Those people were like seeing zombies of living people.

Unanimously stretched out their hands towards the body of the village chief.

Wantonly tearing off his clothes.

This is for ordinary people.

Maybe it's nothing at all.

But for the village chief.

But it was a heart-stopping torture.

Because thanks to Xiaodie and him, he did it himself.

His whole body was burned, with ulcers and abscesses all over his body.

In addition, it took such a long time to come here from the volcanic island.

His dilapidated skin and flesh have long been connected with his dilapidated clothes.

and so.

tear off his clothes.

It's like picking his skin off.

Let his whole body permeate with piercing pain without exception.

As a result, there were screams like howling ghosts and howling wolves.




No matter how fiercely he screamed.

It's just how abominable everything he's done before is there.

Lin Chao and everyone present didn't feel that he was pitiful at all.

On the contrary, hatred grows on the gallbladder.

The strength in his hand was even stronger.

Occasional torn pieces of clothing.

Take a whole piece of bloody meat directly.

Then, like the stinky pork bought from the supermarket, it was thrown to the feet with a "pop", what should I continue to do, what should I continue to do.

that's it.

It didn't take long.

The village head fainted from the pain.

The screams in his mouth were no more.

Lin Chao saw this.

I'm afraid that the village chief will die like this, and it will take him easy.

So he opened his mouth and said to the crowd.

"Everyone stop first."

The voice fell.

Everyone stopped.

Then spread out.

It gave Lin Chao a way to go.

Lin Chao also walked along this road.

After glancing at the village chief.

Looking back at the doctor, he asked.

"Help me find out if he is dead or alive, if he is pretending to faint or really passed out."

"it is good."

After answering one sentence ably.

The doctor also paced over.

First, he took the pulse of the village chief with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a needle that was not connected to the infusion tube and stabbed it towards his lumbar spine.

Seeing that the village chief didn't respond.

The doctor went on to answer Lin Chao and said.

"He's not dead, he still has a pulse."

"And the place where I pierced is one of the pain points in the human body."

"If he pretends to be unconscious, he will definitely cry out in pain."

"So he really fainted."

After hearing this, Lin Chao nodded and said something.


"As long as he's not dead, and he's not pretending to be unconscious, that's fine."

"Do not worry."

talking room.

The doctor turned to look at the village head lying in the coffin.

There was a hint of hatred in his eyes.

Continue to speak.

"He should suffer more than that."

"Before he has suffered all the suffering he deserves."

"I won't let him die easily."

Speaking of it.

The doctor waved.

He called two assistants he had chosen to come over.

"Send him to the ward I have prepared for him."

"Then give some anti-inflammatory treatment to his wound."


"You don't need to be too light, you don't need to waste too much medicine, and a person like him is not worthy! Just make sure he won't die!"

"Okay, we got it."


The two assistants sent the village chief and his coffin to the hospital.

See this behind the scenes.

Lin Chao also spoke.

"All right."

"Since you know what's in your mind, I'll leave this guy to you."

"Xia Lin is still waiting for me at home, so I'll go back first."


After the doctor nodded.

The hatred in his eyes gradually softened.

Finally said with a trace of tears.

"Thank you."

"I will replace our whole village..."

"And those partners who died..."

"Thank you……"

"You're welcome."

Lin Chao shook his head slightly.

"This guy also has a grudge against me."

"It's all about revenge."

"Rather than let me kill him with a knife."

"It's better to hand him over to you and let him have the punishment he deserves."


The doctor nodded slightly.

Lin Chao continued.


"If there is nothing else, I will go back!"

"it is good……"

"Benefactor, go slowly."

"Benefactor, go slowly!"


that's it.

Under the gaze and gratitude of the crowd.

Lin Chao drove the [small battleship] and left the hospital.

Return to the small island of M7021.

I met Xia Lin.

I see.

The first thing Xia Lin did when he saw Lin Chao was to run to the past.

Worried interrogation.

"How about it?"

"Did you get injured when fighting the summer boss?"

"How are you feeling now?"

"When you went to the doctor, did the doctor give you a physical examination?"

Listen to these.

Lin Chao couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

Because he knows.

If Xia Lin wasn't worried about herself.

It is not possible to do such and such.


He stretched out his hand, patted Xia Lin's head twice, and said with a smile.


"I'm really fine here."

"It's just that I haven't eaten all day, and I rely on nutrients and righteousness to support me."

"The feet are a little soft now..."


Xia Lin heard it.

Without thinking too much, he pulled Lin Chao's arm around his shoulder.

Supporting Lin Chao's huge arms with his petite body.

Then he spoke.

"I'll take you back to the house."

"The food is ready in the house!"

"You can eat whenever you want!"


Xia Lin just supported Lin Chao and walked into the house.

And Lin Chao.

Even if he has enough strength left to walk independently.

But in order to enjoy such a warm moment.

He still used his tricks to lightly press Xia Lin.

Let Xia Lin support herself back to the small villa.

And then feasted on it again.

Let out a cry of happiness.


"It's so good~"

"Sure enough, it's delicious to eat after a tired day~"

The voice fell.

I saw Fengfeng bouncing along the stairs from the second floor to the first floor.

It seems.

It is the energy that was lost before that is replenished.

Woke up completely.


Lin Chao opened his arms, intending to give Fengfeng a hug as a thank you for helping him through the difficulties.


Fengfeng stood there blankly, motionless...

To know.……

If it is normal...

Fengfeng saw Lin Chao's movement.

He rushed up a long time ago and acted like a baby in Lin Chao's arms.

In this regard.

Xia Lin also felt a little strange.

So he opened his mouth and asked Fengfeng.

"Fengfeng, what's wrong with you?"

"He is Lin Chao!"

"Could it be that you fell asleep?"


Lin Chao followed closely behind and echoed.

"I am your master!"

"Could it be that you really fell asleep?"


Lin Chao leaned over.

I plan to go over and take the initiative to give Fengfeng a hug.


It's just such a stoop.

Let Lin Chao realize the problem!
only see...

Fengfeng's cute big eyes moved with Lin Chao's bending over.


The object it was staring at was not Lin Chao.

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