Survival at sea: activate the god-level sign-in system at the beginning

Chapter 62: Induction of wind and wind source propeller

[Flame bug shell: The shell of the flame bug is very hard. 】

[Flame: The larval form of the season boss magma beetle moth.It grows in the volcano and has strong heat resistance, even if you swim in the magma, it will not be affected in the slightest! 】

Look at these presentations.

The smile on Lin Chao's face became even wider.

"Ha ha!"

"It's true that if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger cub!"

"I didn't expect that my guess was right, the weird one is the summer boss! And these are the boss's cubs!"

"In this case!"

"Using their carapaces as clothes, there will be no problem!"


He closed the book expectantly.

Then push the joystick of the 【Small Combat Ship】to the end.

Go back at full speed.

But even so. …

When it was half a kilometer away from the small island of M7021.

Lin Chao checked the durability of the last [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] on his body...

two percent...

one percent...



To be scrapped!

Please hold on!
Coming soon!

Where does Lin Chao have the final say on such matters?

next second.

Lin Chao watched helplessly as the [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] on his body disintegrated in an instant because the durability reached zero.

Because of this, he lost the protection of [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] at this moment, and felt the fainting high temperature.


this day.……

climb mountains……

Controlling 【Elemental Ring-Water】...

Avoid the magma attack...

Escaping from the pursuit of the fire worms...

It takes a lot of energy to take out any of them!
Lin Chao's physical condition has already been overloaded!


Under two-phase causes.

But just a few seconds.

A sense of fainting began to invade the brain.

Erode Lin Chao's consciousness...

After Lin Chao said "Xia Lin" subconsciously...

He fell onto the deck with a black eye...


Lin Chao's real feeling was completely opposite to reality.

He felt his body become light...

Like being in soft cotton...

Very comfortable....

Therefore, Lin Chao began to accept this feeling.

and enjoy it. …

that's it.……

I don't know how long it took.

just listen...

There were bursts of shouts and shouts suddenly.

It broke Lin Chao's comfort.


"Xia Lin!"

"The benefactor's eyes moved!"

Xia Lin, who was absent-mindedly cooking, suddenly regained consciousness when he heard the doctor's words!
Followed by.

After a "really?!"

He dropped the pots and pans in his hands.

All the way "deng thump, thump, thump!" trot, went upstairs.

Came to Lin Chao's bedside.

only see...

Lin Chao lying on the bed was exactly as the doctor said!
His pupils were shaking from side to side, and even the eyelids covering them moved slightly!

See this behind the scenes.

Xia Lin couldn't bear it anymore.

Regardless of others.

He spoke directly from his heart.

"Lin Chao! Can you hear what I said? If you hear it, wake up!"

The voice fell.

Lin Chao didn't respond on the surface.

But there was a response in my heart.

"It's so noisy..."


"Hearing this voice sounds familiar..."

"Seems to be……"

"Xia Lin?!"

While blurting out.

Lin Chao's eyes also opened suddenly.

I saw the doctor, Fengfeng...

And Xia Lin with teary eyes...

And Xia Lin saw Lin Chao wake up completely.

Tears turned into tears in an instant.

Emotions are also like breaking a bank.

It exploded completely.

He threw himself on Lin Chao and cried.

"You're finally awake...uuuuuuuuuu..."

"Didn't you promise me that you will be fine?"

"Do you know... If Fengfeng didn't rush out suddenly and saw your boat parked not far from the island, you might... ummmm..."

"OK OK."

Lin Chao stroked Xia Lin's back as comfort, looked sideways at Fengfeng and nodded.


It was [Fengyuan Propeller] that had a reaction with Fengfeng.

I can be saved.


It's really an inexplicable turn of events.


Those are past tense.

The next thing to do is to use the [Pseudo-leather Loom] to make [Plagus Carapace] into clothes.

Then get rid of the summer boss before it grows stronger to end this disaster!
thought here.

Lin Chao gently helped Xia Lin away, then got up from the bed, and said to the doctor, "Thank you very much."

"No matter where, it's what I should do to do this little bit for my benefactor."


"What I don't understand is..."

"Why did my benefactor suffer from heat stroke outside?"

"Is there not enough sapphire?"

"If you don't have any, I'll go back to the village and ask to see if everyone has got it recently, and I will provide it for you in advance."

"This is not needed for now."

Lin Chao shook his head and said.

"Summer hasn't passed yet, so keep your sapphires and exchange them for enchanting stones in the trading house."

"I have another way on my side."

After the doctor listened.

The heart of admiration for Lin Chao was ignited again.

He opened his mouth and said.

"The benefactor is really big-hearted."

"However, don't patronize us and wrong yourself."

"After all, you are our pillar."


Lin Chao answered vaguely.

The doctor took the initiative to speak.


"If the benefactor has nothing to do, I will go back first."

"Also, you just happened to have heat stroke, so you must pay attention to rest!"

"Okay, I remember!"

that's it.

Lin Chao and Xia Lin watched the doctor leave.

Lin Chao took care of Xia Lin.

"Do you still have the sapphire-enchanted grass coat? Give me one."

Xia Lin heard it.

I thought Lin Chao was going out again.

Then subconsciously said firmly.

"I won't give it!"

"The doctor told you to take a good rest! You have to go out again!"

Lin Chao listened.

He couldn't laugh or cry at Xia Lin's appearance.

He simply told Xia Lin what he thought, so that Xia Lin would not be overwhelmed.

"I asked you about heat-resistant creatures before because I want to use the fur of heat-resistant creatures to make a garment that consumes less durability and can resist higher temperatures."

"Now I've found it, so I'm going to make clothes in the next hut and try it out."

"Ah...that's it..."

Xia Lin, who understood the ins and outs, was a little embarrassed by his attitude just now.

So he blushed and lowered his head.

After saying "I'm sorry", he gave Lin Chao a [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat].

Lin Chao smiled fondly and rubbed Xia Lin's head, and said softly.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't you care about me?"

"It's too late for me to be happy."


Xia Lin's face turned even redder.

He buried his head even deeper.

Then he said in a mosquito-like voice.

"Then go and come back quickly..."

"I...continue to finish the meal..."

"it is good."


Lin Chao put on the [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] given by Xia Lin, went out from the small villa, and got into the next hut.

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