for his family, and then he and Wang De learned to fight while chopping firewood.

Now Zhang Xiaoqiang has also discovered that it is much easier for him to deal with wild animals than with people.

In fact, Wang De was afraid that the two of them would get injured accidentally during practice, otherwise Wang De's skill would be much better than Zhang Xiaoqiang.Since the fight with Shaq, Wang De has discovered that Zhang Xiaoqiang's ability to resist beatings is absolutely excellent, so now Wang De pulls Zhang Xiaoqiang to practice duel when he is free.Except for letting Zhang Xiaoqiang control a little power, everything else is completely based on actual combat.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was beaten so badly!

With food, fresh water, and weapons all available, and the protection of the cave camp is currently at its best, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned and walked into the jungle.

Benjamin's men met wild men on the beach, so Zhang Xiaoqiang came to the beach first, and then took a detour into the jungle.

In the direction close to the beach, Zhang Xiaoqiang noticed many man-made traces in the jungle.Felled trees, extinguished bonfires.There are even dried blood stains on some trees.

But Zhang Xiaoqiang just didn't find any traces left by the savages.All traces were left by Benjamin's men.

Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his eyes from time to time to look around.

To be honest, Sky Eye is very useful when hunting.Because when ordinary people are hunting, how to find the prey is the most difficult.But Tianyan completely solved this problem.As long as any prey appears nearby, it will be detected by the sky eye.

But in terms of tracking and searching, the eyes of the sky can't help much.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked slowly along the path of the beast in the jungle.

Beast paths are the traces left by larger animals when they walk in the jungle.For example, elephant buffalo, when they walk in the jungle, they will break many small trees, twigs and other plants that are inconspicuous to them.Thus leaving a passage as wide as their bodies in the dense jungle.Then other critters will follow the path.It's like a highway in a human city.

In fact, many animals need this kind of beast path if they want to pass quickly in the jungle.

Zhang Xiaoqiang followed this road until he came to another beach.

Seeing this beach, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt that when his group landed on this island, they chose the wrong location.

The beach I came up to was also sand, rocks, and jungle, but there was almost nothing there.Catching fish and hunting requires walking a long distance.

But it's different here.

This beach is literally heaven for food!

On the beach in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, a large group of sea turtles were basking in the sun.And a little farther away, there is a large group of seabirds searching for food back and forth on the beach.

With the eyes of the sky, you can see that there are countless fish and shrimp hidden under the sea not far away.They all glisten and swim beneath the surface of the sea.From time to time, one or two large-looking fish passed by, causing commotion among the fish and shrimp schools.

Zhang Xiaoqiang almost jumped up.

Here, even if I don't know anything, just picking up food on the beach is enough to survive.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was excited to see it, couldn't help but took a few steps forward, wanting to get closer, to see if he could catch one or two turtles and bring them back.

Suddenly his foot slipped and he stepped on a round object, making Zhang Xiaoqiang tilted and almost fell to the ground.

Zhang Xiaoqiang staggered to his feet and looked down.He couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

It was a skeleton.

Human skulls!
Those black eyes stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang, as if they were talking to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

"Don't be too complacent! Be careful that extreme joy begets sorrow!"

Seeing the skeleton for the first time, Zhang Xiaoqiang was so frightened that he couldn't cry out. He looked around in panic, for fear that someone would suddenly jump out and give him a hit.

fine!Under the watchful eyes of the sky, the biggest creature here is the sea turtle over there.Only then did Zhang Xiaoqiang stabilize a little bit, and then he lowered his head to observe the skeleton carefully.

This skeleton looks like an adult skull.It is relatively large, and it looks like it should have been left here for a long time.

What surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang was the hole on the top of the skull.Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a weapon expert and doesn't know much about these things, he can still tell that it is a hole punched out by someone with a hard object.Maybe this man died because of it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang also found several large bones near here.Long bones that look like human thighs and arms.Suppressing his fear, Zhang Xiaoqiang counted and found that there were four arms and five thigh bones.

This shows that there used to be people here, and more than one, but they all died.And the body was not completely preserved.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked slowly in the direction where the bones were found, and on a big tree, he saw an obvious trace of an ax chopping.

On the nearby trees, traces of huge beast claws larger than Zhang Xiaoqiang's palm were found.

It was the mark left by three claws as sharp as steel knives on the bark.

According to the traces of the claws, the beast was at least as big as Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Then moving forward, Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered the real reason for his fear.

On the beach, there is a particularly large fire pit.Looks like it's been deserted for a while.Around the bonfire pit, there were remains of bones all over the place.

Human remains!
Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't bear it anymore, covered his mouth, turned his head and ran into the jungle and started to vomit.

"These bastards!"

It was a meeting place for wildlings, where they sang and danced around the campfire and feasted!And the food they eat is people!
Zhang Xiaoqiang barely held back his vomiting when he really had nothing to vomit.

But he still didn't want to go back to check the scene just now, and he didn't even want to face the direction of the sea. He just sat there and cursed those savages in his heart.

After scolding for a while, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that his anger had subsided a lot, when he suddenly remembered something.

Benjamin said that his men had just been lost, and one of them died near their camp, and the wildlings did not take them away.And the skeleton that Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered just now is at least one or two months old.The timing doesn't match up at all!

So, who is the man eaten by the savages here?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to be strong and came to the beach again.

Seeing that miserable scene again, Zhang Xiaoqiang nearly vomited again.

Near the campfire pit, there are many messy footprints.Zhang Xiaoqiang found a relatively complete one and compared it with his own.much smaller.

Looking at other footprints on the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang made a comparison and then came to a conclusion.

Savage may not be tall!But the power is definitely not small!

Because next to the bonfire pit, a stone they used as a vegetable pier to cut meat weighed more than 100 catties.

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