Chapter 37 Imaginary Enemy

Xu Ming was obviously very satisfied with Zhang Xiaoqiang, he said a little excitedly.

"Those foreigners! When they are free, they always regard themselves as gentlemen and look down on others. But when food is scarce and fresh water is insufficient, they will show their true colors. Then they will follow us today. The river found us, so we must be prepared first, and we must not give them a chance to commit atrocities!"

After saying this, he looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with warm eyes.

"Xiaoqiang! What do you think?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang lowered his head and thought for a while.

"I don't think this possibility can be ruled out, so we have to be prepared first! And even if there are no such things! We have to do some precautionary work! Because today, after Brother Xu reminded me, I found that there are indeed many strange things on this island. place. I actually found a monitor lizard here today... It’s a guy who looks like a Komodo dragon!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang briefly explained the matter to everyone.Everyone looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise.

Yang Zixi was the first to bear it no longer.

"Xiaoqiang! Why didn't you tell us it's so dangerous? You are on your own... If you get hurt, what will we do!"

Hearing that Yang Zixi cared about him, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled happily.

"Don't worry! This can't hurt me! What I'm worried about is! With this thing, maybe there will be someone more powerful than it. Anyway, we can't just think that this place is safe, let's relax our vigilance!
Now that Brother Xu and the others have joined us, there are now six of us.At least the strength is much stronger than before!So let's start with...refining bronze! "


Xu Ming was taken aback.

"Shouldn't the wall be repaired first! Shouldn't the defense be strengthened?"

Xu Ming said.

"Look, we have food and drink! The main concern now is the enemy's attack! How do you..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled slightly.

This old man, is he still a militant?Or did he have his enemies at the beach?

I think so, Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

"Of course we are ready to fight! But Song Xi said just now! The opponent has fire axes and engineering shovels! They are all made of steel! We have nothing, how can we fight with each other? If we refine bronze, we can make swords , axes, and even finer bows and arrows can be made. Even if the opponent wants to harm us, he will consider the consequences after seeing our strength."

Hearing this, Xu Ming was stunned.

"You're right, you're right! Just listen to Xiaoqiang!"

At this time, Lin Xin asked hesitantly.

"How do you know that they are coming to bully us? Could it be that they came to ask us for help? Do you want to join forces with us?"

Xu Ming said seriously.

"Of course it is possible, but any alliance is to join forces with partners of similar strength. If the strength is too far apart, there will be no alliance, only bullying! So we must first prepare for the worst! This is the reason for our business Get used to it. Haha, laugh at me!"

Everyone chatted some gossip again, and then went to sleep.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very depressed.Accompanied by the three of Xu Ming, he was delayed a lot of time when he came back, so he only got fresh water from three bamboo tubes.This little fresh water raised the task evaluation from the low level to the middle level.As a result, Zhang Xiaoqiang got the "Physical Strength Pill" without any surprise after the mission was over.

Now Zhang Xiaoqiang's physical strength is completely sufficient.He can work almost 24 hours a day without rest.So Zhang Xiaoqiang has always wanted to change some rewards, but failed every time.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Wang De, and Xu Ming went to collect bronze ore with baskets on their backs.According to Zhang Xiaoqiang's idea.About ten catties of ore can produce one catty of bronze, and so many people probably need twenty or thirty catties of bronze, that is, two to three hundred catties of bronze ore.

The three came out together, and there were only three girls left in the cave.For the sake of safety, the three of them specially arranged for a person to keep watch.Two people work.It is said that it is work, but it is actually to strengthen the fence that has been repaired.There are not many things the three girls can do without tools.

"Xiaoqiang! I didn't realize that you are quite thin, and you are quite strong!"

Wang De carried a basket full of bronze ore on his back, looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang who was walking fast ahead, and couldn't help but said.

Zhang Xiaoqiang chuckled.

"Where is it? Look at old brother Xu! You can still carry such a heavy basket at such an age. That's good health!"

After hearing this, Xu Ming smiled wryly.

"I only have half a basket here! And I'm still at the end. But I think Xiaoqiang, you really have more energy. Why don't you wait for us! You go first, and then come back to pick us up!"

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard it, he thought it was okay.So he nodded and ran away.

"I'll go! It's really okay! This is too awesome!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang carrying more than 100 kilograms of ore on his back, he ran away as if he was empty.Wang De couldn't help muttering.

"Wang De! What do you think of this Zhang Xiaoqiang?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang running away, Xu Ming suddenly asked Wang De.

"Nice man! Not bad heart! But I just don't know if he can stand up to Benjamin's gang of bastards."

Xu Ming nodded.

"This bastard, Benjamin, couldn't compete with us in business, so he wanted to play tricks, and actually sent a killer here. If we hadn't discovered it early, this shipwreck just gave them a chance."

Wang De snorted.

"Those two bastards, if it weren't for the fear of killing people, I would have thrown them into the sea long ago! I didn't expect them to pretend to be magic sticks now! They even encouraged those people to deal with us together."

Xu Ming sighed.

"Failing the flames and maliciously slandering them have always been the usual methods of their country? What do those ordinary people know? They just follow what others say! What I am worried about now is that they will really reach the point where they will run out of ammunition and food in a few days. Are we Do you really want to meet them with swords?"

"What are you afraid of? When the time comes, I won't believe it. The same people, we are afraid of them?"

Xu Ming glanced at Wang De.

"Did you forget? There are more than 30 people in the family, including two professional killers. There are six of us in total, and three women. The strength is not equal!"

Wang De thought about it.

"Old Xu! Don't worry about this! Now let's see if this Zhang Xiaoqiang is good. If he is good! With his physical fitness and my training. Don't look at more than 30 of them. Fighting is not the same as doing business. It is not useful if you have more people!"

Xu Ming sighed.

"Let's talk about these things later! Let's go further! Let Zhang Xiaoqiang run less! Why do you think he can run so well? Just like a goat!"

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