Chapter 40 The Fairy in the Storm

Zhang Xiaoqiang only found out later that bows and arrows are actually much easier to make than crossbows.But it is much more difficult to use.An archer cannot hit a target without a long training.Crossbows are different.Just practice for a few days.

In at least one day, the three novices Zhang Xiaoqiang, Yang Zixi, and Song Xi were able to hit the target within 30 meters without hitting their own people.

As for Lin Xin and Xu Ming, they were temporarily prohibited from practicing crossbows because they damaged the door panel of the cave and the freshly fired pottery pot in the first test shooting.

Because the use of bronze ware was finally available, and the crossbow gave everyone a sense of security, so everyone decided to continue refining a batch of bronze ware tomorrow, mainly refining some hunting weapons such as arrowheads and spear points.

But I didn't expect that the moon was still shining brightly at night, and it started to rain rumblingly when I slept until midnight.

This heavy rain is simply frightening!
There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and what came down with the thunder were pouring raindrops and the whistling sea breeze.The force of the sea breeze was so strong that it knocked down a portion of the newly reinforced wall.The rain poured down even more.If not everyone is hiding in the cave, it feels like everyone will be blown away by the sea wind or washed away by the rain.

As time went by, the rain became heavier and heavier, and one after another, lightning bolts hit the sky above the cave, and each strike seemed to make the cave tremble.The three girls huddled together in fright, leaning tightly next to the fire.

Wang De and Xu Ming are better, but looking at the rain swaying from side to side like a cloth curtain blown by the strong wind, and the crumbling fence blown by the strong wind from time to time making "click" sounds, both of them sighed helplessly. Voice.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat at the entrance of the cave, watching everything destroyed by the storm outside without saying a word.

This morning, Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his eyes to look around as usual.I didn't expect to receive such a message in such a stormy weather.

"Dingling! You have a fairy fate, please pay attention to check it!"

"Because of Xianyuan, you have been given a mission to hunt a prey to obtain enough food. The reward for completing the fire, the higher the rating for completing the mission, the richer the reward you will get! Failure will be punished!"

This system!Do you think you are playing tricks?

In this ghostly weather with heavy wind and heavy rain, let alone go out to hunt, it is easy to go out for a walk and you will not be able to come back.Besides, what game would come out in this weather?Aren't you cheating?

But you said that if you just refuse, Zhang Xiaoqiang is still a little bit reluctant!
Zhang Xiaoqiang just looked outside like this. In the turbulent wind and rain, Tianyan seemed to be affected by the storm, and he couldn't see far at all.

While looking outside, Zhang Xiaoqiang unconsciously touched the bronze machete in his hand.

This knife was made by Wang De. It looks similar to the machetes seen on the street, but much thicker.Zhang Xiaoqiang once asked Wang De why he didn't make it into a bronze sword.Wang De said that the technical content of making bronze swords is dozens of times higher than these.Don't even think about it at their current level.

In the cave, the fire gradually diminished.Because the dry firewood is piled in the open space outside.At this time, the heavy rain was heavy, and the dry firewood was already soaked.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at everyone, it was obviously summer, but everyone was extremely cold at this time.There is still a little flame now, and if we wait a little longer, I am afraid that we will all have a cold.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was cruel.

"Stay here, everyone! Give me the axe, and I'll come when I go!"

Saying that, he took the ax and jumped out.

Zhang Xiaoqiang plunged into the rainstorm and walked into the woods against the wind and rain.Zhang Xiaoqiang has traveled all over the nearby woods and feels them by heart.Soon they found a big tree that had been blown down by the wind because it was dead.

This big tree was as thick as an arm's length. It turned out that Zhang Xiaoqiang thought it was too thick to be used, and it was far away from the camp, so he didn't care about it, but he didn't expect it to be used today.

Zhang Xiaoqiang cut off its branches and leaves, then walked back with the dead tree in his arms.It took a long time to reach the cave.

Zhang Xiaoqiang cut the dead tree into several sections, and then returned to the cave with his arms in his arms.

"Are you crazy? In all this rain for these logs?"

When Yang Zixi saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang had returned, she was so angry that she slapped him.Pat on Zhang Xiaoqiang's shoulder.

"You don't understand this, do you? This is rare dry firewood! At this time, this thing is very precious!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang said with a smile.

"Damn firewood! Look for yourself! You've been drenched in heavy rain for so long, you're already drenched!"

Yang Zixi said angrily.Half angry, half worried.

Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled slightly.

"Don't believe me? Watch me do a trick for you!"

As he spoke, he took out the axe, split the wood with a few strokes, and pulled out the center of the wood from the inside.

The wood was almost soaked by the rain, but there was still a lot of dryness in the middle of the wood that was not wet and could burn.

Zhang Xiaoqiang cut the whole big tree into small pieces and carried them in. Then he and Wang De hacked with an axe, took out the dry part and threw it into the fire.

The fire suddenly brightened, and the temperature in the cave also increased several degrees.

"Smart and smart!"

Xu Ming said in admiration.

"Smartness is one thing, and more importantly, this kid is really energetic! In this heavy rain, with such a thick tree, I can't get back even if I go to two or three people. He is alone!"

Wang De said in admiration, and put the wet wood that had been split next to the fire.

"These semi-dry logs can be burned after a while! At least it can last for a long time! This way we have more fuel!"

Song Xi nodded.

"Brother Wang is a good way! He also reminded us! When the weather clears, shall we build one or two sheds in the yard? That way, if there is another stormy day, we will have spare wood."

"It's more than just wood!"

Xu Ming looked down and said regretfully.

"The ore powder we smashed seems to have been soaked in water! There is also charcoal! I guess it can't be used anymore! This time it's actually a big loss!"

After he said this, everyone remembered it.I made bronze ware yesterday, and I was very happy with it. I put everything in the yard and thought about making some more today, but I didn't expect it to be destroyed by the heavy rain.

Seeing the pity of everyone, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled instead.

"What are you afraid of? Haven't we made several things! Now that we have tools, it's better than having nothing at the beginning! Whatever you want, just do it again! What a pity!"

Everyone listened and had no choice but to say yes.Anyway, you can't be depressed, can't you!
At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly heard rapid and nervous bird calls from outside, and he poked his head out to have a look.In the storm, the big raven was flying here desperately. Flying against the wind, it almost rushed into the cave at an angle, and then screamed at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

For some reason, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt as if he understood something when he heard the cry of this raven.

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