"Owner of island M7021: Have any of you seen creatures with strong heat resistance in this world? If you have any, please tell me on the public screen, or you can chat with me privately!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Because Lin Chao is recognized as the savior by most people in this world.

So it was a response.


Although there are many answers...

But no one got it right....

"M5412 Island Owner: Benefactor, what are you planning to do?"

"M3454 island owner: I think our savior is going to study something, save us!"

"M0741 island owner: If this is the case! Then everyone speak up! Do you know anything? Don't hide it!"

"M8874 Island Owner: No..."



see these.

Lin Chao couldn't help sighing.

And said angrily in his heart.

How could I be stupid enough to find a solution to them...

ask them.……

Might as well ask my heels!

at this time.

Xia Lin came over with breakfast.

See Lin Chao's expression is not very good.

He asked cautiously and tentatively.

"Still no one knows?"


Lin Chao shook his head.

Take a deep breath.

Simply adjusted my mood.

Then he took the breakfast in Xia Lin's hand and said.

"Don't worry about that much, eat first! Let's talk after eating!"

"it is good."


The two sat at the dining table together.

Started to eat breakfast.


Although they are sitting opposite each other...

But they each eat their own food...

There is no language exchange with each other.


Xia Lin wanted to take the initiative to express her thoughts.

But he was afraid of disturbing Lin Chao's mind.


He didn't speak rashly.

Instead, he raised his eyes and began to look at Lin Chao's expression.

His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were empty.

Although holding a spoon in his hand.

But he ate without a bite.

Totally absent-minded.


It seems that he should not have a good idea yet, and he is still worrying about that matter.


Xia Lin's purpose is to help Lin Chao relieve his worries.

Then mustered up the courage.

Once again, in a tentative tone, he took the initiative to speak to Lin Chao.

"When I was cooking just now... I thought of a way..."

"I just don't know if it's feasible or not."

Lin Chao listened.

Immediately, he focused his distracted eyes on Xia Lin's face.

Then he said repeatedly.

"It doesn't matter if it's feasible or not!"

"In short, multiple ideas lead to multiple solutions!"

"Hurry up and listen!"

"it is good……"

After Xia Lin nodded.

He began to express the thoughts in his mind word by word.

"Is such that.……"

"I think.……"

"In our original world, the penguins and polar bears living in the polar regions lived in a low-temperature environment all year round, didn't they make them extremely cold-resistant?"


"Use this to push each other..."

"If you're looking for heat-tolerant organisms, look for them in hot places, and I think you'll find them."

"After all... the natural law that the environment creates biological characteristics... no matter which world you are in... it should not change..."

at the same time.

As Xia Lin's words progressed.

Lin Chao's solemn expression gradually melted away.

wait till the end.

Xia Lin finished speaking.

Just listen to Lin Chao's suddenly enlightened echo!

"Environment creates traits!"

"Even if I haven't seen a creature with strong heat resistance! I can't find it in a hot place!"

"Xia Lin!"

"You are so smart!"


Lin Chao put down the spoon in his hand.

Regardless of the rest of the breakfast.

Then he got up to go out.

Xia Lin saw this.

Can't help but be surprised.

"You haven't finished your meal yet..."


Just listen to Lin Chao's reply.

"Don't eat, it's important to get things done first!"


Lin Chao didn't give Xia Lin another chance to say another word.

He hurried out of the house.

Get into the next hut.

Use the [Ancient Enchanting Table] to create a large number of [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Clothes] and store them in the material storage space.

Then I took the 【Small Combat Ship】.

Drive all the way to the direction where the flame grass is located.

that's it.

After sailing for a while.

The magma stones all over the sky suddenly entertained them.

This also means...

Lin Chao came to that boss's territory again!
So did the temperature.

The durability of [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] began to drop rapidly... …


even so.

Lin Chao still didn't stop, and started looking for creatures.

Instead, he was putting on a new [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat].

After strengthening one layer of [Thunderstorm Skynet].

Continue your adventure into deeper, hotter terrain.


Only find the most heat-resistant organisms.

Then use its fur to weave clothes.

Only in this way can it be guaranteed that it will be completely safe when fighting against the boss.

So ever.

that's it.

As the voyage continues.

Temperatures are also getting hotter.

At this moment.

The sea area around Lin Chao began to bubble with boiling water.

The land was even more scorched.

There are no heat-resistant plants like flame grass.

As for Lin Chao himself.

The [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] on her body has become a fast-moving product.

Basically, it will be replaced with a new one in a dozen seconds.

If it weren't for Lin Chao's preparations in advance to come here.

It may have been turned into a mummified corpse long ago.


All of this is worth it!
Because in Lin Chao's sight.

Finally saw the source of that heat!

A volcanic island!


Lin Chao said happily.

"Use the skins of the creatures on this island to make clothes! No matter how hot it is, it will definitely withstand it!"


Lin Chao set his sights on the surroundings of the volcanic island.

only see...

Magma pools of various sizes are densely scattered there.

While hindering Lin Chao from going to the island.

It also hinders the shadow clone from entering.


This seemingly seamless defense barrier.

For Lin Chao, it's not a problem at all!

Lin Chao raised his right hand.

Start to use your own body energy to drive the [Elemental Ring-Water].

Make it manipulate the water elemental surge in the surrounding sea.

Poured over the large and small lava pools scattered around the volcanic island.


After the magma in the magma pool meets the water.

It was extinguished into obsidian.

Lin Chao also stepped on this road to the island built of obsidian.

Logged in to Volcano Island from the 【Small Battleship】.

The search for heat-resistant organisms has officially begun.


This journey is as destined as the current environment.

It is a difficult road!

Ten minutes have passed...

Lin Chao [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Clothes] changed thirty or forty pieces.

But he didn't see the shadow of any creature!

Lin Chao even began to doubt himself...

"Could it be..."

"Because it's too hot here..."

"Aren't there any creatures left?"

"If that's the case..."

"But it's too teasing..."


Lin Chao opened the material storage space.

Checked out the rest...

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