Chapter 1 Qin Fei
In the morning, the first thing Zhang Xiaoqiang did when he got up was to open his eyes and look around the cave. As a result, he saw Qin Fei who got up early and was drawing something on the big trees outside with a piece of charcoal.Just look at him scratching on this tree and that tree.Seems to be screening something.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang woke up, he ran over excitedly.

"I didn't expect it! There are so many trees here, just cut down some trees, leave some trees in specific positions, and then erect a fence between the trees, we can have a safe and spacious yard.

And someone has already started to act on my idea!I noticed that when you were cutting trees, someone deliberately left some trees, apparently for future support.That person is you, right? "

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang nodding.Qin Fei said proudly.

"This is once again I agree with your idea! But the yard you designed is too small! It is not convenient for us to move around in the yard in the future. I purposely expanded the yard. If it is done according to my design , Our yard is about... half the size of a football field! The trees that are just cut down can be used as fences, and the rest can be used as firewood! How about it? Can you not?"

Seeing the boy's inexplicable excitement, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that he should tell the boy one thing.

"That! Qin Fei! You see, we are here now. There are only three men, you, me, and Brother Wang! Brother Wang is injured! You see, there are only two of us in the labor force, and we need one person to go hunting every day! What do you think of us? Can you complete this task?"

Qin Fei's eyes dimmed after hearing this.

"That's it! Execution is a problem! We have too few men, but... I think if the tools are suitable, women can also help!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that there was something wrong with this kid's brain!

Women help?How to help?To chop down trees with a bronze axe?The weight of the ax was so heavy that none of the girls could handle it except Hani.

I heard what Zhang Xiaoqiang said.Qin Fei looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a strange look.

"You mean, it's been so long! You have taken care of so many people with such simple tools...a bronze knife, a wooden spear, and yourself? And there is food and drink, and no one has been injured? I'm getting more and more The more you feel amazing! How did you do it?
But now you don't have to worry!I will help you find a way in the future!Don't worry, I think you are a qualified partner! "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't want to talk to this kid at all now.

"Qin Fei, take care of everyone! I'm going hunting! Let's talk again when I come back from hunting!"

As he said that, Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up the purple gold spear and fled away as if flying!
Yesterday I told those people in the original beach camp that they were not allowed to approach this place again. Today, Zhang Xiaoqiang ran over to check around the cave camp.

Those people are really obedient, there is no trace of anyone coming to the cave camp.Of course, it is also possible that those of them have not come here yet.After all, they normally have to walk a day or two away from where they are here.

And after this incident, John and Shaq are not necessarily willing to return to the original camp.

Anyway, these people did not show up, so Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped thinking about them and started hunting.

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but feel a little strange after summoning a raven to investigate nearby.

Now the raven can fly in the sky for about 15 minutes.With this time and the speed of the raven, it is already possible to detect a large range.But in such a large range, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't see a single animal.

Zhang Xiaoqiang recalled Raven, then opened his eyes and searched around.

strangeness!The animals seemed to disappear all of a sudden!Within a radius of several miles, not only was there not a single rabbit or pheasant, there was not even a mouse or a snake.

This was absolutely impossible before.Zhang Xiaoqiang even wondered if his celestial eyes had failed!

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't want to go back and face that chatty boy too early, and he didn't want to just go back empty-handed.So I walked a few more miles.Finally a wild boar was found.

It was a big and strong wild boar, which seemed to weigh more than 300 kilograms.When Zhang Xiaoqiang found it, it was arching the roots in the soil.As a result, seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang running towards it, the big guy didn't turn his head and run away. Instead, he howled and showed his fangs, and rushed to meet Zhang Xiaoqiang.

On a whim, Zhang Xiaoqiang straightened out the Purple Golden Spear to confront it.

That wild boar has thick skin, not to mention rough skin and thick meat. The pig skin has been rubbed with the bark of pine and cypress trees for many years, rubbed with a thick layer of pine oil, and then rolled in the sand and gravel.It is equivalent to putting on a thick layer of sandstone armor on oneself.It can be said that it is invulnerable.

The purple gold spear pierced its back, leaving only a white ditch!He was knocked crooked by the powerful impact and slid to one side.Even Zhang Xiaoqiang lost his balance and threw it aside. If Zhang Xiaoqiang hadn't dodged in time, he might have been bitten by this wild boar.

But the wild boar did not get any cheap.Although the Purple Golden Spear didn't penetrate its body, the force on the Purple Golden Spear was real, and it was in great pain. It howled and turned the pig's head, wanting to hit Zhang Xiaoqiang again from a different angle.As a result, Zhang Xiaoqiang kicked the pig in the face.

The wild boar has great power to charge forward, but because of its body structure.The ability to defend against side attacks is much worse.The strength of this kick unexpectedly made it roll over sideways, rolling far away.

It’s a big loss to eat such a strong one!The wild boar got up and ran away without looking back!
Zhang Xiaoqiang had killed so many savages and monsters during this period of time. When he was serious about killing, he almost fell a big somersault on a wild boar today. How could he let go of this face?The big strides followed.

The running speed of the wild boar is said to be 56 kilometers per hour, which is not bad among beasts.But in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes, it was very ordinary.

Moreover, the wild boar's running stamina is average, so Zhang Xiaoqiang stuck a purple gold spear into its ass while running behind it.This guy kept running and running, until he was foaming at the mouth and didn't dare to look back.

As a result, this guy was running for about a dozen miles, when he suddenly fell to the ground, rolled twice, his limbs twitched and his whole body trembled.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a look, did he run so fast that his lungs exploded?Going up and aiming a spear at the neck finished the guy.

This big guy peeled off the skin and bones, no matter what, he had to have a hundred or two hundred catties of meat, which was enough for the family to have snacks for a few days.

Zhang Xiaoqiang carried the goods back and walked back, wondering if he could eat it for a few days, whether it would be enough to fix the yard at the entrance of the cave that we talked about today.When I got to the entrance of the cave, I was shocked when I saw it!

In the open space, twenty or thirty thick trees were brought down, and Qin Fei was still directing!

Yang Zixi, Song Xi, Shan Yuan, Yin Susu, Li Duoer, Sun Juaner, Hani!
Seven girls are holding axes and machetes, and they are pruning branches in the open space in front of the cave!
The entrance of the cave is densely packed with cut branches, ready to be dried and put away!

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