1 Chapter Fifty

Yang Zixi said timidly.

"I... didn't feel any aura!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang also guided her carefully.

"Don't worry! It's not so easy to feel this aura! You have to take your time! Don't be nervous!"

Everyone surrounded Yang Zixi, half curious and half watching the excitement.

"Try it? Maybe you can already fly!"

"Why don't you spit fire and see?"

"I think it's better to spit water! Spitting water is more practical!"

Yang Zixi is so angry!

"Let me spit out a meal for you! It happens to be the earth melon that I ate today!"

Everyone laughed for a long time, seeing that there was really no new change, they all gave up resentfully, what should they do!
Yang Zixi's heart is so lost!It was so easy to get a chance to become a fairy, but somehow it didn't work out.Are you saying it's annoying?

Seeing everyone's unfulfilled expressions, Yang Zixi felt a little disappointing for the first time.

On this deserted island, my sense of existence is getting smaller and smaller.At the beginning, Zhang Xiaoqiang still attached great importance to himself, but he didn't take it seriously at the time. Now, with more and more outstanding girls around him, Yang Zixi found that she gradually faded away from Zhang Xiaoqiang's central position.become like everyone else.

So now Yang Zixi feels that she should work harder and be stronger than others, so that Zhang Xiaoqiang's original gaze on her will come back.

Therefore, although Zhang Xiaoqiang casually mentioned this opportunity to cultivate immortals, Yang Zixi regarded him as a very important matter.

So when she learned that she didn't get the power she imagined, Yang Zixi felt very sad.

So she walked to the side alone, picked up the ax boredly and started chopping wood.

Now the fuel in the gourd cave is mainly coal.Firewood is only used as firewood or charcoal.So no one chopped wood for a long time.

In the past, this job was mostly done by boys, and girls only occasionally did it when they were bored.

Now everyone is busy and has their own things to do. Only Yang Zixi is unhappy and doesn't know what to do, so she runs over to chop firewood!

She picked up the ax and chopped down a log placed in the yard, making a "gudong" sound.

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly turned his head and looked at Yang Zixi who was chopping firewood with his head down, not noticing that he had attracted many people's attention.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked over, stretched out his hand and passed a piece of wood from the side.

Yang Zixi looked up and saw that it was Zhang Xiaoqiang, so she smiled embarrassedly.Take it and put it in front of you, and chop it down with an axe.

Then Zhang Xiaoqiang handed over another one, and Yang Zixi felt a little strange.looked up at him.

"Don't you have something to do? What are you doing? I can't handle this wood!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang's smirk, Yang Zixi was angry and funny.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to play tricks on me?"

Looking back, I found that everyone was standing in place and looking at me.Can't help but be at a loss.

Zhang Xiaoqiang said with a smile.

"Didn't realize it! Big beauty! She's so strong? Did you take Dali pills?"

When Yang Zixi heard this, she hurriedly lowered her head.

It turned out that because of a bad mood, I didn't pay attention just now, and what I took as firewood turned out to be a whole log that had not been repaired.Each one is more than a foot thick.But he took an ax and split them open one by one.

The point is, I didn't feel that I had used much strength at the time.

Yang Zixi looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in disbelief, and then said in a crying voice.

"Isn't this my fairy art?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded with a smile.

"Shouldn't be wrong! Strong Beauty!"

Yang Zixi immediately felt like crying.After working for a long time, I actually succeeded in cultivating immortals.But the problem is, isn't everything about cultivating immortals full of immortality?What kind of fairy art is it that I suddenly become a Hercules!

Zhang Xiaoqiang said with a smile.

"Strength is also a manifestation of fairy art! I just don't know how strong your strength can be? How about we give it a try?"

"I do not want it!"

Yang Zixi stood up angrily, dropped the axe, turned around and ran away.

Lost people!

Seeing Yang Zixi's embarrassment and indignation, several girls hurried over to comfort her.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is quite happy, it seems that his idea is established.As long as you find enough "Tianxuan Jade", you can make everyone become immortals.

After a while, Yang Zixi finally accepted the fact that she became a Strong Woman because Zhang Xiaoqiang said, "Actually, there is nothing to be angry about, it's just that the strength has increased. The figure has not changed! What are you afraid of?"

Yang Zixi stood angrily in the middle of the courtyard and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

"Tell me! How to test?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

"Let's not test in the yard! Let's go outside! Arms everyone. Just in case."

When he came to the open space outside, Zhang Xiaoqiang found a boulder and tried it out by himself.

"This one weighs about 500 kilograms? Try to see if you can lift it?"

Yang Zixi walked over, stretched out her hand lightly, and picked up the stone with one hand.

Everyone suddenly screamed.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at it and picked another big one, but Yang Zixi still lifted it up without any effort.

Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to find a bigger one, but there were none nearby.At this time Wang De said.

"Xiaoqiang! I think it's better not to waste your energy! Zixi's strength is bound to increase! The exact size is not very important! The important thing is that you see if there are any suitable exercises for Zixi. Pure strength The current situation is not particularly advantageous. You can’t kill those monsters even if you are strong! You don’t have a second Liuli Slash. Do you want Zixi to fight with your fists!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded.Then he said to Yang Zixi.

"In fact, great strength is an advantage, it's amazing! As long as we find a suitable way to use it, you will play a big role! You see, when I first started, I only had great strength and fast running. ?”

Yang Zixi glared at him shamefully and angrily.

"Then what do you think I can do now? You won't let me be responsible for chopping firewood and moving things in the future, right?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head.

"That can't be done! Your strength is a fairy art. If you want to maintain this state of strength, you actually need to practice! From now on, your main job will be to practice! How dare you use you to carry things? If you The monsters you really encounter attack. You have to go up at that time! Don't underestimate your ability. Now your cultivation base is close to the enlightenment period!"

"Consecration period? How powerful is that?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it.

"It's as powerful as when I first came to the island!"

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