Chapter 35 Another Shipwrecked

Three victims!
The old man is the boss of the three of them, named Xu Ming.The bodyguard and driver is a big man named Wang De.The female secretary's name is Song Xi.The three of them, like Zhang Xiaoqiang and the others, were shipwrecked on a boat and ended up stranded on a deserted island.

Zhang Xiaoqiang subconsciously glanced at the three of them with his heavenly eyes.The result was nothing out of the ordinary.Only then did he remember that the other party was a human being just like himself.

But it can be seen that these three people are not ordinary people, nothing else, just Wang De. With a height of 1.9 meters and a weight of two hundred catties, she doesn't have a big belly.What does the tendon flesh all over mean?It means that this guy is a trainer.

That female secretary, Song Xi.Not only is she tall and beautiful, but she is tall and well-proportioned!His demeanor is gentle and polite, but there is a cleverness in his big eyes.It's as if she sees everything.

As for that old man Xu Ming, think about it!To be the boss of the two of them, he must be no ordinary person!

When he heard that Zhang Xiaoqiang was also a victim, Wang De laughed.A big hand patted Zhang Xiaoqiang's shoulder.

"Fate! Brother! We are both fallen in the world!"

Xu Ming was surprised when he heard that Zhang Xiaoqiang was also a victim.He looked Zhang Xiaoqiang up and down.

"Brother Zhang! How long have you been on this island?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it.

"Well! It's been more than a week! I don't know the details, but it's been seven or eight days!"

"So, this is really a desert island?"

Xu Ming asked again.

This question made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel embarrassed.

"To be honest, I have always regarded this place as a deserted island. We have been here for seven or eight days, and our footsteps have been moving within a range of more than ten miles! We have never been to places that are too far away!"

Xu Ming nodded.

"It seems that our decision is right!"

It turned out that they had come to the deserted island since last night.There was also a group of people who came with them, a small tourist group.There is also a team organized by the unit.There are more than 30 people in total.

After they were stranded on the island at night, Xu Ming judged that it was a deserted island, and wanted to go to the depths of the island to find food and fresh water.But the other two groups disagreed, because when they encountered a shipwreck, they came in a lifeboat, so they still had some supplies.So they broke up with Xu Ming.The three of Xu Ming came out alone to search the deserted island.The two gangs were waiting on the beach to be rescued.

After hearing Xu Ming's words, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't understand for a while.He asked Xu Ming.

"Uncle! How did you judge that this is a desert island? And why do you think you shouldn't wait for rescue?"

Xu Ming obviously did not expect Zhang Xiaoqiang to ask such a question.He asked almost subconsciously.

"Why have you stayed here for so many days, and you don't know? How weird this island is!"


Zhang Xiaoqiang was taken aback.

how?Is this old man also a cultivator selected by the system?
See Xu Ming smile.

"Look at the plants on the shore! How many do you know? Also, how many creatures in the sea have you caught? What are they? Don't you think there is anything strange?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head silently.

"I knew that there are quite a lot of food here! Fresh water is hard to find! I came here today to find fresh water!"

Xu Ming laughed.

"I noticed the plants here yesterday! There are many plants that shouldn't be here! You see, most of them are plants in temperate regions, but we are in the tropics. It would be understandable if there were coconuts or something, these ..."

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, he hurriedly said.

"No! When our ship was in trouble, it was in the temperate zone! How could it be in the tropics?"

Xu Ming listened.

"Where did it happen to you?"

"Then how would I know? I knew it was near Shandong!"

After hearing this, Xu Ming looked at his two subordinates with astonishment.Wang De and Song Xi were also surprised.After a while, Song Xi slowly said to Zhang Xiaoqiang very affirmatively.

"Our ship encountered a storm near Australia!"


Zhang Xiaoqiang was dumbfounded at the time.No matter how bad Zhang Xiaoqiang's geography is, the distance between Shandong and Australia is still roughly known.

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at the three of them and smiled wryly.

"The three of you are really amazing! How many miles did you fly all at once!"

Xu Ming also smiled wryly.

"Little brother, don't be too happy! I suspect now that this island is not the one in your mind! Let me ask you! It's been so long! Have you found the rescue team?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head.


"What about the communication system of your mobile phone?"

"It's gone a long time ago! When we all wake up, only this clothes are left!"


"That's right! We still have two girls! Originally there was a boy, but unfortunately he died from eating poisonous mushrooms two days ago!"

Xu Ming nodded and continued.

"Many people in our area have mobile phones, communicators, and even a small radio station, but after arriving here, all communication systems have failed! Not only that, I looked at the stars in the sky last night, and found that even The positions of the stars on the map are different from the original ones! So I suspect...we may have come to a world that no one has ever discovered before!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was dumbfounded at the time!

What?What does it mean that the positions of the stars are different?
you are great!I still remember where the stars are.I look at the stars every night and don't remember any of them!
Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang's puzzled look.Xu Ming said.

"Little brother! Don't worry! We are not bad people! The reason we want to leave those people on the beach! We don't want to be persecuted by bad people! So, if you want, I hope to be with you. Next, let's form a group. Together Advance and retreat. How?"

Looking for a team?
Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately calmed down when he heard this.

This old man is not simple!As soon as he arrived, he took two of his men to escape from the main force to survive in the wilderness alone.It stands to reason that there must be some skills, but why do you have to form a team with yourself as soon as you meet?

If he is short of manpower, he just said that there are more than 30 people on the beach!Why did he choose himself instead of them?

Maybe it was seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang's doubts, the female secretary named Song Xi said.

"You don't know, on the beach, Mr. Xu put forward his own point of view, saying that this deserted island is a bit weird. Those people not only didn't believe it, but also laughed at us. Americans, insist that they are believers of God, we are low-level races, this shipwreck is God punishing us low-level races, they are implicated. Let everyone drive us away! There is a lot of racial discrimination there. The gang of bastards actually believed them! We really couldn't see their deceitful face, so we came out!"

Wang De also said angrily.

"Those bastards insisted that the rescue supplies belonged to everyone, and refused to give us anything. In the end, we were kicked out empty-handed!"

Only then did Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly realize.

"What did I say! No wonder the three of you are so eager to find teammates!"

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