Survival at sea: activate the god-level sign-in system at the beginning

Chapter 25: The grace of a drop of water must be repaid by a spring

"I had a fever until I fainted, and I still have a low fever after taking antipyretic medicine?"

That question mark at the end of the discourse.

It made Lin Chao here feel the difficult mood of the doctor.


Lin Chao asked a question.

"Is the situation not good?"

In this regard.

The doctor did not give an accurate answer.

Instead, he replied.

"Let's talk about it after I get there."

"Okay! Then I'll pick you up!"


Lin Chao closed the book.

Looking down at Fengfeng at his feet, he instructed.

"I'm going out for a while, I'll be right back!"

"During this period! Xia Lin will be in your care!"

"Remember to give her plenty of water!"

Fengfeng also knows that human life is at stake.

Therefore, it has always made a living by being cute, but now it nodded solemnly and replied.

"Chiu Mi Chi Mi!"

"I'm leaving!"

that's it.

Lin Chao boarded the [Small Combat Ship] alone.

Then follow the directions on the map and go to island M2951 where the doctor is located.

only see...

This M2951 island has undergone an upgrade!

And there are some small islands in the adjacent area, which are connected by rafts.

These islands add up to about [-] square meters of land!

But the doctor doesn't live alone.

Instead, twenty or thirty cabins were built, large and small.

It's like a small tribal village.

No wonder the doctor will know about other people's situation and come to me for fruit.

At this time.

A voice came to Lin Chao's ear.


"I am here!"

Lin Chao followed the prestige.

I saw the doctor waving his hands left and right on a small island on the left.


Lin Chao then sailed away and picked him up.

"Hello, my benefactor."

"No, I can't stand it."

"Why can't you bear it? If you hadn't defeated the boss Feng Mo, everyone in our village would have died. So you are our great benefactor."

"As you like..."


Lin Chao turned the bow and started the return journey.

And on the way back, he asked the doctor out of curiosity.

"When was your village built?"

"On the third or fourth day."

The doctor answered frankly.

"Our original islands are not far from each other. When we first entered this world, we got to know each other through regional chat."

"Later, I heard that there will be a heavy rain, and there will be an invasion of water elemental spirits and thunder elemental spirits."

"Then one of us suggested that we all swim to the island in the middle, gather the materials together, build a larger boat, escape to an island together, and live together in the future, facing the disaster together. "

"In this way, the village was formed."

"Oh, that's how it is.……"

After Lin Chao answered.

A flash of light suddenly appeared in my mind.

Then he asked excitedly.

"That means! No one lives near the island M3185 where you used to live! Is it?"


replied the doctor.

"Anyway, none of us went back, but I don't know if other people will migrate there."

"However... the nearby island, although it has returned to its size before it was flooded, is empty. Who would want to move to such a ghostly place."

"That's good……"

Lin Chao answered with a mouthful.

While thinking in his heart.

This time!

There's a place to build nuclear power items!

Lin Chao asked the doctor about the situation in their village.

I learned that there are not only village chiefs in their village!
There are laws, taxes, etc.!

It made Lin Chao want to meet the village chief for a while after he cured Xia Lin!
See what kind of god he is.

that's it.

Lin Chao took the doctor back to his small island and went to the second floor of the small villa.

At this time Xia Lin had already woken up.

After she saw Lin Chao.

A very weak smile appeared.

The voice is also weak.

"You're back.……"

"Who is this……"

"He's a doctor, I asked him to come and show you!"

"Doctor, she will leave you alone."

"it is good……"

Only listening to the doctor's answer, he hesitated a little.

at the same time……

After he saw Xia Lin's state.

His face was not as relaxed as when he was talking and laughing on the boat just now.

In its place is...



The doctor stood beside Xia Lin's bed.

asked softly.

"Before you had a fever, or you could say before you came into this world."

"Have you ever had a strange feeling?"

"for example.……"

"Frequently feel tired and dizzy from time to time?"


"Do you often have bleeding gums? When the other one will come a lot..."

"There are also..."

"Open your mouth and let me see."


"Okay, my throat is a little inflamed, and I'm a little anemic. Let's go find some anti-inflammatory herbal medicine. You'll be fine after drinking it for a few days. After that, you should pay more attention to rest and avoid overwork."

"Well, thank you doctor. Shall I just say... I just have a common cold... He must believe it or not."

Doctor's words.

Xia Lin seemed to believe it.

But Lin Chao didn't believe it.

Because the problems he mentioned are ultimately caused by weak constitution, which can be solved by holy water.

But right now.

Xia Lin drank so much holy water.

The body is still not getting better.

Apparently the doctor was lying!

Just when Lin Chao was thinking about it.

The doctor took Lin Chao and went downstairs under the pretext of collecting medicine, left the villa, and walked a distance.

Xia Lin in the room couldn't hear what he was talking about right now.

Doctor Lin Chaoxian spoke one step at a time.

"Her illness is not like what you said, is it?"


The doctor nodded, finished speaking affirmatively, and added a few more words.

"That's not a simple cold and fever."

"She was pale, weak, and not only had septicemia, but also hyperplasia and bluish pimples in her gums."

"Based on my clinical experience..."

"I suspect acute leukemia..."

"Of course!"

"Without routine medical examinations, such as blood routine, imaging examination data and angiography, there is no way to diagnose..."

"Maybe she just has sepsis..."

When it comes to the back.

Doctors themselves have no confidence.

after all……

With his understanding of the world.

It is impossible to do blood routine testing, let alone X-ray imaging examination.

Moreover, leukemia was diagnosed, and there was no way to do chemotherapy to treat it.

His treatment of Xia Lin here is like a death sentence.


Lin Chao is different.

As long as there is a silver lining!
Lin Chao will not let Xia Lin die!
The reason is also very simple.

She used to justify Lin Chao's name in the chat group, regardless of the crowd's crowding out.

For that alone!
The grace of dripping water must be repaid by the spring!
So ever.

Lin Chao asked the doctor.

"What equipment is needed to diagnose her?"

After hearing this, the doctor looked at Lin Chao in surprise, and then gently persuaded him.


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