After some inspection.


[Grid irrigation device] and [Smoke sensor] are not affected by the high temperature weather and still work normally.

Lin Chao also returned to the small villa with peace of mind.

Then he took off the [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] and put it into the material storage space.

Available in the next second.

Lin Chao suddenly noticed a problem...

The [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] icon placed in the item column of the material storage space, a number appeared in the lower left corner!
And for this figure.

Lin Chao is no stranger.

Because it has appeared on the icons of [Magic Fishing Rod], [Golden Head Archaeological Hammer] and [Star Staff].

That represents the durability of the item...


What surprised Lin Chao was...

The number I see now is ninety!

And Lin Chao went out for 5 minutes wearing only [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Clothes]!
That is to say!

In 48 degree weather, this garment can only protect the wearer for 10 minutes!

And as for the concept of five 10 minutes...

It is the time it takes to go from the small island of M7021 where I am to the small island of M2951 where the doctor is on the [small battleship], and it takes time to go back and forth!

Wait until later to go out and find resource materials.

Materials have not been mined yet.

Just in the rush stage, a [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Coat] is consumed...


It seems...

Even if there are enough [sapphires] on hand.

But if it is not necessary, it is better not to go out at will!


That being said....

But some things are beyond my control...

This is not.

Lin Chaogang sat on the sofa on the first floor, opened the book in his hand, and planned to see what the blueprint for today's sign-in reward was made of.


A reminder came from the book.

"You received a private message!"

Private letter……

Who will send it to me?

while thinking.

Lin Chao flipped through the book, skipped the second page, came to the chat room on the sixth page, and reached out and touched the private chat channel.

next second.

Then I saw the person who sent the private message.

It was the doctor Lin Chao had just talked about.

"Benefactor, I've considered what you said before about opening a hospital and finding me as a doctor. But I can't get out now. Can you come to my place?"


Don't think about it early, don't think about it later.

It must be at this time!

Lin Chao felt dissatisfied.

Then I began to edit the words of rejection in the chat box, ready to send them back.


It's half edited.

Lin Chao had an idea.

Suddenly changed my mind...

The doctor rushed to see me at this time...

Could it be that the people in his village were caught in a disaster in the high temperature and urgently needed medical assistance?

if it is like this.……

No need to solicit customers!

There are a large number of patients directly!
Isn't it just right for my idea of ​​opening a hospital to make money?
thought here.

Lin Chao quickly deleted the edited words.

Then re-entered a paragraph of text in the chat box and sent it.

"Okay, I'll get ready, and this will pass."

Followed by.

The doctor replied excitedly.

"Thank you benefactor! You are really our savior!"

This also confirmed Lin Chao's conjecture by insinuating again.

Their village must have been devastated!
So ever.

Lin Chao then closed the chat room.

Then he turned the book back to the first page, opened the universal manufacturing interface, and began to order softly.

"Add five hay!"


"Add five hay!"



In the blink of an eye.

Twenty hay was consumed.

Four pieces of [Grass Clothes] have been manufactured.


Lin Chao went to the next hut and enchanted the four pieces of [Grass Clothes] into [Sapphire Enchanted Grass Clothes].

After ensuring that I will not suffer from heat stroke when I go out.

So he took the [small battleship] and headed all the way to the M2951 archipelago where the doctor was.

After arriving...

Looking from afar...

Then I saw that their small island had also taken measures to prevent fire and heatstroke.


Compared with the [Grid Irrigation Device] with [Smoke Sensor] on Linchao Island.

Theirs is much more clumsy.

I see.

They made [artificial fountains] placed in the middle of the island.

24 hours a day, let it absorb seawater continuously and spray it tirelessly on the island.

this way.

It can indeed have the effect of cooling and preventing fire.

But the disadvantages are also great.


They do not have a good drainage system on the island.

After a large amount of water was sprayed up, there was no way to discharge it in time, so it was accumulated on the island.

In this way, the standing water will loosen the soil of the island and the edge will dissipate.

Then they fill it with sandbags.

The result is more and more waterlogging.

Overall look.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it in one word...

Ke Linchao didn't expect...

It's not the worst...

The worst thing was the scene he saw after entering the newly built house on the main island...

look around...

In the [-]-square-meter house, countless people were crowded.

Even though there are two air conditioners hanging indoors, making rumbling noises, they are working desperately and overloaded.

But it's still hot in the room!
It even feels hotter than outside!
It made everyone in the room listless, their faces turned red and purple, obviously on the verge of heat stroke.

Lin Chao saw this scene.

Then you know you have earned something!

Simply start looking for a doctor among the crowd immediately.

It was at this time.

A weak and familiar voice came from the left side of the room.


Lin Chao followed the trend.

I found that it was the doctor I was looking for.


He looked for a place where he could get his feet, and finally squeezed to the side of the doctor...

I saw that the doctor at this time was no different from other people.

His face was full of sweat and had a reddish purple tint.

After he saw Lin Chao.

The mouth is closed.

want to say something.

But it seems that due to excessive heat stroke, it is difficult to speak.


Lin Chao then took out a bottle of holy water from the material storage space and fed some to the doctor.

Under the influence of the holy water, the doctor was barely able to speak a complete sentence.


"The whole village is suffering from heat stroke..."

"Please save us..."

"We will definitely repay you..."

"Give me all the precious materials you want..."

"it is good."

Lin Chao heartily agreed and said.

"Tell me first, what can I do for you?"

"Physical saline..."

"In the universal manufacturing function, there is a machine that uses seawater to prepare physiological saline..."

"It's called a saline preparation device..."

heard here.

Lin Chao opened the book in his hand.

Searched for "saline solution maker" on Universal Fabrication.

next second.

The manufacturing configuration of this machine appeared in front of Lin Chao.


[Physical saline preparation device: medical technology item.Physiological saline for infusion can be obtained by aspirating seawater and filtering out all impurities therein. 】

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