Chapter 116 Finally Upgraded

"Dingling! The Immortal has completed the task of perfecting your new shelter! The task evaluation result is top grade!"

"Congratulations to Shangxian for reaching the Blessed Earth Cave and Sky Achievement! Get the reward!"

"Congratulations to Shangxian for completing the task! Get the reward!"

"Congratulations, Shangxian! Your cultivation has been promoted from the consecration period to the fusion period!"

"Congratulations to Shangxian for obtaining the basic skills of cultivating immortals! The Five Elements Jue!"

"Congratulations, Shangxian, your mana value has increased to [-]!"

"Congratulations to Shangxian for receiving the reward of the blessed land and cave, Tianshi Zhenzhaiban!"

"Congratulations to Shangxian for entering Penglai Xianyuan and exchanging for the magic weapon of the Xian family! Would you like to enter?"

What are you still hesitating about?Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately clicked in.

As soon as I entered, I was stunned!
Is Penglai Xianyuan renovated?
It was originally a shelf like a wall.There are a lot of items on it.Now it's a house.There is an Eight Immortals table in the middle of the house, on which there are a lot of black wooden signs.

"Dingling! Shangxian's merits are not enough, so I can't exchange items here! Would you like to go downstairs and have a look?"

It was only when Zhang Xiaoqiang heard the prompt that he remembered that he seemed to have only eight merit points left.


As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang changed his mind, his eyes blurred, and he had already come out of the house.There is a wall in front of you.It's exactly where I was last time.

Feelings This Penglai Xianyuan chooses floors for you according to your cultivation.The one just now was probably on the second floor.This is the first floor.

I was in the consecration period before, so I saw treasures on the first floor.It's the integration period now, so I went to the second floor to take a look.As a result, I didn't have enough savings, so I was rushed back.

But, take a closer look, the things on this floor are different from the last time I came here!

When I came last time, there were so many magic weapons and so on. Why are there so many flowers and plants today?
"Bonegrass? What is this?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a pot of green grass, a very ordinary grass pot with "Strong Bone Grass" written on it, so he went over to have a look.

"Strong tendons and bones? Is it the herbal medicine for refining the physical strength pill?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang found out after reading it.Feelings can also make alchemy.Looking at the others, it turns out that all kinds of fairy herbs are good things that can be used to refine elixir.

Zhang Xiaoqiang only had eight merit points, but after looking at the bone grass, one tree needed ten points.And it has to be refined into a pill before it can be eaten.Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't do it again, so he had to turn his head to look at other things.

It's so easy to come once, you can't leave empty-handed, right?
Finally, on the bottom shelf of this shelf, I saw a flower pot.Inside is a red fruit that looks like a sweet potato.

This thing looked like it could fight hunger, but when I took a closer look, it was really a sweet potato.

"Soil melon!"

Melon in the soil!Did you say sweet potato?

According to the introduction, this stuff can clear away heat, remove fire and detoxify, and it can be eaten as food.And the price is not expensive, only five merit points.Zhang Xiaoqiang chose without saying a word.

Now the food in the gourd cave is a little monotonous.Meat is okay, there are fish and meat, and vegetarian food is too bad.There doesn't seem to be much edible plants growing on the island.It made everyone a little bit unable to eat meat now.

Since this "soil melon" can be eaten as food, it is naturally good to buy some back.

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought that one of the five points of merit.I bought it back to taste the saltiness, but I didn't expect it to be a bag of seeds when I sold it.Immediately my head grew bigger.

"You belong to..."

Zhang Xiao was so angry that he wanted to distinguish from the system, but then he thought about it.Since it is a seed, it means that this thing can be planted on the island.This is equivalent to having endless "soil melons" in the future.

Thinking about it this way made me feel a lot better!Look at your properties panel again.

"Zhang Xiaoqiang, male, 21 years old.

The Realm of Immortal Cultivation: Fusion Period.

The state of self-cultivation: the ordinary body stage.

Magic skill: Eye of the sky
The spirit of the raven (one) is obtained by the kindness of the spirit of the raven.

Zongyunti (Flying Swallow on Grass) is obtained by taking Tiaokongcao.

The immovable golden body (washing the marrow and forging the bone) is obtained by taking the earth spirit pill.

The Heart of Nature: (Shen Nong distinguishes Baicao) the gift of the hibiscus tree.

Health value: [-]. (reach the highest value of Mortal Realm)
Physical strength: five thousand. (obtained by taking five stamina pills) (exceeding the highest value of the mortal realm)
Mana: [-].

Dexterity value: [-]. (Obtained by taking Tiaokongcao) (reached the highest value of Mortal Realm.)
Strength value: [-]. (Acquired by the friendship of the Earth Bear) (reached the highest value of Mortal Realm)
Merit points: three points.

Kung Fu: Five Elements Jue.

Magic weapon: demon-refining gourd, celestial master's house banner.Bag of mustard seeds.Mining Pickaxe. "

The "Five Elements Jue" is said to be the basic skill for cultivating immortals.In fact, it is very detailed, and it introduces many exercises and uses in the Five Elements Taoism.

Only after Zhang Xiaoqiang learned the "Five Elements Jue" did he know what the demon-refining gourd and the Tianshi Zhenzhai banner in his hands were for.

The Tianshi town house flag is a small yellow flag.Standing in the formation can cover a radius of one mile.Ordinary demons and ghosts within this range cannot enter.It is equivalent to a small-range detection radar or a small field.

The demon-refining gourd is the basic magic weapon for subduing and eliminating demons.It can suck in the demons who have been cultivated into fine spirits and transform them into spiritual energy.This aura cannot be used by immortal cultivators, but it can be used by magic weapons such as Tianshi Zhenzhaiban.

Equivalent to mobile phone power bank!

The mustard bag is a bag with a lot of space.The size of the space and the size of the things that can be put in are related to the user's cultivation base.

As for this mining pick, as long as it is ore, it can handle it.No matter what kind of genius and treasure you are, or how hard it is, it can get you down.Of course, it takes a certain amount of aura.Those real geniuses and treasures can only be put into the mustard bag smoothly if they are dug out by it.

After tidying up his things, Zhang Xiaoqiang left "Penglai Fairy Garden".Go back to Calabash Cave.

"Xiaoqiang! Stop standing there stupidly! Come and help!"

Yang Zixi shouted in the cave.They are preparing to smelt the first furnace of iron.At this time, iron ore and coal are placed.

Ironmaking is actually very simple, breaking iron ore into pieces.Spread it in the furnace separately from the coal layer by layer.Then light the fire.Use a blower to blow a lot of air into the stove.Allow the temperature in the oven to stabilize.Iron blocks can be smelted.

It sounds simple, but even if everyone did it together, it took three days to smelt more than [-] catties of iron.Then using the stone as a hammer and the stone as an anvil, several tools were made.

Kitchen knives, iron axes, hoes, pliers, shovels, everything makes everyone excited!
Qin Fei is the one with the highest education and the most suitable major among all the people present.After seeing the iron they smelted, I came to a conclusion.

The iron is so pure that steel can be obtained with a little work.At that time, better quality steel knives and axes can be made.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't know what to do.What he has to do now is to find a suitable place and plant the "earth melon" seeds in his hand!

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