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Chapter 1016 Indiscriminate Attack

Lin Qiuyi came back and left in a hurry, not paying attention to these Lin family members at all.

The scene returned to the way it was before Lin Qiuyi appeared, and it turned into an infighting between the two sides.

Leng Widow didn't forget what happened just now because of Lin Qiuyi's disturbance. She said coldly: "Who else wants to follow him against me? Let's stand up together."

The Lin family who had just stood in Lin Shayi's camp immediately dispersed, and even the old comrades who supported him at the beginning left him.

Widow Leng sneered and said, "Sure enough, the Lin family is so worthless. If you have the courage to continue to stand beside him and resist me, maybe I will fail."

The Lin family just smiled awkwardly at her words, but no one dared to take them seriously.

They have seen this woman's vicious methods for a long time, don't look at her smiling now, when she really launches an attack, blood will flow inside the Lin family.

Besides, now that Lin Qiuyi jumped out and announced that Lin Xiangyang was going to attack, the Lin family was really troubled both internally and externally, and there was no peace for a moment.

"Mother, please continue to lead our Lin family to break through the predicament!"

After one person stood up and shouted, others also expressed their views.

"Mother, please continue to lead our Lin family to break through the predicament!"

"Mother, please continue to lead our Lin family to break through the predicament!"

The endless pleadings also completely declared Lin Shayi's rebellion failed.

Seeing himself being abandoned by his family partner, Lin Shayi turned from embarrassment into anger: " deserve to be ruled by this outsider, and you deserve to be this woman's tool."

"Play on your own, at worst, I will set up another sect. The world is so big that I have a place where I can go."

He turned to leave, but was stopped by a stream of icy water vapor shot by Leng Widow.

"When you want to show your power in my house, you can show off your power, and when you want to leave, you can leave. Do you think my Lin family is a public toilet?"

When the cold widow's voice came out, Lin Shayi's face immediately became ugly.

"Bitch, don't push yourself too far!"

"If I don't compete with you for the Lin family, that's my biggest concession. You still want to kill me but I can't?"

Widow Leng said: "I don't want to kill you, but I don't allow you to walk out of the Lin family's gate with a full body. Everything you have is given by the Lin family. If you want to leave the Lin family, then leave everything that the Lin family gave you."

Lin Shayi's eyes were fixed, and the coercion on his body was completely displayed.

"Bitch, do you want to abolish my ancient martial arts?"

The cold widow said blankly: "You can understand it that way."

"There are only two ways I can give you. Either stay in the Lin family and devote yourself to the Lin family, or waste your martial arts and live a life of mortals."

"Bitch, you're too deceitful!" Lin Shayi glared angrily.

"Presumptuous, slap your mouth!"

Widow Leng waved her right hand, and dozens of slaps made of ice and water vapor slapped Lin Shayi's face one after another.

When the slap was over, Lin Shayi's cheeks on both sides were swollen like steamed buns.

"Okay, now you can start to do multiple-choice questions. Do you want to keep it, or do you want to abolish it?"

This is a difficult multiple-choice question, but Lin Shayi chose to stay in the Lin family in order to live with dignity, and let the bitch he called be driven.

After Leng Widow's "dictatorship" meeting, the Lin family formed a series of defensive measures to deal with Lin Xiangyang's attack.

But when Lin Xiangyang really launched a fierce attack on the Lin family, all their defense methods failed.

This really confirmed the sentence: In the face of absolute strength, any trick is a paper tiger.

Now, the Lin family is no longer as simple as losing face to themselves, it has already lost face to the entire capital.

Compared to the Qi family being besieged and criticized, the Lin family's jokes are obviously more serious.

Because it was not defeated by a strong external enemy, but by the children they drove out more than ten years ago.

"Tsk tsk, Lin Xiangyang, that little demon king of the world, is amazing. He survived being expelled and hunted down back then, and now he's back to take revenge."

"I can't blame him for this. After all, the Lin family belonged to him, Lin Xiangyang. If he hadn't been expelled back then, he would most likely have inherited the family business and became the youngest and most promising head of the family in the capital."

"The Lin family is miserable now. They were attacked by the Qi family and made a fuss by Lin Xiangyang. It is said that the entire Lin family's property is close to collapse, and it depends on their family's masters to keep it from falling."

"I heard that the manpower brought by Lin Xiangyang this time is very strong, and the Lin family doesn't know how long they can last. If this progress continues, I'm afraid they won't last a week, and Lin Xiangyang will return to the Lin family. the throne of the Lord."

"Are you still worrying about the Lin family? What I'm worried about is that Lin Xiangyang will cry to the surface of the attack. At that time, the whole capital and our family will be affected. After all, the turmoil of the Qi family has just ended. A small loss, it would be a disaster if Lin Xiangyang attacked at this time."

However, the word became a prophecy, if you are really afraid, you will come.

Following Lin Xiangyang's order, his huge power began to attack all the families in the capital indiscriminately.

This time the attack was very different from the previous ones. It was no longer limited to the small Forty-Nine City, but spread to nearly ten million square kilometers of the entire Dahua Kingdom.

The hundreds of families of the Southern Faction Alliance that he had surrendered before were finally activated at this moment.

All the businesses in the seventeen southern provinces of the various families in the capital suffered a devastating blow.

Do you think that the business in the northern territory will be spared?That's too naive.

Although the business scale of the Southern Alliance on the northern territory is generally small due to suppression, it cannot stop their large numbers.

When the power of hundreds of families and thousands of companies surged towards the northern land, those scattered families in the capital could not withstand a round of attack.

The core of the Northern faction alliance is in the capital, and the core of the capital is in several major families.

But this core has been separated by the Qi family before, and later formed three hostile relationships of the Qi family, the Lin family, and the Longhe alliance, and the Northern faction alliance subconsciously existed in name only.

No one would have thought that the consequences of Lin Xiangyang's disrupting the situation in the capital would have such a big impact, let alone that his unrestrained shooting here and there would cause the entire posing alliance to lose its combat effectiveness.

Now even if these families in the capital want to unite the strength of the Northern Alliance, it will not work.They have already been beaten to the point where they can't take care of themselves, what ability do they have to cohere?
Lin Xiangyang's seemingly chaotic wandering and layout finally showed his power to the world at this moment.

As a result, other families in the capital were unlucky.

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