Chapter 50 Grabbing the Fishing Ground

Lin Xin's heart was ashamed at this moment, and he didn't react at all.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Lin Xin and sighed.

"Why bother! They are all colleagues! Do you have to fight with others for fun?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and walked back, talking while walking.

"I won't force you to follow me. If you want to go there, go there! I definitely won't go! Everyone, go back to sleep! There are still many things to do tomorrow!"

Xu Ming came over and pulled Zhang Xiaoqiang to stop irritating Lin Xin.Then he sat next to Lin Xin and said.

"Lin Xin! It's really not my elder brother who provoked me with evil intentions. You saw what the people over there looked like when they came here! Think about it, if it is really tolerable, why did the few of us give up so well? The chance of survival ran out?..."

Seeing that brother Xu Ming went to persuade Lin Xin, everyone turned back to the cave.

On the way back, Yang Zixi glanced at Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily, turned her face away and kept silent.Song Xi was grinning, as if watching the excitement.

Looking at the two of them, Zhang Xiaoqiang could only shake his head and say.

"When I have time, I will definitely make a few compartments in the cave. Otherwise, it will be too inconvenient!"

Yang Zixi snorted.

"What? Is it in the way of your good business? Then Song Xi and I will go to sleep in the innermost part. Give the place to you?"

When she said this, she was still afraid that Lin Xin would be embarrassed if she heard it, so she deliberately said it in a low voice, so she leaned closer to Zhang Xiaoqiang's ear.Song Xi next to him suddenly pushed Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Zhang Xiaoqiang's face bumped into Yang Zixi's mouth.Yang Zixi was so scared that she said "Ah!", looked at Song Xi flushed with anger, turned around and went back to the cave, Song Xi saw her entering the cave, so she leaned over with a smile and whispered in Zhang Xiaoqiang's ear.

"How is it? Your woman's kiss is not bad, is it?"

Said and laughed and ran away!
Silent all night!
Early the next morning, the first thing Zhang Xiaoqiang did when he woke up was to open his eyes and observe his surroundings.This is already the first thing he has to do every day.


As soon as he opened his eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that there were many people moving in the distance, near the small river where the water was fetched!

"Strange! Those are the people from the beach camp? Where are they going?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang felt very strange. Logically speaking, if people from the beach camp really wanted to search for food deep in the island, then the small river where Xu Ming and Wang De met Zhang Xiaoqiang was the best place. The fish there were big and thick. many.Much better than the small river near the cave!
And because the small river in the cave was occupied by wild boars for a day last time, the water there was temporarily undrinkable...

oops!The storm in the past two days probably cleaned up the river there, right?Why else would the beach gang go there?

Call everyone to do a good job of defense!Zhang Xiaoqiang and Wang De grabbed their weapons and walked over.

Sure enough, a dozen people came to the beach camp, headed by a guy named Tian Ye.This man was in his thirties, and he looked like a slippery man.

Wang De still had a good impression of this man.He said after seeing the fields.

"This guy should be a representative of the neutral side in the beach camp. I guess he came here because Benjamin didn't know our strength. So I used their neutral party to find out."

Then Wang De pointed to a fat black man in the crowd and said.

"That guy's name is Shaq! It should be John's bodyguard. I don't know why he is with Tian Ye."

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and strode up.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

When everyone saw Zhang Xiaoqiang approaching, they stopped what they were doing and looked at the field.

Tian Ye hurried over, and at the same time, the black man named Shaq also followed.

"This brother is Zhang Xiaoqiang, right? My name is Tian Ye, and we are survivors on the beach over there! That's it, we don't have enough food! Come here to catch some fish!"


Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned slightly.

Sure enough, these guys used the foundation of their original fish pond to build a bigger fish pond.The entrance also adopts the same method of gradually shrinking to let the fish swim into the fish pond by itself.

"I have no objection to your fishing! But this is my fish pond! Now you are occupying my fish pond, what do you say?"

"Your fish pond? Where is your fish pond written?"

Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not tall and there are only two people, a person next to him said angrily.

"That's right! This is a desert island! Whoever comes first will own it! Why is it yours?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang listened.said angrily.

"Since this is the case! Then we came to this deserted island first! Could it be that you can't stay here anymore?"

"Why? We came first!"

"That's right! We've already made it like this here! Why should I give it to you?"

Everyone was very dissatisfied and chattered.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a look at Tian Ye, and found that this guy was just smiling, neither speaking nor objecting.It seems to be watching the fun.

"Your camp is here, there should be a river, right? The river is wide there! There are many fish! Why don't you catch fish there? Do you have to go far away to come here?"

After listening to Zhang Xiaoqiang's words, Tian Ye said with a smile.

"I don't know about that either. Mr. Benjamin said that the fish here are easier to catch. Let us come here!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang said while holding back his displeasure.

"Then you have invaded our fishing ground, what should we do!"

Tian Ye just smiled and looked at everyone.

Those people look at me and I look at you!Finally someone said.

"There are so many fish here! We didn't stop you! If you have the ability, you can catch it yourself! Anyway, don't take our fish!"

This group of neutrals obviously didn't have any opinions. One person put forward an opinion, and everyone immediately echoed it.

"Right! Go catch it yourself!"

"Yes! If there are fish in the river, you can catch them! Just don't catch the fish in our fish pond!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at them, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Is it because I don't catch in your fish ponds, the fish I catch are all mine. That's fine too! We don't violate the river water! I catch mine and you catch yours!"

Those people talked one after another.Finally come to a conclusion.

The more murlocs in the river, the more people will be caught!Zhang Xiaoqiang only had two people, and they definitely didn't catch as many as the dozen or so of them.

So they all agreed!
Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded.

"Will you all come here to catch fish in the future? Come tomorrow too?"

Tian Ye thought about it.

"It should be! After all, we don't know much about this desert island! We only know that there are so few places here to eat!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded.

"Okay then! You guys catch fish! I'm going to work! Then don't talk too much!"

After speaking, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked Wang De to stand by the river and watch them, and at the same time helped him pick up fish.Then he took the bamboo spear and walked into the river.

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