Chapter 2 The Nasty Goddess

It's a wonderful thing to be on a desert island with your goddess, but when the goddess hates you, it feels different!

So Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and left, no longer accompanying Yang Zixi.

This is a deserted island. Since I can be stranded here, other people may also be stranded here.

Zhang Xiaoqiang wandered around, thinking that he could find another victim, but as far as he could see on the empty beach, there was no one at all.

"I'm going! I almost forgot!"

Since I am now a god in the "consecration period", wouldn't it be silly to have skills and not use them?
After opening the eyes of the sky, everything you can see is full of colorful auras.There are flashing points that represent life in the middle.

It's just that Zhang Xiaoqiang took a break after watching for ten seconds, and then took a break for ten seconds, but he never saw anyone or a bright spot as big as a person appearing.

Not far away, Yang Zixi's highlights are really conspicuous.

... What is more conspicuous is her graceful figure!
Zhang Xiaoqiang really couldn't find anyone else, and Yang Zixi just sat on the beach looking at her from a distance during this time.He seemed hesitant to speak.

Zhang Xiaoqiang originally wanted to ignore her, but he couldn't bear it. After all, a woman was in such a place, and as a man, he couldn't justify not caring about her at all, so he shouted at Yang Zixi from a distance.

"Mr. Yang! There is no one else here! I'm going to look elsewhere! Do you want to go together?"

Yang Zixi snorted coldly and turned her head away.Without even looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head helplessly.I don't know where I offended this iceberg goddess.But since people look down on us, what should we do?

By this time, the sky had gradually darkened.The sea breeze blows over with a burst of coolness.

Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to go to the depths of the deserted island. On this windy beach, at night, if he was not eaten by other wild animals, he would be blown to death by the sea breeze.


Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his leg, he heard Yang Zixi's shout behind him.Looking back, Yang Zixi was rather embarrassed, and said slowly reluctantly.

"I... I can go with you, but... But you have to behave yourself! Don't think wildly!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was speechless for a while.

"Eldest sister! When did I offend you? Why do you think I'm a criminal? I'm really convinced! Okay, okay, so I'll walk ahead, so far away from you..."

While talking about Zhang Xiaoqiang, he drew a distance.

After hearing this, Yang Zixi seemed a little embarrassed.she murmured.

"It's not...Actually, my ankle is sprained...I can't walk anymore!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked down and saw that Yang Zixi's feet, which were originally wearing beautiful high heels, were trembling in the sea breeze.One of the ankles was red and swollen.

"Hey? I didn't pay attention just now! I thought you didn't want to go with me... Well, I went to help you, not to take advantage of you! You are not allowed to hit anyone anymore!"

Hearing what Zhang Xiaoqiang said, Yang Zixi felt a little embarrassed, but she immediately said it forcefully.

"It's not you, you don't have a good job, they say you are perverted and lazy, there are not many serious files in the computer, there are a lot of those little movies, little obscenities, and you always peek at your female colleagues..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang became angry when he heard it.

"Who said this? When did I peek?"

"...they said..."

"...They? What else did they say?"

"They said that you are not serious about your work and always steal other people's plans and designs. They also said... They said that you always talk big but don't do practical things!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang is so angry!
This is blatant slander!Slander!Splash dirty water!

"Tell me who they are? Who is so shameless to speak ill of people behind their backs?"

Yang Zixi curled her lips, obviously despite being in this situation, Yang Zixi still couldn't trust Zhang Xiaoqiang and chose to trust those who slandered him.

"Just tell me if it's true!"

"Of course not! None!"

"You really don't have those things in your computer?"

"...This...every man's computer will have something in it!"

"Hmph! Didn't Bao Liandong negotiate the contract with Guardian last time, and then you snatched it?"

"of course not!"

"The secretary of Jiade Company and Bao Liandong are classmates, right? Their classmates didn't make a deal, how did you make it?"

"That's because Bao Liandong can't do it... His classmate doesn't have a good relationship with him. I found him by myself. I kowtowed and pretended to be my grandson for a long time, so he was willing to give me a chance... This is what Bao Liandong said ?”

"No! Everyone said that! They all said that you took the credit for others!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was speechless.

These bastards are really not human!Just use yourself up and throw dirty water on your back.Especially that Bao Liandong, who did him such a big favor by himself so that the company would not hold him accountable for failing to complete the task, and finally claimed that he had stolen his credit.

Thankfully... thankfully, shit!Looking at Yang Zixi's expression, Zhang Xiaoqiang also knew that this girl didn't believe in herself at all.It's just that the situation forced her to say it in order to ease the embarrassment just now.

"That's it! Mr. Yang! Fairness is at your fingertips! I won't explain anything to you anymore! I'll help you find a safe place to sit in a shelter from the wind. Then see what you can do next."

When she heard what to do, Yang Zixi became nervous again.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"...Elder sister! This is a deserted island! I don't know what there is! Even if there is nothing, shouldn't we make a fire? What are you thinking about?"

After all, Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily went over to help Yang Zixi up.

Don't say it, a girl with a good figure feels different when holding her up.

Yang Zixi obviously didn't want Zhang Xiaoqiang to get close to her, so she always walked fast, but how could a person with a foot injury walk fast?So she didn't take a few steps before she tilted her body and fell to the side.


Zhang Xiaoqiang hurriedly reached out and hugged her waist, but he was also unstable, staggered, and almost fell down.

"Stinking rogue!"

Yang Zixi screamed suddenly, and her backhand was a slap.


Zhang Xiaoqiang was caught off guard and was slapped in the face.Nosebleeds came out immediately.

Zhang Xiaoqiang let go of his hand and took a few steps back.Only then did he notice that out of anxiety, a hand passed through Yang Zixi's armpit and hugged her.Inadvertently touched a little bit of her chest.

Yang Zixi put her arms around her chest and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily.

"I knew that dogs can't change eating shit! You still want to take advantage of me in this situation!"

After being beaten twice in a row, Zhang Xiaoqiang was really angry this time.He suppressed his anger, then pointed to her feet and said.

"You were about to fall. I'll help you. I didn't mean to bump into you. What about you? Forget it, I think it's not bad here. We'll camp here tonight! Don't worry, what's next I will never take a step closer to you. I will not be slapped by you again!"

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