Chapter 12 Yang Zixi is sick
As soon as he heard that someone was sick, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a dull pain in his heart.

There were only three of them in total, and they had already heard the voices of two of them, and the sick one was self-evident.So Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted loudly to the people below.

"What happened to Zixi?"

"It's you?"

"Zhang Xiaoqiang?"

Both Bao Liandong and Lin Xin had surprised expressions.Zhang Xiaoqiang said impatiently.

"Nonsense! There are only a few of us here, who else do you want to find?"

As he spoke, he climbed down the tree vines.

Bao Liandong looked up at the cave and said enviously.

"How did you find it?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Where's Yang Zixi? Come and have a look!"

As he spoke, he walked in front of Yang Zixi.

It was only when she got closer that she could see clearly that Yang Zixi's face was covered with mud and dirt, her face was pale, and her eyes were loose.After seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, a subconscious smile appeared on his face, and then he collapsed as soon as his body softened.Zhang Xiaoqiang hugged her, only to realize that she was burning hot all over.

"What did you do? She has a fever! Didn't I tell you to be careful not to let her have a fever?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang said angrily.

Bao Liandong said nervously.

"We don't want to either! was raining and windy after you left, and we had no place to shelter from the rain. How could there be a cave like you... Besides, we don't know what to do..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very angry.

"Aren't you a special soldier?"

"I... I am a special soldier, but I learned... code translation..."

"Then you still..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang almost laughed out of anger.

Special forces, when everyone hears this name, especially in our country, it is the pronoun of the mysterious killer and the king of all-round soldiers.But in fact, special forces is a very broad name.His real meaning is that soldiers who perform special tasks.In this sense, Bao Liandong's code translator is indeed a kind of special forces.

The code interpreter is similar to the telegrapher you see in the movie. In order to prevent the enemy from eavesdropping, the telegrams are sent in code. He will know what you mean as soon as he hears the code, and directly translate it for the leader to read.

It's definitely an important and terrific job, but on this desert island...

What's even more exasperating is that this kid has never explained it clearly, and has been scaring people under the guise of a special soldier.Zhang Xiaoqiang always thought that even if he couldn't do it, he was a special soldier after all, so he wouldn't know everything, not to mention he was talking so loudly that his cowhide was blown to the sky, but he turned out to be such a ghost!
At this moment, Bao Liandong couldn't care less about anything else.Said to Zhang Xiaoqiang pitifully.

"Brother Zhang! You... What do you think you should do now?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed to the cave and said.

"I have some dry wood over there, you get it down and light a fire, and then you two watch her here, I'll go get her some herbs!"

Bao Liandong looked up at the cave and stammered.

"I...I can't go up..."

"...Then you can get some branches nearby, you say you don't know how to do this, what's the use?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was also furious, and said something casually to him. Although Bao Liandong didn't dare to say anything, he lowered his head, his eyes were full of resentment.

At this time, he didn't dare to talk back, and ran to pick up branches in desperation.

Zhang Xiaoqiang climbed back and threw down the branch he picked up just now, and then dropped a big burning branch, and lit a fire underneath.

"Lin Xin! You look at Yang Zixi, you'd better take off her clothes, otherwise the wet clothes will catch cold easily... Cover her with my clothes!"

Said Zhang Xiaoqiang took off his clothes.

Lin Xin turned her head away a little embarrassed, but secretly aimed her eyes at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a good figure. He loved to play basketball when he was in school, and he often exercises after work.It belongs to the kind of people who look thin when they are dressed, and have flesh when they take off their clothes.Lin Xin took a sneak peek, seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't mind, so he simply turned his head by taking the clothes and took a few generous glances.

Lin Xin was also soaked through, and because of the fire, Lin Xin couldn't help shivering as well.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw it, stretched out his hand to break some branches with leaves from the nearby bushes, and surrounded the fire for a while.

"I'm going to find herbs, so take off your clothes and warm yourself by the fire while no one else is there! Otherwise, you'll get sick easily!"

After talking about Zhang Xiaoqiang, he turned and left. Lin Xin looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang's back, feeling somewhat warm in his heart.At this time, Bao Liandong ran over with a few branches in his arms.

"Why did he go?"

Lin Xin said.

"He went to find herbs!"

"Looking for herbs? Where can I find herbs at this late hour? Can he see it? Show him!"

Hearing Bao Liandong's words like this again, Lin Xin was somewhat displeased.

"What do you care about him? You put the branches there! Don't come over! I'll change Zixi's clothes! You can warm up over there!"

Bao Liandong let out a groan, but looked over with his head poking around.Lin Xin couldn't help being a little angry.

"what are you doing?"

Bao Liandong chuckled.

"Let me see!"

Lin Xin's expression changed.

"What are you looking at? Shame? Isn't this your relative?"

Bao Liandong retracted his head.See Yang Zixi still unconscious.It doesn't matter.

"What kind of relative! My father and her father know each other and have a good relationship! After I came back from the army, his father said that his girl is a leader in a company and asked me to come and help! It's just such a relationship! Externally, he said they are relatives." Already!"

When Lin Xin heard this, he immediately became nervous.

"Then you still dare to peek at people at this time? You are really not human! Stay away!"

Bao Liandong said helplessly.

"Okay! I don't want to look! You're soaked too, and you're taking off the fire too, right?"

Lin Xin blushed.

"Go away! You're dead!"

Lin Xin took off his coat and hung it on a branch to warm himself by the fire.Cover Zhang Xiaoqiang's clothes on Yang Zixi.He felt cold without his coat, so he told Bao Lindong.

"Hey! Give me your clothes! It's too cold!"

Bao Liandong shook his head repeatedly.

"I'm cold too! Why don't you let me get closer? I'll give you my clothes? Besides, my clothes are soaked!"

Lin Xin said hastily.

"No! Zixi is not wearing clothes, don't come here! You, you just stay outside and start a fire!"

Bao Liandong said with a smile.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you cover her up? We are an old husband and wife, what are you afraid of when we meet honestly?"

"Fuck you! Who is with your old husband and wife? Die! Hurry up and get some more firewood and come back, the fire will go out in a while!"

Bao Liandong had no choice but to go to collect firewood again.

Over there, Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his sky eyes and searched carefully in the dark night.When Yang Zixi sprained her ankle last time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had found snake bone plants. This time, he had to go to that place again to see if he could find some more.

In the dark night, those spiritual plants emit a faint milky white light.From a distance, it looks like a layer of white mist.

Among them, the white mist of one tree is particularly conspicuous.

Zhang Xiaoqiang hurried over.

"Huh? What is this?"

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